Monday 28 September 2009

Rest of Series Two Trailer

"My name's Korena Hashimoto, though I expect you already knew that!"
"Phone the Doctor!" Kaylie says.
"Welcome to the Houses of Parliament."
"DOCTOR!" Beth cries. "Zac! Kaylie! Conner!"
"Hello Doctor."
"Georgia! Is that you?"
"Conner, I'll give you 10 seconds."
"This is my victory!"
"Carlisle! Run! Oh God, run!"
"Okay, we're doomed."
"Leave that double crossing bitch to me!"
The year 11's turn around.
A man falls into a swirling pool of water.
Kaylie and Zac run from a horde of armed grey-skinned aliens.
The Doctor carries a dripping, unconscious Georgia down some stone steps.
Conner dives into a pond.
"I'm sorry Dorris, so sorry."
Georgia and Conner run towards each other, bombs going off all around them.
Pippa Blackwell disappears in a flash of blue.
The Shadowy Man steps out from the shadows.
"Hello, Georgia."
Conner runs through a castle.
An alien puts a gun to Kaylie's head.
"I'm not dying in a bank!" Kaylie screams. "I haven't even got a loan!"
"Wake up Conner!"
"My name's Joyce..."
"You have to die, so that Conner can live!"
"You're killing him!"
Kaylie pokes her head around the TARDIS.
Zac runs from a cloaked, flying humanoid, with claws and skeletal wings.
Korena falls backwards into a balcony as the ground explodes.
The Shadowy Man fires a gun.
Conner is surrounded by white light.
An unconscious Georgia sinks to the bottom of a pond.
The Doctor closes his eyes.
"It can't be!"

Coming Soon...

Sunday 27 September 2009

Episode 7: Fragmented Part 5

Steve dropped his scanner in shock, and it made a large clanging noise. Georgia, Pippa and Carlisle heard the noise and began running down the corridor. They leapt down the steps, reaching the corridor where Steve was. He was running, and suddenly a wave of heat passed over him, and he was back in the corridor with the dead body of Mark Nott.

“What was that?” Pippa asked.
“I dunno,” Georgia replied. “But look at this!”

She held up Steve’s scanner and showed it to Carlisle.

“It looks like a belt attachment,” Carlisle said.
“I think it’s a scanner,” Georgia said.
“A what?” Carlisle asked.
“Sort of like a portable x-ray,” Georgia explained. “But it doesn’t just pick out bones. It looks for things, like… People.”
“A scanner,” Pippa said, trying to move the conversation on. “But why is it here?”
“I’m still not sure,” Georgia said. “But what are we going to do about Giles?”
“We’ll have patients coming in soon,” Pippa said. “Becky and Jeremy can deal with them.”
“Uh, Becky’s already up to her neck in it,” Carlisle said. “Maybe Matron Readington…?”
“She’s in a wheelchair,” Pippa said. “We can’t expect her to… Unless we explained…?”
“I don’t think I know Matron Readington, but we can’t expect someone in a wheelchair to do our shift,” Georgia said. “I’ll do it. Call the police or something!”
“We’ll keep the body hidden for a while, we don’t want to alarm the patients,” Carlisle said.

Georgia nodded, and left Carlisle and Pippa standing in the corridor, frowning.

“Urgh,” Conner said, feeling groggy.

He opened one of his eyes, and saw the face of Mrs Macready, staring down at him. She continued to hold the large knife in her hand, and it glistened in the darkening light. Conner looked sideways, and saw Dorris lying opposite in a second metal bed. Her eyes were closed, but he saw her chest moving up and down slowly – she was breathing and alive at least.

“What have you done to us?” Conner attempted to ask.
“You were drugged,” Mrs Macready said simply. “Using Doctor Hutchinson’s anaesthetic.”
“Where is he then?” Conner spat.
“He is not involved in this,” Mrs Macready said. “He has no knowledge of this.”
“So what are you going to do with us?” Dorris asked from across the room.
“Perfect you,” Mrs Macready said. “We will cut you open, and insert three chips inside your brain.”
“I hope you don’t mean potatoes,” Conner said.
“No,” Mrs Macready said sternly. “Computer chips. Some new fangled things…”
“Don’t you dare!” Dorris shouted. “Leave us alone!”
“And then,” Mrs Macready continued. “You will be programmed to complete work in a quiet and efficient manner. Now, prepare them for the operation.”

The Doctor and Triss walked from the room and down a cobweb filled corridor. They passed another skeleton as they reached an old ballroom. The Doctor led Triss down the large marble staircase, and raised an eyebrow.

“It’s for entertainment,” Triss said. “I’ll have to show you our one back at the base. Ours is quite magnificent.”
“Is it?” the Doctor grinned.

He took Triss’ arms, and together they danced around the dusty ballroom. The Doctor pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver, and a distant classical piece faded on broken speakers. Triss smiled, almost imagining her and Larry dancing around the ballroom at the base. Mark would be chatting to the girls in the middle of the floor, dancing and laughing with the prettiest. Steve, always chatting in the corner with his special girl, and Ryan stood nervously by the long table of food, occasionally chatting to some of the girls shyly. Of course, on duty they were tough, but off duty they all had personal lives and it seemed to Triss that her friends and colleagues were dancing around her now, like ghosts of a past memory.

“This brings back memories,” Triss said, laughing and crying slightly.
“Not your average office party,” the Doctor observed.
“It’s for morale mainly,” Triss said. “Crappy nibbles in a dingy room and inappropriate goings on in a small cupboard don’t help in a war.”
“Fair enough,” the Doctor smiled.

He waved the Sonic Screwdriver again, and a big band, all brass and trumpets song came on. The Doctor pulled Triss into a faster dance, and they span around the ballroom, spinning and humming.

“You still have Glenn Miller,” he noticed. “In The Mood was always one of my favourites. It reminds me of Rose… And Jack… So many friends lost. I can see them, here, now, dancing around us. All of them. Rose and Jack, swinging to their song; Martha and Mickey laughing at one of Jackie’s blonde moments; Sarah Jane and her son, eating the food, and smiling. And Donna Noble, dancing with me, like we are now, constantly shining, as bright as ever.”
“You must miss them,” Triss said sadly.
“Things change,” the Doctor said. “People move on. Because they should, or they must. I’m always alone.”
“But what about Georgia and…?”
“Conner,” the Doctor said. “They’re here too. Dancing together. In my head, it’s like they realise – they’re meant for each other. And they can see it, and they’re happy.”
“You miss them, don’t you?” Triss asked. “It’s okay. We move on, because we must, but we don’t forget them. Because that’s the worse thing that can happen; forgetting people we love. We only truly die when those left behind have forgotten us.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” the Doctor smiled. “Like I won’t forget this.”
“I’m glad of it,” Triss smiled. “Because I think you’re older than you say you are. Your body looks young, but your eyes… They’re old. In thousands of years time, I want you to remember me, like this, here, with you, in this ballroom.”
“I will,” the Doctor promised.

Becky pulled Georgia along the corridor. They entered a ward, where a patient lay on a bed, bleeding from his leg. Georgia clapped her hands over her mouth.

