Friday 11 July 2008

Episode 1: Conner Part 1

Conner is walking down a busy street, surrounded by ordinary people. It is an ordinary school day, and he is wearing a green blazer. Conner bumps into a blond girl who is looking the other way, at someone in the distance. Georgia.
“Sorry,” Conner mutters.
She nods her head distractedly, and continues on.

Conner walks into school, smiling broadly.
Georgia and the Doctor run down a corridor, hand in hand.
Conner is sat at a desk, looking bored.
“DOCTOR!” Georgia screams.
Conner is seated on the bus, talking on his phone.
“Yeah I know! Ha! Oh my God! I can’t believe she did that!”
The Doctor is in the TARDIS.
A hand covers Georgia’s mouth, and pulls her away.
Conner is walking down a road, and enters his front garden.
The Doctor looks sideways at Georgia.
“No? OK” the Doctor mutters.
“No, not your best joke ever…” Georgia replies.
“Oh, oh OK.”
Conner steps up to his front door, and puts his key into the lock.
The Doctor looks scared.
Conner begins to open his front door.
Georgia grins.
Conner steps into his house.

The room is dark. The occasional bleep of a monitor can be heard, and blink of a light can be seen. Two figures, with what seem like eight arms can be seen.

“Commander Velox, is that you?” Professor Araknin asked.
“Sir! Reporting for duty!” Commander Velox replied.
“Good, are you’re troops ready?” Araknin questioned.
“Yes sir! Rations ready to go,” Velox answered.
“And the others?”
“Building the monuments, as you instructed,” Velox replied.
“Good. Let the final stage of the plan commence!” Araknin said grandly.
“Err… Professor? The final stage of the plan?” Velox questioned worriedly.
“The invasion of Earth!”

Araknin steps forward into the light, showing his harsh, old features. He has been worn away at by life. Four arms reach out from both sides of his humanoid body.

“The Octopli must live on, but this rising Earth shall fall! Ha ha ha haa…”

Title Sequence.

The Doctor and Georgia are in the TARDIS. The Doctor is holding up the Physic Paper.
“And which planet’s this?” the Doctor asked.
“Ummm. Tough one. Rexel Planetary Four?” Georgia asked.
“Ooh! So close! It was Rexel Planetary Seven! Now how about this planet?” the Doctor grinned.
“Earth! I really love seeing the stars! Oh, and thanks for the TARDIS key!” Georgia grinned back.
“No prob. After you saved me from that man in the mushroom costume, I was yours…”

Georgia smiles nervously.

“How about a trip to good old Earth?” the Doctor asked.
“Ooh yes! Nothing beats good old Earth!” Georgia smiles naturally again.

They look at each other.

“Except…” the Doctor grins.
“Don’t, I’ll burst out laughing…” Georgia grins at the thought of the planet.

The Doctor says it.
The TARDIS crew burst out laughing, and Georgia falls over, onto the floor, as the TARDIS lands on Earth.

Meanwhile, Conner is in his house. He is wearing a blue striped jumper and jeans. He hears a grating and rasping coming from upstairs. Then it stops, and the house is silent once more.

“Creepy,” Conner muttered.

He slowly edges his way to the foot of the stairs. Doubling back, he grabs a fire tong from the fire grate. He reaches the top of the stairs, and slowly grabs the handle of his bedroom door. He wrenches the wooden door open, but there is no one there. He steps into the room, wielding his fire tong around.

Georgia steps out of the TARDIS. It seems they have landed inside a wardrobe. Clothes are strung up nicely on hangers, including a green blazer. She turns around a gives the Doctor a ‘Nice landing skills, not!’ look. The Doctor mouths ‘Sorry’ back.

“How are we gonna talk our way out of this one?” Georgia whispered.

The Doctor looks sheepish.

Conner hears a muffled noise from within the wardrobe. He steps forward, reaching for the handles. And he jerks the doors open. His eyes widen in shock as he sees…


“Oh my God!” Conner cried in surprise “Who are you? What are you doing in my bedroom? Sorry about the mess by the way…”
“We could be about to kill you, and you just excuse the mess? You Humans are so curious! Ha! I love you!” the Doctor enthuses.
“I’m Georgia and this… This is the Doctor” Georgia turns to look at the Time Lord.
“I’m Conner. Conner Watson. Haven’t I seen you before?” Conner replies.
“Oh my God! Yeah, about two months ago. You were on your way to school, right?” Georgia asks.
“Yeah that’s right! I said sorry but you didn’t say anything.”
“I was looking at something, sorry. Nice to meet you by the way!”
“Yeah, you too.”

Back on the Octopli spaceship, Commander Velox addressed his troops. They each had four arms on either side of their bodies, and carried a bowl of liquid in one hand.

“You all have your water – oil?” Velox asked.
“Sir, yes sir!” the troops replied.
“Drink up! Ha ha… To Araknin! Long may he reign over us! Victory nears my friends…”

In space, a giant, octopus shaped spaceship floats down to Earth.

In London, a great wind fills the air, and a cat is blown over. The Octopli spaceship descends. It lands in Hyde Park. As it smashes into the soil, the eight arms burrow into the ground. Its mouth opens, and the Octopli, led by Velox, step out, and begin terrorising the city.

Velox walks down Conner’s road, smashing windows with his metal hands as he goes.

The Doctor, Georgia and Conner hear the smashing and screaming. Then Commander Velox smashes Conner’s window and he climbs in on his legs.

Conner steps back in terror, as Velox descends, ready to kill the Doctor and his new friends.

To be continued…


Becky 14 July 2008 at 18:57  

I am officially in love with this story.
Update. Soon. Or. I. Will. Keep. Bothering. You!!! Lol, keep up the great work!

Becky 5 October 2008 at 15:56  

Seems I left a comment below, I cant remember reading the story though! :D

Aww the poor cat being blown over. Is it dead?


Will 5 October 2008 at 16:00  

The cat is absolutely fine. He was blown into a huge mound of cat treats, where he set up a business selling treats to naughty cats who never get them off their owners. He can currently be found in a mansion near North Yorkshire.

Becky 5 October 2008 at 16:03  

That's a relief.


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