Tuesday 16 September 2008

Episode 7: Be Civil Part 3

Georgia was talking to Sergeant Jones quietly.

“So is there going to be a battle or something?” Georgia asked.
“You’re very vague but yes King Charles’s army is nearby”, Sergeant Jones replied, “I’m ready for battle and I will fight as good as I can”.
“Are you sure you’re ready for battle?” Georgia asked him.
“I think so”, Sergeant Jones answered.
“Could you do it?” Georgia asked, “Could you really kill someone?”
“I’m a Sergeant I should show an example”, Sergeant Jones replied.
“You’re very brave”, Georgia said fluttering her eyelashes.
“Thanks, have you got something in your eye?”
“No, actually m-maybe can you look please”, Georgia asked.
“Of course”, Sergeant Jones leaned forward and looked at Georgia’s eye. Georgia and he were now very close together.
“Um, is there something on my lips?” Georgia asked and Sergeant Jones leaned forward. They kissed, for a long time until suddenly, a scream pierced the night air.
“Are you married?” Georgia asked hastily before standing up.
“No, do you think we should go investigate?” Sergeant Jones asked quickly.
“Oh yes, you are a Sergeant after all”, Georgia said clinging to Jones’ arm as they ran down the row of tents.

“I think it came from Private Jeroke’s”, Sergeant Jones said.
“Lets look inside”, Georgia said entering the tent. There were two bodies on the floor, Private Williams and Captain Placard. They were knocked out.

Meanwhile, King Charles was sitting on his horse about a mile away with his aide.
“Quite a few people seem to be awake sir”, Charles’ aide said.
“They are too nervous to sleep”, King Charles said, “We shall not be attacking tonight, but tomorrow they will be very sleepy”.
“Yes sir I shall alert the other commanders”, Charles aide said.
“No, we don’t want them to be sleepy tomorrow morning do we”, King Charles said.
“Of course not sir”, Charles’ aide replied.
“Tomorrow we will march on Tomson hill”, King Charles announced.
“Shouldn’t we get back to the camp”, Charles’ aide suggested.
“Yes me and my spaniel need to sleep.”
“Sir I think we put him to bed before we left.”
“He will pine without me, come on”, Charles said, galloping away on his horse followed by his aide.

Cromwell and the Doctor meanwhile were searching for Zac.
“I always tell them, rule 1 don’t wander off”, the Doctor muttered, “Wait maybe I didn’t tell him”.
Cromwell then saw someone lying on the floor about 30 metres away.
“Look over there!” Cromwell shouted, “I think there’s a man lying in the grass”.
“He’s not a man… yet, only a boy”, the Doctor said as they got closer to the body, “It’s Conner”.
“Don’t touch him he’s got the plague”, Cromwell said.
“I’ll have to touch him to carry him into the tent”, the Doctor explained, “You grab his feet”.
“If I get the plague then”, Cromwell began but then stopped, he had seen something in the distance.
“What is it?” the Doctor asked.
“I thought I just saw two people carrying something”, Cromwell replied.
“Are you sure?” the doctor asked.
“They were wearing big hats”, Cromwell said, “It’s true”.
“Doctor”, Conner suddenly said, “It was them, the men under the masks, there’s a hole in the hill, the hill is a sp…” Conner then fainted before he could continue.
“What? Conner what do you mean?” the Doctor asked Conner.
“I think he’s fainted”, Cromwell said.

“We should find Georgia”, the Doctor suggested.
“Oh, your wife”, Cromwell replied, “You really should keep her under control”.
“She’s not my wife”, the doctor said, “And I think you should be less sexist”.
“Sexist?” Cromwell asked thinking.

Georgia and Jones were shaking Captain Placard and Private Williams, so that they would wake up.
“What?” Private Williams said waking up.
“You were knocked out”, Georgia said to Williams.
“I saw a man enter the tent”, Williams said.
“Was it the royalist”, Sergeant Jones asked.
“Yes, you believe in him now?” Private Williams asked.
“Yes, I saw him”, Jones replied, “But I think there are two”. Just then Miss Williams ran into the tent too.

“Brother, are you OK?” Miss Williams asked Private Williams.
“Yes I am now”, Williams replied.
“You’re his sister?” Georgia asked.
“Yes miss”, Miss Williams replied, “Oh no, is Captain Placard OK”.
“I thought I told you not to go near him”, Private Williams said.
“I decide who I like”, Miss Williams replied. Just then Captain Placard awoke with a sigh. Miss Williams immediately crouched down beside him.
“Miss Williams”, Captain Placard muttered, he then looked around and blurted out, “Where’s Private Jeroke?”.
“He wasn’t here when we entered”, Sergeant Jones explained, “He must have recovered or…”
“He was kidnapped”, Georgia said, “By those men”. Suddenly the Earth shook and Georgia, Jones and Williams fell to the floor. There was a blinding blue light, Georgia screamed. The whole world seemed to be turning. Then the whole tent stopped moving with a lurch. The light faded and Georgia looked at the ground.

“Look at the ground”, Miss Williams said.
“It looks metal”, Jones muttered.
“We’ve moved”, Georgia said, “From the field to inside some sort of well…”
“We should look outside”, Sergeant Jones suggested.
“Or pick up our guns, then go outside”, Private Williams said, “It could be some royalist trick”.
“No one is taking their guns out with them”, Georgia said.

“I’m the Captain here, I have the highest authority”, Captain Placard ordered, “So I think we will be going outside with our guns”.
So Captain Placard left the tent followed by Private Williams, Sergeant Jones and then Miss Williams and Georgia. Georgia looked around, they were in a huge metal, dome-shaped room. The tent was sitting right in the middle of the room. It was surrounded by hundreds of green men with dark clothes and guns. Facing Georgia was Zac who was struggling with two aliens. An alien stepped forward and stared at the humans.
“One of you is needed”, the alien said pointing at Georgia, “The rest of you can die!”



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