“What happened?” Georgia asked as they ran over.
“He was hurt in an explosion,” Becky said. “Jeremy said he wouldn’t even tell him his name.”
“Where’s Jeremy now?” Georgia asked, examining the wound.
“He had to go,” Becky replied. “I’ve called Matron Readington, but we’ll have to manage for now.”
“Where’s all this blood coming from?” Georgia asked.
“You’re the new nurse,” Becky said. “Diagnosis?”
“It looks like… A main artery, in his right leg,” Georgia said. “That would explain the large blood loss.”
“Correct,” Becky said. “And what do we do for the patient?”
“Well we need to sow it up quickly,” Georgia said. “Or he could die.”
“I’ll get the needle and thread,” Becky said, running along the ward.

Georgia bent down to address the patient. He looked to be in great pain, although he was asleep.

“Hello,” Georgia said, pressing against the injury, trying to stop the blood flowing out of the wound. “You probably can’t hear me, but you’re gonna be okay. I’m not an expert at history, but I don’t think you’ve got the NHS yet. I think that comes in 1948… But you are going to be alright.”

Becky ran back with the needle and thread, and thrust it into Georgia’s hands. She nodded at the patient, and smiled.

“Off you go,” she said. “A nurse needs practise.”
“But he’s dying!” Georgia cried. “He might die if I do it!”
“Just try,” Becky said.

Georgia removed pressure from the wound, and stuck the needle into the patient’s leg. Blood spurted out, and Georgia nearly wretched. She began threading and stitching, trying to repair the man’s artery. But it was too big, and the man was losing too much blood.

“I can’t do it!” Georgia cried, shoving the needle at Becky.
“You won’t succeed if you don’t try,” Becky said, handing it back.
“He is not a bloody experiment!” Georgia shouted. “This is a man who needs our help, not someone who volunteered to help me improve my bloody nursing techniques!”
“He’s gone…” Becky said quietly. “Time of death, 8:51.”
“I can’t do this anymore,” Georgia said. “Carlisle gave this impression of the hospital, but it’s not like that at all! You just let a man die for me.”

Georgia turned and walked down the ward, away from the dead man, who Becky was covering with a sheet.

“Georgia!” Becky cried. “Wait! It’s not like that! I couldn’t save him! I’m sorry!”

She began to run after Georgia, leaving the ward silent. Mrs Macready stepped away from Conner’s bed, and Susan replaced her. She began undoing Conner’s straps, holding a needle of anaesthetic in her hand in case he moved. Conner waited until the straps on his legs were undone before he lashed out at the needle in Susan’s hand. It fell to the floor, and Conner leapt from the bed, grabbing Susan.

“Let us go,” Conner ordered. “Or I hurt her.”
“Very well,” Mrs Macready said, frowning.

She stepped away from the tables. Lucy emerged from the shadows and untied Dorris. She slid from her metal bed and pushed Lucy away. She grabbed Conner’s arm, and together they backed away to the door, still holding Susan. Dorris opened the door, and stepped through it. Conner pushed Susan forwards, and ran through the door, shutting it on his way out.

“We’re so dead!” Dorris cried as they ran down the corridor.
“I know!” Conner laughed. “Ha!”
“You think this is funny?” Dorris asked as they rounded a corner.
“Yeah!” Conner laughed again. “This is exactly what the Doctor would say if he was here.”
“But it’s alright, isn’t it?” Dorris asked as they ran up a flight of stairs. “You met me in the future, so I can’t die. And neither can you. Or we won’t meet.”

Conner pulled Dorris into a cupboard as they returned their breathing to almost normal.

“When I met you, you didn’t know me,” Conner said. “Time’s changed now. We could die here, and I’d never meet you. If we do survive, then when we do meet in 2010, it’ll probably be different. But time can be rewritten, where I’ve never met you.”
“So we’d better not die then.” Dorris laughed.
“Probably not, no,” Conner said, sinking to the floor in silence.

The Doctor and Triss left the base as darkness fell. They began to cross the bridge to the sound of wailing sirens. Triss grabbed the Doctor’s had and attempted to pull him into a run.

“It’s a Kritzanthian attack!” she cried as they ran across the bridge.
“We won’t make it back,” the Doctor shouted. “We have to turn back!”

Triss ignored the Doctor, merely screaming and running faster as the bombs began to fall, exploding on the sides of the mountains owned by the humans. One struck Triss’ mountain, and shards of rock fell to the ground.

Georgia ran away from Becky’s following footsteps. She hurried along the corridors until she found Carlisle and Pippa. She hugged Pippa sadly.

“I just let a man die,” she sobbed. “Becky wouldn’t help; she told me it would be good practise…”
“She probably couldn’t save him,” Pippa soothed.
“She’d never do it intentionally,” Carlisle assured her as Becky came running around the corner.
“Georgia!” Becky began.
“It’s okay, we’ve explained,” Pippa said.
“Can you hear that?” Georgia asked.

The group turned at a clunking sound, and saw a man made of gold stomping around the corner. There was an ear-splitting crack and the air around them split open. Georgia looked through the hole and saw a white corridor. She could see the TARDIS at the end of it.

“It’s the TARDIS!” Georgia cried, heading to the hole. “I can get back to the Doctor!”

The Gold man stomped forwards and grabbed Carlisle around the neck, lifting him off the floor and pinning him against the wall. Becky immediately tried to grab the gold man, screaming for help. Carlisle’s pale face turned red – he was choking. Pippa turned to Georgia.

“Go!” she cried.
“I can’t leave you!” Georgia said, hovering by the hole to the TARDIS.
“Go!” Pippa repeated. “You might not get back!”
“I’m not going!” Georgia shouted over Becky’s screams.

Conner heard the door to the cupboard open, so he and Dorris dived on it. The door rattled and Dorris screamed.

“Hold it shut!” she cried.
“Someone’s trying to open it,” Conner said. “I’m finding keeping it shut difficult!”
“Just try!”

Triss screamed and grabbed the Doctor as a bomb landed on the bridge. Part of it collapsed, and turned to rubble. Triss slipped and fell, screaming for the Doctor. He grabbed her hand, as the bridge began to burn around them.

“Help me!” Becky screamed. “He’s dying!”

Pippa ran and grabbed the gold man’s arms, struggling to save Carlisle. Georgia hesitated, unsure what to do.

“Go Georgia!” Pippa screamed again.
“Help him!” Becky pleaded.

The TARDIS made a vworp sound, and the hole began to close, sealing itself. Georgia looked from the hole to Carlisle, whose eyes were slowly closing.

“Oh God!” Georgia cried. “What do I do? Doctor!!!”


"What do I do?"
"I need to get back to the Doctor!"
"We're going to die, aren't we?"
"I'm sorry, but yes."

