Monday 4 August 2008

Episode 3: The Cats in the Kingdom Part 5

“Not them, go after me”, Hame shouted and jumped down the hole. The harasser turned and then looked back at the kittens. It jumped after Hame and Conner sighed. There was some more banging heard from the chute and Conner hid behind a large bin.

“Over here”, Conner whispered and the kittens ran and hid with Conner, “Now shhh!” Just then several more harassers shot out of the chute. They looked around and sniffed the ground. One then pointed at the hole that lead to the sewer and he jumped through it. The others then followed his example and jumped down it as well. Conner stood up and so did the kittens, although they were very short.

“Con Con where’s mummy”, Boe asked. The other kittens looked at him with sad eyes.
“Um, she’s gone... away for a... little while”, Conner told them, not reassuringly, “Don’t you worry, she’ll be back. Meanwhile, I think we should wait here”. The kittens waited and waited some more, but then some of them got bored and started fooling around. Some of them were getting very close to the hole.

Meanwhile, the doctor and Brannigan were wandering through the statues. The statues all seemed to be scared or screaming. There were statues of men and women, cats, dwarfs, red people, dwars. They were walking past a few dwars when the doctor stopped.

“Wait that looks like, um”, the doctor began, “Cgarnort! That dwar who kidnapped Georgia”.
“They’re just statues doctor”, Brannigan said looking at the doctor oddly.
“Maybe not”, the doctor replied as he saw another familiar statue. It was Georgia and next to her was Jiberatt. Georgia’s face was froze in terror, “Oh I’m sorry Georgia. I’m so sorry”.

Just then there was a bang and the doctor and Brannigan ducked down behind the statues. Through the opening in the cavern ran the duchess. She was followed by several harassers who were moving there tentacles in the direction of Hame. The doctor then stood up and shouted, “Over here!” Hame turned and the harassers turned too. The harassers ran straight past Hame and ran in the direction of the doctor and Brannigan.

“Great, now they’re coming for us”, Brannigan said.

“These harassers don’t have very good eyesight”, the doctor began to explain, “And it’s dark down here. I’ll run over to that wall there, set of my sonic screwdriver, they’ll hear it, get over there, find the sonic and we’ll be hiding again. Hopefully they’ll think we’ve gone through that door”. The doctor finished and pointed at the wall, which was near another large opening in the cavern.
“Well you’d better get on with it then”, Brannigan said as he crouched down behind the statue of Georgia.

“Right, yes, alons-y”, the doctor said, as he ran over to the wall near the door. He set off his sonic screwdriver dropped it and crawled off to hide.
The harassers meanwhile had chased Hame around the cavern. When they heard the noise, they crept towards the door. One saw the sonic screwdriver which was still making a loud noise. The monster pointed to it with one of its tentacles. The other harassers pointed their tentacles at it and sucked. Immediately, the harassers fell over, with the same blue light as the sonic screwdriver, fizzing around them.

“Doctor, what’s going on?” Hame asked the doctor as he crept out of his hiding place.
“Yes doctor why are all these statues here?”Brannigan asked.

“There’s a statue of Georgia”, Hame said pointing at the statue, “Did all these people catch petrifold regression?”
“I doubt it”, the doctor said as he stared into the face of Georgia’s statue, “Or all these people wouldn’t be screaming or looking very scared”.
“Plus, we saw Georgia and Jiberatt get reduced to a skeleton”, Brannigan told Hame, “Nice to meet you by the way, I’m Brannigan”.
“I’m the duchess of Manhattan”, Hame replied.
“Really, of all the cats in the kingdom”, Brannigan said.

“Anyway, I think I have the answer”, the doctor began, “The harassers apparently, have eaten all these people in seconds. How did they do that so quickly? They can’t, all the harassers do is take the edible bits and the mind of their victims and spit it out to eat later”.
“So Georgia isn’t dead”, Hame asked.

“No, she might not be. Her mind is trapped in this statue”, the doctor explained, “All we need to do is set her mind free and all the other bits will follow. She’ll reappear at the J and C headquarters with Jiberatt and Cgarnort”.

