Saturday, 28 February 2009

Series Two Trailer

"They talk of the man, coming across the stars..."
"Why are we here, Doctor?"
"...The beacon of hope..."
"To save someone."
"...The bringer of death..."
"And kick some ass?"
"...The Oncoming Storm!"
"If you like."
"We're going to the future!" the Doctor said.
A Zygon in armour leers down at the Doctor and friends.
"There's something in the forest," the girl with the red hood said.
"The forest's on fire!" Georgia shouted.
"Welcome to my ship."
"We'll be lucky to survive!"
"Advance! Kill the Doctor!"
"Student Null, check the furnace!"
"We shut this place down!"
"Jerry lives with another man."
"Death stalks you in the night."
"See you tomorrow."
"Is it a wolf?"
"How can I die?!"
"I'm coming!"
"Beware of the clowns."
"Something's got on board!" Georgia screamed.
"Captain? Captain I've found a hole in the wall!"
"Bring on the wall!"
"I expect Torchwood will shoot it down."
"Express Delivery!"
"I'm stranded in Tesco."
"Mum, I don't think dad's coming back," Georgia said.
"I do wish he'd go to Sainsbury's!"
"You're talking to a spaceship!"
"I'm not gonna die tonight!"
"Where is home, then?"
"Shall we go home?"
"You're me!"
"It'll last forever, won't it? I'll be with him forever! Won't I?"
"It's a time machine!"
"I don't need to save the Doctor's life!"


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