Tuesday 22 September 2009

A Few Updates

This is just a random post really. So yay! First of all, did you see we have Twitter? Join up and follow our updates! Second, I hope you're enjoying Fragmented! Part 5 will be out soon :)

Next I wanted to talk about series three! We will again start off with a Christmas special, which will not feature Georgia, Conner or Korena as a companion. Instead, the companion will be Elizabeth Bell! Expect some Robot Santas, and that Elizabeth comedy we all know and love! Then series three will continue with 13 episodes, with TBA companion(s)! Expect the mother of all endings in 3.13! It really rounds off the three serieses nicely.

As you may know, in the coming weeks, at Christmas, is when Georgia and the Magnet Warriors is based! We will begin a feature, called 'On This Day', which will tell you what happened (e.g. Georgia met the Doctor/ Conner met the Doctor/ the Slitheen landed) on the day in question. If you have any questions or requests, leave a comment!

That's about it really. Cheerio!

Friday 18 September 2009

Episode 7: Fragmented Part 4

“Oh my God…” Conner gasped. “Wendy’s a robot!”

He turned and ran back down the stairs, shutting the door as he went. He ran through the house, back to the stairs and into the kitchen. Dorris looked up from her sweeping as he grabbed her.

“Come with me,” Conner said. “I’ve found something. We don’t have much time!”
“What’s going on?” Dorris asked, as he pulled her from the room.

Conner ignored her and ran up the stairs, and back to the dusty part of the house. He found the door and pointed at it.

“It’s a door,” Dorris said.
“But behind it,” Conner said.

He pulled open the door and together they ran up the stairs. They entered the room, but it was empty.

“What am I looking at?” Dorris asked, peering into the shadows.
“It’s gone!” Conner cried. “There was a giant computer – Wendy’s a robot.”
“A robot?” Dorris laughed. “Is that the best you can come up with?”
“I’m not lying,” Conner said. “You know I can travel in time, so why not believe this?”
“It’s just… Wendy?” Dorris asked incredulously.
“Yes!” Conner sighed.
“Is this because she didn’t let us have dinner? She’s not so bad,” Dorris replied.
“No! She really is a robot!” Conner said. “Come on, let’s go.”

Georgia stepped into Giles’ office. A fire continued to blaze in the grate, but Giles’ chair was empty.

“Hello?” Georgia called. “I guess that golden thing wasn’t in here after all…”

She began to turn for the door, when she spotted a pair of shoes poking out from Giles’ desk. She began to walk slowly towards them.

“Doctor Brown?” she asked nervously. “Giles?”

She gripped the desk, feeling faint. Giles’ shoes were still on his feet. Blood stained his coat, but the top half of his body was missing. There was no sign of it having been cut off. It was almost like the top half of Giles’ body was invisible.

“Oh my Christ,” Georgia muttered, dropping onto her knees.

She felt his wrist for a pulse. There was none.

“He’s dead.”

Mark Nott switched on his communicator as he walked down the corridor.

“Larry?” Mark asked, talking in to it. “Any reports of Kritzanthian attack? And where’s Triss? She was supposed to be looking after that Doctor.”
“Dunno, sorry,” Larry replied through the communicator. “And no reports of Kritzanthian activity. Steve suspects there may be an attack tonight though. It seems the Doctor has disappeared as well. Give me a shout if you find them.”
“Will do,” Mark said, switching off the intercom.

He turned the corner into the next corridor. Lying on the floor was the top half of a man, his face smashed and covered in blood. The bottom half of his body seemed to be invisible. Mark ran over and crouched beside the man.

“Dead,” he confirmed. “I’d better tell Larry.”

Georgia grabbed Giles’ feet, and began to drag him towards the door. As she did so, the top half of his body began to reveal itself. In the future, Mark leapt backwards as the body of the man began to disappear. Once Georgia had pulled Giles completely into view, she checked it was definitely him, before running from the room, calling for help.

“Let me see,” Mark said.

He switched on a scanner in his belt. It pinged twice. That meant the scanner had detected two life forms.

“One is me, I’d imagine,” Mark muttered. “Where’s the next one, scanner? The next corridor?”

He walked to the end of the corridor. The murderer of the man could be standing in the next one. Mark turned the corner, pulling out his gun. He came face to face with a man of gold.

“Hello,” Mark said. “What are you then?”

The gold did not reply verbally, but physically, by smashing its fist down on Mark’s brain, killing him instantly.

Triss ran over to the skeletons. The Doctor pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver and began to scan one of the bodies.

“The crew, they’re all dead…” Triss said. “What happened here?”
“They’ve been dead for a while,” the Doctor noticed. “About several years.”
“We don’t get contact with the other bases,” Triss said. “It’s very likely. But how did they die? Why didn’t we know this before?”
“If I can hack into the CCTV, or whatever you have nowadays,” the Doctor said, sonicking the computer.

The computer screen rewound to when the crew weren’t skeletons, but living people. He and Triss peered in to look at the scene. The crew were sat around, drinking coffee and occasionally popping out for the toilet. Suddenly the room was filled with dust, and part of the right wall exploded. Several Crocodile-like creatures ran into the room with large guns. There were several red blasts, and the crew fell onto their desks, dead. The Doctor frowned.

“They’re already skeletons,” he muttered.
“That’s the Kritzanthian technology – their guns can turn you into skeletons,” Triss said.
“That’s… Annoying,” the Doctor said.
“What do we do now?” Triss asked. “We’d better tell Larry and the others about this. We need to push extra hard now that we’ve lost a base.”
“Come with me,” the Doctor said, leading her from the room.

Conner and Dorris ran down the corridor to the bedrooms. They stopped outside his room.

“Which room is Peter’s?” he asked.
“This one,” Dorris said, leading him to it.

Conner knocked on the door.

“Peter, open up!” he cried. “We have something to tell you!”

The door opened, and an immaculately dressed Peter stepped out. Dorris looked at Conner strangely. He was backing away slowly.

“He’s like her,” Conner said. “Peter’s like Wendy.”
“A robot?” Dorris asked.
“Yes, look! Dressed perfectly,” Conner said. “And his eyes, they’re… Inhuman.”
“Is something the matter, Conner?” Peter asked.
“N- No,” Conner said, shutting the door in Peter’s face.
“Susan,” Dorris said, running to the next door.

It swung open, revealing a perfect, robotic Susan, with Lucy at her side. The door next to Conner’s opened, and Edward, also robotic, stepped out. Peter’s door opened, and they turned to face Conner and Dorris.

“You will be perfect,” Susan said.
“You will achieve perfection,” Lucy added blankly.
“Perfection,” repeated Edward.
“Perfection,” Peter and Susan said together.

Conner grabbed Dorris’ arm and hauled her backwards. They turned around, and came face to face with Wendy.

“Perfection,” Wendy smiled blankly.
“C’mon!” Conner cried, grabbing Dorris by the arm.

They ran around Wendy and along the corridor. They reached the stairs, with the children still following them. They descended the steps, breathing sharply. They ran into the kitchen, where Mrs Macready stepped out from the shadows, carrying a large kitchen knife.

“This house used to be loud, messy, evil,” she said.

The children walked down the stairs, and surrounded Dorris and Conner. Dorris grabbed Conner’s hand. He squeezed it in reply.