Back in the under city Boe had fallen down the hole.
“Are you okay?” Conner shouted to Boe from the top of the hole.
“Fine!” Boe shouted back.

“I’ll climb down and carry you up okay”, Conner shouted as he started to climb down. When he reached the bottom he picked up the small kitten. Then there was a bump and Conner saw Kincade land on the floor of the sewer.

“Now, I’ll have to carry you up too”, Conner said to Kincade as all the other kittens fell down the hole too.
“Expwore!” Patsy the kitten said as she wandered down the sewer.
“Ah well, lets explore”, Conner said, giving in, “But you promise to follow my every order”.
“We pwomise!” The kittens said as they followed Conner down the sewer. The sewer sloped a little.

“I wonder why it doesn’t smell down here”, Conner said, to no-one in particular, “I mean the workers aren’t exactly up and about, are they”. The group past the skeletons, who Conner was referring too, when he said ‘workers’.

The group soon appeared at an opening. Conner saw three figures standing amongst a mass of statues. He was about to run out, when he saw the harassers perched on the ceiling. Conner told the kittens to stay and be quiet.

“But when will the harassers eat the remains”, Conner heard an Irish accent, so it must’ve been Brannigan.
“I don’t know but I’m guessing very soon”, the doctor said as he looked up and saw the harassers perched on the ceiling. The other two looked up and saw them too. The harassers jumped down and surrounded the doctor. Conner was amazed to see that the three had not been sucked up yet.

“You will come with us”, a harasser said to Conner’s surprise. The three figures walked through another opening and out of sight escorted by several harassers. “Come on kids”, Conner said and the kittens followed him. Soon Conner reached the opening, he peered past the opening and into another cavern.

The second cavern was a little smaller with several what looked like teleports at the back. In the centre of the room was a circular control panel and next to it had to be the harasser’s leader.

The leader was bright green with scarlet eyes and a serpent like body. The body seemed to be attached to the control panel. The creature itself was about 8 metres tall at least 5 times the size of any other harasser. There was a wire coming out of the harassers mouth which lead to a loud speaker on the side of the cavern.

“So doctor”, the leader roared, “You are in our records as an enemy of the harassers”.
“How can that be? I’ve never met you before”, the doctor began, “And how come you’re asking the questions? I’m the guest I should be asking, otherwise it’s rude”.
“You will be silent”, the leader ordered.

“I always talk to much, me”, the doctor said not obeying the order, “The question is, how did you get here when the planet is still in automatic quarantine?”

“We came here before the quarantine, on a meteorite”, the leader explained, “At first we thrived, but then the people died and we can only eat living food. At first we did o.k. but then everyone went to the motorway. Then the motorways opened and the city lived again”.

“Then you waited until today to finally conquer the city”, the doctor said, “Good plan because they can hardly stop you. You can easily conquer this planet, but then there’s me and my companions”.
“All your companions are dead”, the harasser leader informed the doctor who acted surprised.
“Really?” the doctor said, “I thought one was babysitting”. Conner who was still listening realised that the doctor could see him out of the corner of his eye. Conner’s eyes widened.

“Children are very useful”, the doctor continued, “Because they’re small, they can move without being seen”.
“Stop babbling on”, the harasser’s leader said annoyed, “What is the point in all this talk?”
“So I’m guessing, that’s your life support system”, the doctor said.

“That’s correct. I am the only original harasser left who came to this planet. I need that system to keep me alive. As I am the oldest, I am the leader”.

“And that over there is the button which controls the compression field that keeps the people in the larder”, the doctor continued to point out the button, “So I could press it...” The harassers grabbed the doctor with their tentacles.
“I don’t think so”, the harasser leader leered, “You tried to destroy our feast. We are hungry it is almost time!”
“Time for what”, the doctor asked.
“Time for us to devour our victims!” the leader said as a blue light filled the room. In the teleporter pods appeared statues, the statues were then vaporized and sucked upwards.

