Monday 29 September 2008

Episode 9: Game Over Part 1

Kaylie is pressing her fingertips against the TV screen. Dorris explains about the super-fast delivery of Virtual Reality. Zac is pulled into the Television. Dorris encounters a black snake. Zac, Kaylie and Georgia walk up to the bridge. Lisa runs through the bamboo forest. Sarah Jane asks Mr Smith where Luke is. Conner enters the Virtual world, and gets lost. Giant lizards appear in Sarah Jane’s attic. Dorris is jumped on by a Cheshire Cat. Lisa lands in the lap of the black creature. The Doctor steps out into a Sandstorm. Alan and Chrissie are cornered by a giant lizard. Georgia falls off of the bridge, and drowns. A necklace with a G is left floating in the murky water.

Title Sequence.

Georgia opens her eyes. She is lying on the floor of the desert. She notices a piece of paper in her hand, which reads:

‘We are sorry, but you have died whilst on your quest. Please note you have one life remaining. Before GAME OVER.’

The paper dissolves into nothingness, and Georgia sits up off the sand. Conner climbs over a hill, where he notices someone familiar is sat.

“Georgia!” Conner cried “I knew I wasn’t lost!”

Lisa leapt out of the lap of the creature, and tugged at the fallen down bamboo branch. She broke a bit off, and swung it at the creature. It staggered, and Lisa ran off. It didn’t chase her, branding her ‘a lunch that fought back’.

Conner runs over to Georgia. She spots him and stands up. He reaches her, and flops down onto the sand.

“You look shaken up,” Conner noticed “I was too when I got sucked into the Game. Hang on, you were here before me! How did you get here?”
“I died,” Georgia said simply “in the forest. It must be the third level, we were walking for ages.”
“Is Zac okay?” Conner asked. “And I suppose I’d better ask about Kaylie, too.”
“They must be okay,” Georgia said smiling “they’re not here, are they? Unless my butt is covering the technology.”
“Pretty big interference,” Conner grinned.
“Oi. You still have two lives, I could kill you once,” Georgia said grinning too.
“Well, we think I have two lives. I might have one, or three. I mean can we really be sure?” Conner asked.
“I’d better not kill you then,” Georgia said, grinning further “mind you…”
“Shut up,” Conner said, smiling.
“Come on then,” Georgia said, heaving Conner up off the floor “let’s see if we can find Zac and Kaylie. Or the Doctor.”
“I could ring Zac’s mobile,” Conner suggested.
“Nah, he already thinks I’m dead, let’s not make him worry about you too,” Georgia said.
“Mind you…” Conner said.

They both look at each other, and fall about laughing. Once they recover, they begin their long journey across the desert.

Dorris grabs the Cheshire Cat and swings it around. It flops to the floor, unconscious. She didn’t win a robber-beating prize for nothing. With a guilty smile, Dorris remembered how she had dropped the bag of potatoes on the floor, before wrestling the burglar single handed. The sack of potatoes had played no part in Dorris’ heroism, but Dorris was brought up like a lady (albeit one with wrestling skills), and her mother would turn in her grave if she knew Dorris had beaten an athletic man up. With a look of satisfaction, Dorris continues her journey.

The Doctor closes the TARDIS door. He has just stepped out of a Sandstorm. He uses the Sonic Screwdriver to read his position in the Game.

“Level four, Virtual gaming, I’ve still got it!”

And with another bleep of the Sonic Screwdriver, the Sandstorm stops. Zac and Kaylie stand up from the bank of the pond. Zac is shaking very hard, but Kaylie looks calm, though more scared.

“I told you this world was dangerous,” Kaylie said quietly.
“Georgia’s dead. She’s actually gone, forever,” Zac said hollowly.
“Come on Zachary!” Kaylie cried “let’s get you to the next level, it’s just over there.”

Together, they walk into Level 4. Into the Doctor.

To be continued…


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