Saturday 23 August 2008

Spirits of the Past

The Doctor
Shadowy Man/ Voice
Disco Dancers
Older Doctor
Rose Tyler

The Doctor and his Companions arrive on the Planet Vesualas, where they see the result of a terrible force's 'work' on the Planet. There are darker forces at work however, as where are the Ghosts coming from? What are they doing? And what happens when you walk through a portal? What is happening across time and space? What is occuring in a medieval castle? One things for sure, the whole of time and space is in danger...

Here are some statements from episode 6. Remember, two are red herrings.

Rose Tyler saves the day.
Ghosts pass through the Doctor and Georgia.
Conner meets the Doctor's friend.
Conner proves to be a surprisingly good dancer.
The Castle needs a portal fixer.
A Shadowy Man is Conner's saviour.
A previous companion of the Doctor was left on Caprilla, wanting some more.
X Factor finds itself with a lack of presenters.
Someone finds a way to shut Conner up.
An escaped Slitheen decides to remain on Vesualas.
The TARDIS crew enjoy a French Lesson.

Start guessing! Your thoughts are welcome in the comments page below.


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