“Doctor that Cgarnort was killed only a few minutes before Georgia”, Brannigan said.
“And?” the doctor asked.
“He’s in that pod”, Brannigan replied as he pointed at the pod where a statue of Cgarnort was about to be vaporized. As the statue vanished the blue light vanished. The harassers looked round.

“Hi dad”, said Boe who was sitting on the button which controlled the compression field. There was a fizz and all the statues vanished leaving piles of rubble. The harasser leader snarled and pointed its tentacle at Boe.

“You little terror, you will die”, the leader began to suck but then he fell to the ground dead. Patsy was playing with the button that controlled the harasser’s leader’s support system. The harassers all turned their tentacles at the kittens but then there was a bang and the teleporter pods blew up. All of Brannigan’s kittens were rolling along the buttons and switches. The harassers were dying and their inventions were blowing up. The doctor hugged Hame.

“Well done kids”, Brannigan said as he hugged his kids.

“Quick everyone this way”, Conner shouted and the group ran out of the second cavern, through the first cavern, past a couple of sewage workers, who were scratching their heads, and up the ladder where Valerie stood smiling.

As Brannigan hugged his wife and his kittens, the doctor talked to Conner.
“Well done Conner”, the doctor said, “I suppose it was you who told the kittens to press all those buttons”.
“It might have been”, Conner said, “But I’d rather Boe and the other kittens get the blame for blowing up the sewer”, Conner continued as they heard an explosion below.

Meanwhile at the J and C headquarters Jiberatt and Georgia were sharing a relief hug.
“Well we’re alive”, Georgia said smiling.
“Not all of us”, Jiberatt said, “I hate to say it but it was Cgarnort who came up with the slavery scheme”.
“Now you can restart your company”, Georgia encouraged, “Perhaps, change the name, stop the kidnappings and send all the slaves back home”.

“Thank you Georgia”, Jiberatt said, “For the help and the advice and for forgiving me for kidnapping you”.
“Could you perhaps give me a lift”, Georgia asked.
“Of course, anything to repay you”, Jiberatt agreed as they walked into the central control room and up to the red and blue car.

The doctor, Conner and Brannigan were standing by the police station in the over city.
“Well then Brannigan, if we meet again it will be a third time lucky”, the doctor told Brannigan.
“Your kids are fantastic”, Conner said as the kittens ran up to him.
“Con Con, we’ve drawn you a picture”, they said and gave Conner a picture of a harasser and a skeleton.
“That’s errr lovely”, Conner replied.

“We’ll be going now Brannigan”, the doctor said, “Remember have a great life. Don’t get stuck in any more traffic jams and if any more skeletons appear in town, then move to new new England”.
“Don’t you worry doctor”, Brannigan said, “Goodbye doctor”. As Brannigan walked away Sir Ralf Crattin arrived in a police car.

“You aren’t the king of New New England are you?”, Ralf said to the doctor as he got out of the police car.

Back at the senate the doctor was saying goodbye to Duchess Hame.
“There’s just one thing doctor”, Hame asked, “Who saved me and Conner when we were in Boe’s tomb? Who made that chute appear?”
“Perhaps it was the Face of Boe’s spirit”, the doctor said.
“I don’t think that’s very likely is it”, Hame said as she waved goodbye.

“Well he is a mystery, come on Conner”, the doctor said as he walked away from the senate. Waiting at the TARDIS was Georgia.

“Thanks for saving me Conner”, Georgia said.
“How do you know?”Conner asked.
“It’s all round the city”, Georgia explained, “Con Con and the kittens!” The crew got in the TARDIS and it vanished.

The End

Next Time:

“Oh it’s only you”, Zac is saying.
“The heads gone mad”, Kaylie says.
“The demon headmaster”, says Harry.
“I love those books”, Zac says who is with Harry and Kaylie in a school corridor.
“Now you will die”, says Commander Marr who is surrounded by flames.
“The time has come that we will fully control the children”, the headmaster says.
Georgia is with Richard in a living room. Two people are giggling and a man unzips his head.
“We are the slitheen!” the head says smiling.

Coming soon: The Demon Headmaster!


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