Sunday 31 August 2008

Mini Review 3

Episode Title: The Unquiet Dead

Written by: Mark Gatiss

First Aired: 9th April 2005

Best Character: Charles Dickens

Best Scene: The climax when Gwyneth brings the Gelth through the rift, and the Doctor and Rose are trapped behind a gate. Charles Dickens saves the day.

Best Quote: 'The big Bad Wolf!' - Gwyneth

Review: Another great episode. The first historical episode of the new series introduced us to Charles Dickens, and Eve Myles who played Gwyneth. The Gelth were great creatures, and Torchwood is based on the idea of the rift and Boom Town.

Rating: 7/10


Seb 1 September 2008 at 09:23  

7 out of 10 , unquiet dead was much better than end of the world, it should have been 8 or 9 out of 10 and end of the world should have been 6!

Will 1 September 2008 at 10:06  

In your opinion. I much prefered The End of the World, and The Unquiet Dead is no where near a 9! How ridiculus is that! The End of the World was nowhere near a 6 either. And why are you always critasising every thing I do? There's something wrong with the costume page, the review isn't to your liking... etc.

Seb 4 September 2008 at 18:34  

ooo stressy can't you take some criticism

Will 4 September 2008 at 18:38  

It's not that, but you critisise every thing I do, all of the time. About everything. Kaylie's hair, the costume page, the Limited Edition Trailer, mini review 3, the slitheen references, need i say more?

Seb 4 September 2008 at 18:41  

I wasn't criticising the costume page i said it was good or the limited edition trailer hang on you were criticising kaylies hair saying it was too light and you criticised the blazer colour! It wasn't really criticism it was just my opinion.

Will 5 September 2008 at 16:22  

You complained on the costume page that I did the characters for all of your episodes, and that the Limited Edition trailer should be taken down, to keep it Limited, and we argued over Kaylie's hair, and the blazer colour! And you said it was critisism earlier, with your comment: 'ooo stressy can't you take some criticism' And can we stop arguing now, cause I wasn't stressed, and could you not find fault with everything i do in the future please?

Seb 5 September 2008 at 16:43  

fine i'll stop arguing but i would continue since i still have something to say but now i won't say it cause you'll reply and cause a longer arguement

Will 5 September 2008 at 16:45  

Good, and yet you still try and blame me at the end. 'now i won't say it cause you'll reply and cause a longer arguement' Why is it my fault? Tell me on Cbox, I want to stop this arguement too

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