“And I will have Perfection,” Mrs Macready said triumphantly. “At any cost.”

Georgia ran down the corridor, screaming for help. Carlisle poked his golden hair around his office door, and Pippa appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Giles!” Georgia cried. “It’s Giles! He’s been murdered!”
“When?” Carlisle asked seriously, emerging from his office.
“I just discovered the body,” Georgia said, tears falling down her face.
“What happened?” Pippa asked, running to join them. “How was he killed? And what were you doing up there, Georgia?”
“I thought… I thought I saw a flash of Gold,” Georgia began. “So I followed it, and Giles’ office door was open. I went inside, and discovered the body.”
“I don’t think she’s lying,” Carlisle said. “She told me earlier she’d experienced death before, but this time she seems genuinely shocked.”
“Do you think it was the Gold that did it?” Pippa asked, frowning.
“Yes,” Georgia said. “I’m going to sound mad, but… I think it was a man made of Gold!”

Steve Rollins turned off his communicator, and switched it back on again. He sighed.

“I’ve tried everything,” he said into it. “And I still can’t contact Mark.”
“All right,” Larry said. “Come back to control. If the Doctor and Triss aren’t back soon, we’ll do a full scan for them.”
“Okay,” Steve said, heading back.

As he turned the corridor, he saw a smear of blood on the floor. He ran over to it, scanning it with the strap on his belt. He grabbed his communicator.

“I’ve found some blood,” he told Larry.
“Is it Mark’s?” Larry asked.
“No,” Steve said. “According to my scanner, it belongs to one Giles Brown.”
“Maybe he was with the Doctor…?”
“I don’t think so,” Steve replied. “According to the records, Giles Brown died in 1945.”

Steve heard an intake of breath at the other end.

“It’s happened before,” Larry said. “A few weeks ago, I found the body of Gerry Bates. He died in 1945 too.”
“What didn’t we know about this?” Steve asked.
“Because I was freaked out,” Larry said. “And I thought it might’ve been a mistake…”
“Well it’s happened twice now,” Steve said. “Put it on the records. Hang on; my scanner’s picking up something else around the corner.”

He followed the directions the scanner sent to him. Walking round the corner, he saw the smashed skull of Mark Nott. Steve ran forwards, but he never reached Mark. A wave of heat passed over him, and suddenly, he was standing in a darker corridor.

“Scanner? What happened?” Steve asked.
“You moved,” the scanner said. “All the way back to 1945…”

To be continued…

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Episode 7: Fragmented Part 3

The Doctor looked at the Shadowy Man chained up to the wall.

“He was waiting for me,” the Doctor said to Triss grimly.
“What? No Georgia and Conner?” the Shadowy Man asked.
“Oh you’d know,” the Doctor said. “You always seem to know where we’re going.”
“Funny that,” the Shadowy Man mused. “Has Georgia written in her diary lately?”
“What diary?” Triss asked.
“The one Georgia wrote down their adventures in,” the Shadowy Man laughed.
“She buried that with her brother,” the Doctor said. “It’s inside Richard’s coffin.”
Was inside Richard’s coffin,” the Shadowy Man corrected.
“But what happened after she stopped writing in it...?” the Doctor asked.
“First I had Conner’s watch,” the Shadowy Man said, referring to the tracking device Conner had previously had in his watch. “And when that was discovered, I had a second tracking device placed.”
“Where?” the Doctor frowned.
“On the TARDIS,” the Shadowy Man said. “You’ll never find it.”

Suddenly Triss grabbed the Doctor’s arm. He looked down at her strangely.

“I’m getting reports of teleportation activity,” Triss muttered.
“No!” the Doctor cried, as the chains fell to the ground and the Shadowy Man teleported away.
“Come on,” Triss said grimly. “Let’s go back to the control room. I think you should know more about our war.”

Georgia knocked on Jeremy’s door.

“Come in!” Jeremy said.

Georgia opened the door and stepped inside.

“Hello,” Georgia said nervously.
“Hello,” Jeremy grinned.
“Carlisle said you could help me – I need an office,” Georgia said. “And I wanted to ask you more about the boy you found earlier.”
“Of course,” Jeremy said, indicating a chair by the fire. “Sit down.”

Georgia sat down in the chair. Jeremy abandoned his paperwork and joined her in the chair opposite.

“What office would you like? I’ve got one next to Carlisle spare.”
“Umm, yes please,” Georgia blushed.
“If it’s not going to distract you too much?” Jeremy grinned.
“I’ll manage,” Georgia replied, poking out her tongue.
“Great, I’ll get that sorted out for you soon,” Jeremy said. “Now what did you want to know?”
“What do you do – in the hospital?” Georgia asked.
“I heal people. I’m especially good at brains,” Jeremy said. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Can’t think why. Maybe the brain thing freaks them out…”
“Yeah, or maybe it’s the millions of kids you’ve got at your house,” Georgia added. “Speaking of which, you gained another one today.”
“He looked about 16,” Jeremy said. “He didn’t say what he was doing in the hospital – he wasn’t hurt. I guessed his secret – he was evacuated, but ran away. A lot of children don’t like where they end up, so I sent him to my own house. For his own good. He’d see that evacuation wasn’t always a bad thing.”
“Did he give a name?” Georgia asked.
“You know, I honestly can’t remember,” Jeremy said. “You’re welcome to come to my house tonight and speak to him. You could even have a coffee…”
“Oh,” Georgia said.

They were all the same. If you spoke to any man throughout history, they had usually tried it on with Georgia Bell.

“I think I’ll leave it,” Georgia said. “Thanks anyway. I’ve probably never met that boy anyway. After all, Conner was with the Doctor…”
“Riiight,” Jeremy said, not understanding a word of the last sentence she had said.

Georgia stood up, and left the room. Once outside she heard a bell. Pippa poked her head around the door of her office.

“Another patient,” she said. “You get used to this.”
“I’m not sure I ever will,” Georgia sighed.
“Come on, let’s go see the damage,” Pippa laughed, linking her arm inside Georgia’s as they walked down the corridor.

“What am I like, in the future?” Dorris asked.
“Old,” Conner said simply.

Dorris laughed.

“Enough about me,” Conner said. “What about you?”
“There’s not much to tell,” Dorris said. “I was born in London, in 1930. My mother taught me all the etiquette. I’m a proper lady.”
“I don’t know a thing about etiquette,” Conner laughed. “We’re all common where I’m from.”
“Seriously?” Dorris asked.

Conner stood up on the bed, and began jumping up and down on it. Dorris leapt from the bed in shock, but began laughing at Conner’s carefree attitude.

“You’ll get smacked!” Dorris said. “Stop it! It’s not proper!”
“Oh come on Dorris,” Conner laughed, pulling her up to bounce with him. “Have some fun!”

Dorris reluctantly began to jump, screaming with laughter as she discovered a new passion. She seemed to most enjoy the thought of breaking the rules, bouncing higher and higher.

“Oh no!” she suddenly said. “It’s gone 7 o’clock! We won’t get any dinner!”

