Monday 28 July 2008

Episode 3: The Cats in the Kingdom Part 1

The Cats in the Kingdom

The orange sun was setting on the planet New Earth. The Duchess of Manhattan was watching it through old and weary eyes. She saw a car fly past the window. It was blue and red, that car had never been caught. The Police had chased it several times but the cars and Policeman were never found. Yet there the car was, apparently the owners of the car had kidnapped many people before. The Duchess had lived a long live from being a nun to being in charge of New Earth.

The Duchess walked past two Guards, into the glittering hall of her futuristic mansion. She had a visitor; it was the Chief of Police. Sir Ralf Crattin was a Red Man who had fought for red peoples rites for years. Now 40 years later he was Chief of Police and the Red People had as much rite as a cat or a human had on the planet. He had come to see the Duchess about something very important.

“I am afraid that there have been several more kidnappings," Sir Ralf said, “But although the red and blue car was not seen anywhere near any of the places that these people were last seen, We are sure they are behind it."
“Of course you must investigate," the Duchess replied kindly, “But may I ask where did all these kidnappings take place?”
“They all took place at the very bottom of the city, lower than the under city," Ralf answered.
“The sewer," The Duchess asked.
“Yes, why? Do you think it’s important?” said Sir Ralf just as a scream was heard from the doorway.

The scream alerted some Guards on the stairs. They all had cat faces AND wore gloves on their hands. The scream was soon followed by another scream and the Duchess, Sir Ralf and the Cat-Guards ran through the doors and saw nothing.

“Where are those two Guards?” A Cat-Guard asked, but Sir Ralf was staring at two things on the floor. All the guards and the Duchess looked down. There were the two guards on the floor but they were no longer living.
“That would explain the skeletons," Ralf said shocked turning to the Duchess.


The Doctor, Georgia and Conner were in the TARDIS they had just left a place known as Nottingham in medieval times.
“Anyway," the doctor said, “Where next Conner?”
“I don’t know go somewhere good. You pick," Conner replied unhelpfully.
“Just pick a number," Georgia said, “We’ll end up somewhere."
“Number 5," Conner said shrugging and the Doctor ran over to the controls, flicked a switch and pulled the leaver to take off. The TARDIS wheezed and the crew held on to the console. The TARDIS lurched and a jolt sent Conner falling to the floor. Georgia who was now TARDIS trained managed to stay upright by grabbing onto the console.

“Here we are," said the Doctor, pointing to the door, “This is the year 5 billion and 55. We are in sector 5.5 of the city of New New York the fifth most famous city in this galaxy. It’s the fifth day, of the fifth month and it’s a Friday, fifth day of the week." The Doctor opened the door and let Conner get out first, followed by Georgia then the doctor who locked the doors.

The TARDIS crew had landed in some sort of street. Georgia watched and gaped as a little Red Alien shouted “Out the way," as he flew a futuristic, open-topped car over her head. The street had two pavements either side of a traffic filled, gap. The street they were in was 28 floors up and Georgia was slightly afraid of heights.

“Doctor you do know that Wednesday could be the fifth day of the week," Georgia said sneeringly trying not to look down.
“Not according to the New Earth calendar," the Doctor replied as he admired some sparkling plimsolls in a shop window.
“We’re in New Earth and wait a moment, New New York?” Georgia questioned eyebrows raised.
“Yes, all the homesick humans came here after the Earth died. It’s the same gravitational pull, same size, same atmosphere and the same weather apparently," the Doctor explained as he looked up and saw dark clouds covering he sky, Georgia who was wearing a hooded top put her hood up, but Conner and the Doctor got very wet as it started to pour with rain.

“Can we go inside?” Conner asked, as flashy flying cars were suddenly surrounded by a bubble that kept out the rain.
“Right. We’re in the north sector which means if I’m right, which I usually am, then we are in a very rich part of New New York and just round the corner is the senate!” The Doctor said as he ran round the corner of the street and there it was the tall sparkling senate of New New York. They ran across a bridge over to the senate. Conner and the doctor got inside first followed by Georgia who had hardly got wet at all.

They were inside some sort of huge hallway. There were 5 people at desks in the corner.
“Hi I’m John Smith. I’d like to know who the Duchess is at the moment," the Doctor asked a Guard. Conner saw the Guard's face and realised he was some sort of cat. He was amazed. Maid Marion and Guy, in the medieval times was one thing, this was another. Conner realised he was in an alien world somewhere other than Earth. He was on a different planet for the first time in his life.

“The Duchess is of course Duchess Hame," the Cat-Guard said, “She served under the Face of Boe and then two years ago became the duchess after the defeat of the macra." The Doctor smiled and then saw running down the stairs, the duchess of Manhattan, Novice Hame. Georgia and Conner turned to see the doctor hug a cat.
“I need your help," Hame asked, “There have been skeletons and kidnappings. Too many. The city needs help." Georgia and Conner ran up to the Doctor.
“Hello I’m Georgia and this is Conner," Georgia introduced politely, “Who are you?”
“This is Novice Hame she’s in charge of New Earth," the Doctor introduced in turn, “Now shall we go somewhere upstairs. These two came to see a view not rain and I want to find more about these skeletons."

The Crew and Novice Hame went in a circular lift, up to the 47th floor. Georgia was staring out the window and Conner was sitting down, taking everything in. The Doctor and Hame were talking. They had been accompanied by a Guard.
“So there have been skeletons found all around the city," the doctor asked.
“Yes mostly near the bottom of the city. No-one knows what happened," Hame explained, "The only time we know how it happened was when two guards got murdered while me and the Chief of Police were having a conversation. We heard a scream, ran outside and found two skeletons. That’s all we’ve got to go by."
“Right, so we know it’s a monster that kills victims quickly and gets the flesh off them quickly," the Doctor said as he thought, “Wait a second where’s that Guard who was with us. I didn’t hear a scream." But although they heard no scream, the Doctor looked down to see a skeleton near the door.

“Doctor, where is that girl, Georgia, your companion," Hame asked, as the Doctor looked around and Conner stood up pointing. He was pointing at Georgia who was struggling with two short, blue, treeish-looking aliens, who were dragging her through a huge open window into a red and blue car.
“You, however, are not slave type. We can’t have people knowing what we really look like, die!" One of the Aliens said pointing a gun at him.

To be continued


Becky 12 October 2008 at 15:42  



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