Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter!

I love Easter, it means lots of chocolate and easter egg hunts in my family. Even the adults get their own easter egg hunt!

Firstly, I thought that Planet of the Dead was really good, but was dissappointed that Michelle Ryan's character, Christine, did not join the TARDIS. But I was happy she didn't go to jail. Malcolm was quite funny, and yay UNIT! I was sad that the tritovores died though :( Meanwhile I need to watch the end of Primeval... well not now.
The trailer looked very good! Water always wins... creepy... It's on the BBC site and Redevil898 has uploaded the trailer on youtube. Anyway, have a happy easter, but please visit our site for more fanfic and updates over the holidays. At the moment the fanfic animations page will soon be updated with animated characters from Spirits of the Past, also most of the pages have been updated so they have Timepsn goodness on them. The characters page hasn't been fully updated yet, but I'll get round to it.

In the meantime, please visit our other sites, the Proc(the avatar proclomation), and Primatech Paper. Just one more time, Happy Easter!


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