She leapt off the bed, and ran from the room. Conner leapt after her. They ran a different way to where Conner had previously come, and ran down a staircase, and into the dining room, where everyone sat eating their dinner. He remembered the faces of Peter, Susan, Edward, Lucy and Mrs Macready, but another woman sat at the head of the table, clearly in charge.

“Sorry we’re late,” Dorris said breathlessly. “Conner got lost.”
“Hello,” Conner said, appearing from behind her.
“I’m Wendy French,” the woman told him.
“I didn’t think Doctor Hutchinson had a wife,” Conner said. “And not one so young.”
“I’m not his wife,” Wendy laughed. “I was evacuated at the start of the war because of Jeremy’s nephew. We were to be engaged, but he went off to fight and I was taken here. Now you’re late for your dinner. You know what this means, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Dorris said, bowing her head.
“We’re sorry,” Conner said. “But it was my fault – at least let Dorris have some dinner.”
“No,” Dorris said. “It should be Conner who’s given dinner. He’s new; he needs time to get used to the rules of the house. They haven’t even heard of etiquette where he comes from!”
“You know the rules,” Mrs Macready interrupted. “Being late costs you your dinner. Now go up to your rooms. You may rejoin us when dinner is finished.”
“Dorris, I’d like you to sweep the kitchen floor,” Wendy said.
“Yes Wendy,” Dorris said. “Bye Conner.”

She took the broom by the door and walked into the kitchen. Conner turned and walked back up the stairs. He walked back along the corridor, and turned left. He was soon lost in the many passages of the house. He opened a door and saw more stairs.

“I wonder what’s up here…” he muttered.

Running his hand along a shelf, Conner saw that this area of the house was dusty – and was never used. He shut the door behind him and walked up the stairs. They clearly led to an attic of some kind. He reached another door at the top of the stairs. Swinging it open, he gasped in shock at what he saw.

Triss led the Doctor through the control room, past Larry, who was working at a desk. She took him to a door, a pressed several numbers into a keypad. As she opened the door, sunlight flooded into the Doctor’s eyes, and he blinked and they adjusted.

“This is it,” Triss said. “Our life.”

They were stood on a bridge, which led across to a mountain. The Doctor looked up, and saw another mountain behind them. There were several hundred bridges leading across from mountain to mountain.

“How many mountains are there?” the Doctor asked.
“Nine,” Triss said. “The Kritzanthians have captured four of the mountains, and one remains neutral. We seek to capture this mountain, which will help us defeat the Kritzanthians.”
“Right,” the Doctor said. “And who owns the mountain at the end of this bridge?”
“We do,” Triss said.
“Fancy a look?” the Doctor asked.
“We can’t! Nobody is permitted to leave the mountain they’ve been assigned to,” Triss said. “It could result in a Kritzanthian attack!”
“Oh come on,” the Doctor grinned, grabbing her hand and pulling her across the bridge.

Triss laughed nervously, and ran with the Doctor across the bridge. It was incredibly long, and Triss couldn’t believe they’d reached the other end without anything happening.

“It’s quiet,” Triss muttered as they reached the door opposite.
“Almost too quiet,” the Doctor said, pulling out the Sonic Screwdriver. “Let’s have a look inside.”

He opened the door, and the two were met by a cloud of dust. Cobwebs littered the floor and the highest corners. The Doctor bounded inside, followed by Triss. They walked down the corridor, and headed into the main control room. It was similar to the one back at the other base, except it was dark, and in the place of Larry and the others, were several rotting skeletons.

Georgia followed Pippa down the steps, where she thought she’d spotted a flash of gold.

“You go on without me,” she told Pippa.
“Sure,” Pippa said. “See you in a minute!”

Pippa walked away, and Georgia ran towards where she thought she had seen the gold. It wasn’t there. She spotted it again at the end of the corridor. Running to catch it up, she found it had gone again. She spotted a gold flash by the stairs. It almost looked like a golden man walking up the stairs… She followed the gold, and found herself in a corridor, with the offices of Pippa, Giles and Becky.

“Where are you, gold?” she muttered. “Come out for Georgia!”

But it had vanished. She looked at the door to Giles’ office. It was slightly ajar. She walked to the door, and stepped inside…

Conner stepped into the attic like room, and gaped at the machine. It was like a giant computer – the kind they used in the old days. He looked at the screens. The computer was working at full power. It seemed to be monitoring something. Conner spotted a button marked ‘files’ on the large control desk. One file popped up. It showed Wendy, the woman who had stopped him having dinner. He read through the text. It mentioned her engagement to Jeremy’s nephew, but at the bottom, Conner spotted a small line of text: ‘activating Wendy was successful – she is programmed for all mandatory tasks, and seems to have forgotten her capture. With a few tweaks, it is possible she could forget Christopher Hutchinson altogether… Yes, a brilliant work of manufacturing. You’d never even know she was a robot…

To be continued…

Monday 7 September 2009

Bleak House Timewarped Preview

I know we don't usually do previews for timewarped, but here is one for my Bleak House Timewarped Special. I'm going for a different format with this timewarped special. It's going to be split into episodes, which will be split into parts. Here is the main cast list:

Miss Georgia Summerson
John Jarndyce
Conner Bennet
Caddy Jellyby
Ada Clare
Mr. Bayham Badger
Mrs. Bayham Badger
Mr. Krook
Harold Skimpole
Lady Deadlock
Mr. Guppy
Prince Turveydrop
Mr. Turveydrop
George Rouncewell
Mr. Kenge
Allan Woodcourt
Miss Flite

If you have read or watched the BBC dramatisation of Bleak House then you will recognise many of the characters on the list. Here is the synopsis:

When Georgia Bell wakes in the 18th Century to find that her friends, family and even her surname have been chanaged, she has no idea what's going on, everybody else knows her as Miss Summerson. Soon, Georgia realises she has been transported into Charles Dickens' classic book Bleak House. She soon meets Conner Bennet who does not recognise her and is convinced they have never met. Georgia becomes a companion for Miss Ada Clare as they go to stay with a Mr. John Jarndyce of Bleak House. Meanwhile, a vision haunts Georgia's mind, one of her asking a Miss Barbary who her mother was...

Will Georgia keep to the story or will she run away from it, but ones thing for certain, she's not getting any help from the Doctor.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Episode 7: Fragmented Part 2

Conner fell asleep about half an hour after the train had pulled away; from Jeremy, from London, from Georgia. He felt a pair on hands shake him, and he drifted back into consciousness.

“Hello,” a stern voice said disapprovingly.
“Whasgoingon?” Conner cried. “Yougottatakemebackineedtofindgeorgia!”
“I’ve no idea what you’re babbling on about,” the voice said. “Kindly get out of the train and make your way into the carriage.”

Conner was pulled out from the train and taken over to a carriage. He fell asleep again, as the carriage drove away.

“So, what’re your names?” the Doctor asked conversationally.
“I’m Triss Crask,” said the woman, who was in charge of the group that had captured him. “And this is Larry Roux.”

She nodded to the man next to her.

