Tuesday 5 August 2008

Episode 4: The Demon Headmaster Part 1

Zac was walking down a damaged street. The street was covered in rubble from houses, glass from smashed windows and wheelies bins, which had been knocked over. The octopli spaceship must be on its way back to their war, but then there was a honking noise and Zac looked up to see another spaceship zooming overhead, the ship which looked very similar to the one that had crashed into big Ben 5 years ago. It was a slitheen ship!

“That’s not the octopli ship”, Zac muttered staring up at it, “That’s weird”.

On board the ship, Trafon, Racsonfess and Fipsel were celebrating a victory. The three were slitheen, who had been on a long voyage across the stars, making and breaking alliances. There were 4 of them to begin with; Trafon and Fipsel was a couple who travelled with Racsonfess and his wife. The two couples had more children and in the end there were 15 of them.

“They were wimps”, Trafon, the slitheen leader was saying, “Teleporting from the ship at the last second”.
“You’d think the magnet warriors would have more pride”, Fipsel said.
“They couldn’t believe we were alive”, Racsonfess said.
“Anyway, we are here if you remember to kill the doctor”, Trafon informed everyone, “Thanks to Commander Marr of the 21st conquer ship, we know where he is hanging about. South London, home of his companion Georgia and now of course we just saw him leave with a boy in South London.”

“The boy must attend the local school”, Fipsel told them, “We must infiltrate there”.
“And I’ll get the girls family”, Racsonfess said as he smiled.


Richard was in his living room. He was just counting his money when there was a knock on the door. He dropped the money and went to answer the door. At the door there must’ve been a very tall large man. As he opened it, he screamed as it revealed a slitheen.

The credits

Inside the TARDIS, Georgia had just walked into the control room to see that the doctor was not there.

“Con Con, where’s the doctor?” Georgia asked smiling.
Conner annoyed at her calling him Con Con replied, “The doctor is in the laboratory fixing his sonic screwdriver”.
“Oh yeah how did that happen again”, Georgia asked.
“Well I think some harassers tried to suck it up”, Conner answered as the doctor walked in cheerily. He walked over to the TARDIS console put on his long brown coat and slipped his sonic screwdriver in it. The screwdriver seemed to be fixed.

“Doctor, I think it’s time for a home visit”, Georgia suggested as Conner had picked the last two destinations.
“Yeah I fancy visiting my friends”, Conner said. So the doctor put down the accelerator and the TARDIS left the part of space it was floating in.
“One day after you left”, the doctor said, flicking some switches, “Then no-one will miss you, your mum and dad, Mr and Mrs Watson”.

“My name isn’t Watson”, Conner replied, “I copied that name off someone at school. I didn’t know you at the time so I didn’t tell you my real name”. The TARDIS landed. The TARDIS had landed at the park where Georgia and the doctor had first met.
“This is ages away from my brothers house”, Georgia said as she hadn’t seen her brother last time she was on Earth.
“And it’s ages from my school”, Conner agreed.
“Fine, honestly has anyone heard of walking”, the doctor said as he walked back inside the TARDIS followed by Georgia and Conner. The TARDIS vanished.

Meanwhile at St. Marks Senior School 3 students were walking down a corridor. Zac, Harry and Kaylie were a trio who were best friends ever since the octopli invasion. Zac had brown hair and was an average height. Harry was large with darkish hair too, while Kaylie had brownish hair with blonde highlights.

“The head has replaced two more teachers”, Zac was saying.
“The head’s gone mad!” Kaylie said.
“The demon headmaster”, Harry laughed.
“I used to love those books”, Zac said laughing too.

“Hyperbrain!” Kaylie said, “Oh yeah did you hear our schools entering a competition for a trip on the Spidership”.
“And we’ve entered that competition to go to America”, Harry informed them, just then the bell rang and the three ran off to class.

The class were quite well behaved except for a few boys who sat at the bag throwing paper aeroplanes.

“Hey, Bradley you hit me”, shouted Beth as she threw the paper aeroplane back at him. Beth was one of Kaylie’s good friends; she sometimes got into a lot of trouble, such as the ‘goat’ incident. Just then Mr. Roberts entered the classroom.
“Settle down class”, Mr Roberts said, “Mr Goatrash is away”.
“Doing what sir?” Bert a rather fat boy asked, “He always tells us when he’s going away”.

“All right”, Mr Roberts admitted, “I’m afraid Mr. Goatrash is dead. He was killed by the head who actually has a big green thing inside him. I heard a scream and peered through the heads office’s keyhole. I saw the head laughing as a big green monster killed Mr. Goatrash. Remember that school inspector, I found him dead in a cupboard yesterday”.

“So the head has a big green thing inside him”, Catherine asked.
“Yes, I reckon all the fat teachers have one inside them”, Mr. Roberts said.
“They’re aliens”, Zac and Harry said together.
“Or experiments gone wrong”, Bradley joked at the back, “Even when they’re not big green monsters!” The boys at the back laughed and so did many others.

“Thank you Bradley, but I was being serious. I think all of you should leave here now, get out of danger”, Mr. Roberts said and pointed at the door. No-one stood up, “Fine then lets begin our English lesson”.

The head and Mr’s Harrison were sitting in the head’s office. The door opened.
“Ah, hello Tron”, the headmaster asked, “What’s going on?”

“It’s Mr. Roberts, father”, Tron said, “He told the whole of class 9C that you were an alien and that you killed Mr. Goatrash and the school inspector”.

“Really? Well let’s get him up here now”, the Head said, “I need to errr talk to him”. The head laughed, so did Mrs. Harrison and Tron, who was in his skin-suit.

To Be Continued


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