“And the men who went to capture your friends were Ryan Harris, Mark Nott and Steve Rollins,” she continued. “Ah, here they are.”

The three men entered the room. It was full of equipment, and on the main wall was a large screen, informing the readers of the developments of the war with the Kritzanthians.

“We lost the boy,” Steve Rollins informed Triss.
“I could have sworn he ran into office 43, but we searched it from top to bottom,” Ryan Harris said thoughtfully.
“Not a trace,” Mark Nott added.
“Very well,” Triss said. “He wasn’t a threat anyway. Now Doctor, what do you make of our predicament?”
“Well, I’d say the opposition are pretty much stuffed,” the Doctor said. “Especially if you attack from the left quarters of the Pristine. And then you could send an assault squad to attack the Garret. After that you need an extra push on the Hopper region. Then I’d say you’d pretty much won the war.”
“Excellent, send instructions to the Falla Database,” Triss said. “I want this war won within 64 tracts.”
“Molto bene,” the Doctor smiled.

Georgia looked in the mirror. Her nurse’s uniform was very flattering – a little bit tight and smooth feeling. She unbuttoned the top two buttons, and smoothed out the slight creases.

“Nicely shows ‘em off doesn’t it?” Pippa smiled, admiring her own tight fitting nurse’s uniform.
“Definitely. Is there any nice doctors round here?” Georgia grinned.
“I’ll introduce you to the team,” Pippa said. “We’ve got our little unit of about five. But we lost Gerry not long ago. You can be our new fifth member.”
“What happened to him?” Georgia asked.
“The skies are full of bombs out there. What do you think happened?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Georgia said. “I… I didn’t think…”
“It’s fine,” Pippa said. “Forget it.”

She took Georgia’s hand and pulled her out of the room. She led her down a corridor, up some stairs, along another corridor, through a series of doors and into one last room. It said ‘staffroom’ on the door.

“Come and meet the team,” Pippa said, leading Georgia in.

Georgia glanced around at the team. There were four males, and one female. All wore friendly expressions, but one caught Georgia’s eye in particular. He wore the usual white coat, but he was different. He had wonderful, soft, golden hair that looked as if he was always running his hands through it. His face was flawless – from his liquid golden eyes to his red lips. He stepped forward gracefully, and extended a pale hand.

“Doctor Carlisle Welsby,” he said, shaking Georgia’s hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
“I… Uh…” Georgia said breathlessly.
“Don’t,” Pippa laughed. “He already belongs to Becky. He does that to everyone.”

The only female stepped forward, sweeping her dark brown hair behind an ear as she shook Georgia’s hand.

“Sorry,” Becky Stevens laughed apologetically.
“That’s alright,” Georgia blushed.

Two other men stepped forwards. They had brown and black hair, and looked incredibly plain next to Carlisle.

“Doctor Jeremy Hutchinson,” Jeremy said, shaking her hand.
“Giles Brown,” Giles, the black haired man, said.
“Welcome to the team,” Pippa said. “We haven’t got any patients at the moment. So let’s have a party!”
“I’m afraid I can’t,” Jeremy said. “I discovered a young lad in the hospital today, and I had him taken to my house.”
“Another one?” Giles asked.
“Someone’s got to take responsibility of these children,” Jeremy frowned. “Just because you aren’t responsible at all…”
“Jeremy houses evacuated children,” Pippa explained.
“I think it’s wonderful,” Carlisle said. “I myself have considered having a family of evacuees during the war.”

Georgia found herself immediately agreeing with Carlisle, though she couldn’t quite remembered exactly what he’d said. A ringing bell interrupted Georgia’s thoughts about him.

“We have a patient!” Becky cried.

She gave Carlisle a quick kiss before dashing off. Giles followed her, slapping her bottom as they ran.

“Oi, watch it you!” Carlisle chuckled. “Come with me, Georgia. I’ll show you how we work.”

He took hold of her hand and pulled her off. Conner stepped out of the carriage and followed the woman up to the large house. It was like a mansion, with several wings and, Conner imagined, many rooms and passages.

“My name is Mrs Macready,” the woman said. “And this is Aske House. Dinner is at Seven o’clock precisely. If you are late, you will not receive any dinner. How old are you?”
“16,” Conner said.
“Then bedtime is at Eleven,” Mrs Macready said. “You are one of the oldest in the house, and I expect you to set an example to the younger children. Doctor Hutchinson will return to the house at varying times – his work as a doctor can be unpredictable.”
“Was that Jeremy at the hospital?” Conner asked.
“You will refer to him as Doctor Hutchinson,” Mrs Macready said, shutting the door to the house.

She walked off, past the staircase and to a door on the left. Conner stood in silence in the grand hall, wondering what he would do now. He heard footsteps at the top of the stairs, and saw six people come down to greet him. There were three boys and four girls.

“Ah ha!” the eldest boy grinned. “Another boy!”
“My name’s Conner Bennet,” Conner said nervously.
“I’m Peter Jones,” the eldest boy said. “I’m 17. I wanted to join up but Jeremy wouldn’t let me.”
“I’m 16,” Conner said.
“My name’s Susan Collins, I’m 14,” Susan said.
“And I’m Edward, Susan’s brother,” Edward said.
“He’s only 12,” Susan said.
“Shut up,” Edward snapped.
“I’m Lucy Walters,” the littlest girl announced. “I’m 7 years old.”
“Hello,” Conner said, smiling at her.

Conner looked at the last girl. She seemed strangely familiar.

“Do I know you?” he asked her.
“I don’t think so,” the girl replied. “I’m 15.”
“But what’s your name?” Conner said.
“Dorris Goldberg.”

Triss led the Doctor out of the room. She announced that she would be showing him the Kritzanthian prisoner they had captured yesterday.

“It was easy,” she said. “He seemed to almost want to be captured. He kept on mentioning that he was waiting for someone.”
“Who?” the Doctor asked.
“He hasn’t said,” Triss replied.

They reached a door, and Triss keyed in a sequence of numbers on the pad next to it. She swung open the door, and walked inside. The room was dark, and the Doctor strained to see the prisoner chained up to the wall. When he could make out the man’s features, he gasped.

“It’s you!” he said.
“Who?” Triss asked.
“I don’t know his name,” said the Doctor. “But we call him the Shadowy Man!”
“We?” Triss asked.
“Georgia, Conner and I.”

He looked up at the Shadowy Man, and could make out a grin.

“Hello Doctor,” the Shadowy Man said.

Carlisle led Georgia into a room, where Becky and Giles were tending to a patient. The patient’s face was covered in blood.

“What’s happened to him?” Georgia asked.
“We believe he was attacked with a heavy object,” Becky said.
“Look at this,” Giles muttered, lifting a minute piece of gold from a cut in the man’s face. “It appears he was attacked with a gold heavy object.”
“We’re losing him!” Becky cried. “We’re going to have to restart his heart!”

Carlisle placed an arm around Georgia’s shoulder, and pulled her away. The walked out of the room, to the faint cries of Becky and Giles.

“Time of death, half past five,” Georgia heard Becky say.

Carlisle led Georgia back down the corridor and into a small office.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” Carlisle said gently. “It’s not often we lose a patient.”
“Its fine,” Georgia assured him. “I’ve seen death before.”
“Right, well here’s your doctor’s badge,” Carlisle said, handing her a small card from under the desk. “From now on patients will call you Nurse Georgia Bell! You get used to it in the end. If you could just fill in the details.”

He handed Georgia a pen from his long, white coat’s pocket. Georgia filled in her name and signed the card. Carlisle took the pen back and signed his signature underneath. Georgia looked at her messy writing compared to Carlisle’s smooth, elegant handwriting. She turned her gaze to his face, and saw him looking straight at her. She blushed and looked down.

“A lot of the nurses like Jeremy,” Carlisle said conversationally. “But he’s too noble. Young ladies don’t want the children around.”
“He said he found a boy in the hospital earlier,” Georgia said thoughtfully. “You know I’m surprised – a 1940’s hospital – I thought you’d be a lot stricter, but you’re… So relaxed.”
“How can our patients relax, and know they’re in good hands if we are up tight and arguing?” Carlisle said reasonably.
“No, but I thought you were all sexist,” Georgia said, without really thinking.
“You have a very narrow view of us males,” Carlisle chuckled. “Many men are, but we prefer to view you as equals – after all, a doctor can’t work without a nurse.”
“Where could I find Jeremy?” Georgia asked. “I wanted to talk to him about the boy he’d found today.”
“Why, did the boy arrive with you?” Carlisle asked. “You must’ve arrived at about the same time after all.”
“No, I was just curious,” Georgia smiled.
“Up the stairs on the left is another floor. All our offices are there. I suppose you ought to have one as well. Go and speak with Jeremy, and make sure he sorts you out an office. Especially if he’s busy with paperwork,” Carlisle chuckled again.

Georgia grinned, and left the room.

“This is your room,” Peter told Conner, entering a large room down one of the many corridors.
“It’s very big,” Conner noticed.
“What was that with Dorris downstairs?” Peter asked as Conner sat down on the bed. “Are you sweet on Goldberg?”
“No, no,” Conner said quickly. “I just recognise her from somewhere. You wouldn’t understand – it’s complicated.”
“Oh right,” Peter said. “Well I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” Conner said, wondering if he’d offended Peter.

As the door shut, Conner lay down on his bed. He heard footsteps, and the door swung open slightly, revealing Dorris, who looked in nervously. Conner sat up, and smiled, beckoning for Dorris to come in.

“I just wanted to talk to you,” Dorris said, sitting down on the bed next to Conner.
“What about?” Conner asked.
“You,” Dorris said. “You said you’d seen me before… When? I don’t remember much of my childhood.”
“Can you keep a secret?” Conner asked. “It’s just… What I’m about to tell you is mental… I’m not sure if I should really be telling you at all…”
“Go on,” Dorris pleaded. “Oh do go on!”
“I’m a time traveller,” Conner said.
“No, really,” Dorris laughed.
“I’m not lying!” Conner said. “I said you wouldn’t believe me.”
“No, carry on!”
“Okay,” Conner sighed. “I come from the future.”
“When?” Dorris asked.
“Do you have to interrupt?” Conner asked.

Dorris shook her head silently.

“I live near here,” Conner said. “Well, I think I do. I’m rubbish at Geography. I think I messed that GCSE up… Anyway, I come from 2011. And there’s a Post Office… Nearby. And a woman works in it.”
“Is it Susan?” Dorris gasped. “And she told you about me?”
“No Dorris,” Conner said. “I met you.”

To be continued…

Episode 8 Black and Gold


The Doctor
Georgia Bell
Conner Bennet
Petr Costravalos
Pippa Blackwell
Dorris Goldberg
Triss Crask
Wendy French
Peter Jones
Susan Collins
Edward Collins
Lucy Walters
Mrs Macready
Nurse Becky Stevens
Doctor Carlisle Welsby
Doctor Jeremy Hutchinson
Matron Readington
Larry Roux
Ryan Harris
Steve Rollins

The team continue to fight personal battles in their seperate worlds. As the Doctor faces the consequence of losing the war, Conner must save Dorris from facing the same fate as the others, while Georgia is trapped in a room with the man who holds the answers to so many questions. For example, what's his name? And why is he so focused on hunting down the Doctor?

Here are some spoilers. Remember, two are red herrings!

Dorris is in grave danger, that can only improve her
Georgia finds out some things about some darker events
The Doctor and Triss are captured by Kritzanthians
The Kritzanthians are not who they seem to be
Neither is one of the Doctors/ Nurses
Georgia and Conner reunite at the height of an air raid
The Doctor loses the TARDIS, and Georgia and Conner

Friday 4 September 2009

Episode 7: Fragmented Part 1

Gerry Bates clunked down the steps into the operating theatre. The light was coming from here. He pulled the curtain shut, and ran his finger over the blackouts. Outside the German planes soared overhead, dropping bombs on London. World War Two was an interesting place to live in. Gerry left the operating theatre, switching off the lights.

“All’s quiet tonight,” he said to himself.

The lights flickered down the corridor. Everything happened very fast. There was a ripple of air, halfway down the corridor. The temperature of the air rose, and suddenly Gerry found himself stood in a room. Metal twisted up the walls, growing like roots. Everything looked different, foreign. But it was more than that. It was alien. Gerry gave a gasp of surprise as he saw the piles of gold.

“Gold…” he muttered. “So much gold!”

Then the gold began to melt. It formed a liquid at the centre of the room. Gerry stepped backwards in shock, as the liquid took the shape of a man. The humanoid body looked at him, tilted his head sideways, and then brought a solid gold fist smashing down on Gerry’s brain. He was dead before he hit the floor. The golden man tilted his head again, before melting back into liquid.

Vworp, vworp!

The sound of the universe exploded into life as the TARDIS materialised into existence. Inside the small, wooden, police box was the last member of an ancient race, and his two human companions.

“Where are we?” Georgia asked excitedly.
“I’m not sure. The TARDIS was sort of pulled here. Weird… Probably nothing.”

The Doctor sounded concerned. His eyebrows arched into a frown, his jaw set with concern.

“Oh well if the Doctor doesn’t know something, we’re all doomed,” Conner said.
“Thanks for that Conner,” Georgia said sarcastically. “You’re always the optimist.”
“I know,” Conner laughed.
“Right,” Georgia said. “I’m going outside. You two can wait, I never get to do this on my own.”
“It could be dangerous,” the Doctor warned.
“All the better,” Georgia said.

She turned around and walked out of the TARDIS. She was stood in a corridor, and the air smelt faintly of hospitals. It was early morning, and people would soon be arriving. Georgia walked down the corridor, listening for sounds. She loved the excitement of stepping out into an unknown place for the first time. She heard a noise as she turned a corner. Hurrying to the door, Georgia ducked behind it.

“We’ve got new patients coming in everyday,” a male voice said, clearly a manager or boss. “We can’t cope!”
“Is it true, about Mr Bates?” a cool female voice inquired.

The voice probably belonged to an old nurse.

“It is,” the male voice replied. “He disappeared last night. The police are looking for his body but they doubt anything will come of it. He was a good man.”
“Yes,” the female voice replied, somewhat sourly.
“Anyway I’d best be off,” the male voice said. “The first casualties will start pouring in soon, and we’ve got that new nurse coming in an hour.”

Georgia quickly stepped back and flattened herself against the wall as the door opened. A doctor stepped out and walked down the corridor.

“Come on,” the Doctor said. “Let’s go.”
“She’s bound to have had enough time to look around,” Conner agreed.

They began to make their way to the door, when the TARDIS shook. Conner slipped on the grilled floor and fell onto his knees, and the Doctor slipped backwards onto the console. Steadying himself, the Doctor looked at the console scanner.

“Something’s happening!” he cried. “We’re moving…”
“What could move the TARDIS?” Conner asked.
“I dunno! We’re slipping!” the Doctor said in disbelief.


Georgia looked up in shock as she heard the sound of the TARDIS. It only usually made that sound when it was dematerialising…

“Doctor!” Georgia screamed; running back around the corner.

Why had it only made that sound once? If it was leaving, the TARDIS would have vworped several times…

Georgia entered the corridor the TARDIS had parked in. It was gone!

Title Sequence

“But you can’t!” Georgia spluttered. “You left me behind! I’m still here!!!”

The TARDIS steadied again, and all was silent. Conner pulled himself off the floor.

“It’s all quiet…” he muttered.
“We’ve moved!” the Doctor said, peering at the scanner.
“Where are we?” Conner asked nervously.

Surely whatever was out there was deadly – it had been strong enough to pull the TARDIS after all. Conner stepped behind the Doctor and peered over his shoulder.

“Oh God, it’s a fleet of Daleks or something,” Conner guessed. “Maybe some Gasolemu?”
“Actually…” the Doctor said.
“Slitheen?” Conner asked.
“No,” the Doctor said. “It’s another corridor. And it’s empty.”

The door to the TARDIS opened and the Doctor and Conner stepped out. The Doctor scanned the pictures on the walls as Conner walked down the end of the corridor.

“Doctor!” he cried. “There’re people coming!”

The Doctor turned around in surprise to see four armed men and one armed woman holding Conner.

“Who are you?” they shouted. “Are you one of the Kritzanthians?”
“No, I’m the Doctor,” the Doctor shouted back. “Sorry, the what-ians?”
“It seems unwise to reveal strategy and information to two strangers,” the woman warned as one of the men began to reply.
“Then show me,” the Doctor said. “But let my friend go. He’s unnecessary.”
“Oh thanks Doctor,” Conner said.
“I’m afraid we will be keeping him for a while,” the woman said. “Until we can be sure to trust you.”

Conner saw the Doctor give a slight nod, so he raised his elbow and struck the nearest man in the crotch. He doubled up in a pain, and his grip weakened on Conner. With a quick ‘sorry mate’ Conner broke free of the men and legged it around the corner and off down the corridor.

“Harris, Nott, Rollins, get after him,” the woman ordered.
“Yes ma’am,” the men replied, running after Conner.
“Roux, with me,” the woman said. “Doctor, you will come with us.”

“Are you alright darling?” a voice asked. “Let me help you up.”

Georgia felt a soft, warm pair of hands pull her up off the floor. She was led numbly out of the room, down a corridor and into another room. She was pulled onto a chair, where she sat, blinking the tears out of her eyes.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” the same voice asked again.

Georgia looked upwards to see perhaps the prettiest woman she had ever seen. She was around 24, had slightly curled blonde hair, faintly coloured cheeks and perfect red lips, which formed a concerned expression.

“The Doctor…” Georgia said. “He’s gone. He left me…”
“He’s probably gone to get your uniform,” the woman replied soothingly. “You are the new nurse aren’t you?”

Georgia was confused. Which doctor was the beautiful woman on about? Her Doctor didn’t want her to be a nurse. Or maybe he did – maybe he needed her to do this, but hadn’t told her because he knew she’d complain…

“Yeah,” Georgia said. “I’m Georgia. Georgia Bell.”
“Great,” the woman smiled. “My name’s Pippa Blackwell.”
“So where’s my uniform?” Georgia asked, standing up off the chair.

She looked around more closely at the hospital she was in. She noted the blackout curtains and the posters informing patients Hitler would send no warning.

“Second World War…” Georgia muttered. “Thanks a lot Doctor.”
“Sorry?” Pippa asked, bemused.
“Nothing,” Georgia said hastily.
“Let’s go get your uniform,” Pippa said excitedly. “You’ll look gorgeous!”

Pippa took Georgia’s hand, and pulled her excitedly from the room. Conner burst round another corner. Harris, Nott and Rollins continued to pursue him. The Doctor was nowhere to be found; presumably he’d been captured. Conner rounded another corner, and spotted an office. He flung open the door, and ran through it, slamming the door behind him. And suddenly he was somewhere else. And he’d fallen over.

“What the…?” Conner muttered, pulling himself to his feet.

He looked around. It seemed he was in a hospital. It looked like the same one the Doctor had shown him on the TARDIS console scanner. The one Georgia had gotten lost in. Suddenly the door to the small room was opened. A young doctor walked appeared in the doorway.

“Hello,” he said.
“Hi…” Conner said.
“What’re you doing here?” the man asked.
“Who are you? Do you know me?” Conner asked, confused.
“My name’s doctor Jeremy Hutchinson. I understand you must be worried,” he replied.
“About what?” Conner laughed.
“The war of course,” Jeremy replied. “But it’s okay. I’ll drop you off at the station on my way to our medical supplies... giver.”
“You’d sound a bit silly saying medical supplies supplier,” Conner grinned. “But what do you mean, drop me off?”
“Come with me,” Jeremy said. “I don’t understand what a young gentleman like you is doing here.”
“What do you mean?” Conner asked, stepping backwards.
“I know your secret,” Jeremy said. “You shouldn’t belong here.”

Conner stepped backwards again. How could he know that Conner belonged in 2011, and not 1945? Was he an alien? Or did he know Conner from another time, another place?

“I…” Conner stuttered.
“Come with me,” Jeremy said.

Conner felt Jeremy’s hands clasp around his shoulders. He was led down a street, wondering if Jeremy was about to reveal himself as an alien. He soon realised that wasn’t the case, when Jeremy stopped a street down, at a train station.

“Here we are,” Jeremy said.
“What are you gonna do with me?” Conner asked. “Where am I going?”
“To the countryside,” Jeremy said, as if this should be obvious. “You’re only a child; London is no place for a child in these times.”

He led Conner to a carriage, and nudged him inside it. He shut the door, and the lock clicked.

“Where am I going?!” Conner cried, banging the glass.
“You’re being evacuated,” Jeremy said, slowly and clearly, as if Conner was simple.
“Let me out!” Conner shouted. “Doctor! DOCTOR!”

But Conner was helpless, as the train drew away from the station, and headed to Conner’s new life, alone.

To be continued…

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