Monday 20 April 2009

Episode 3: Fun at the Fair Part 3

Georgia wrenched the clown’s arms from her shoulders, and turned and ran. The clown ran after her, slapping the pavement side to side as it ran. Georgia burst down the road, shoving a Japanese tourist who was taking a picture of the crappy fountain out of the way. She was nearly at her parent’s house. If she could only make it, Elizabeth and Colin could help her keep the clown out of the house.

The Doctor, Conner and Zac ran back to the TARDIS. Catherine and Beth looked round to see the Doctor opening the door with the TARDIS key.

“What’s in there?” Beth asked, trying to look inside.
“Nothing Beth, go inside,” Conner said, trying to push Beth away.
“I had a dream of what was in there…” Catherine said, in a daze after recovering from fainting.
“What?” Zac asked.
“I said I –” Catherine began.
“No, I mean, what did you think was in there?” Zac asked, as the Doctor slipped inside the TARDIS.
“I don’t remember, but I think it was bigger on the inside,” Catherine said.
“What? That’s mental!” Conner said, pushing Zac inside the TARDIS, and closing the door.
“Conner! I want to know what’s going on!” Beth cried at the TARDIS.

The TARDIS began to dematerialise. Beth looked at Catherine, who shrugged.

“Conner…?” Beth asked.

She began to walk towards the TARDIS. She opened the door and stepped inside, before it vanished.

Bradley left the pharmacist and began to cross the street. He leapt back as a car sped round the corner, nearly hitting him. Bradley saw in the wing mirrors a flash of a painted face, before the car sped off again. Bradley began to run after it.

Daisy nervously knocked on the door of Elizabeth’s house. She hoped the door wouldn’t open, but it did. Colin Bell opened the door, and smiled at her apologetically.

“Sorry about this,” Colin said.
“It’s alright,” Daisy said. “Elizabeth’s got the beakers out hasn’t she?”
“Yep, don’t worry, there’s no chance of spilling anything,” Colin smiled, stepping aside so Daisy could enter the house.
“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” Daisy said, and Colin nodded.
“Ah! Hello, Daisy! Do come in! Welcome, welcome to the Bell residence! Would you like a cup of tea?” Elizabeth said loudly, directing her voice to Viola White’s house next door.
“Err yes thank you,” Daisy said, walking into the house.

Georgia legged it round the corner, to see Daisy walking into her house.

“Mum!” Georgia cried. “Keep the door open!”
“Georgia!” Elizabeth trilled. “Hello dear!”
“Mum, get out of the way!” Georgia shouted.

Elizabeth, Colin and Daisy leapt in shock as a clown came thumping around the corner. Mrs White left her house, and screamed as the clown appeared. Georgia grabbed Mrs White and shoved her into the Bell House. Colin shut the door, and Georgia ushered all of them into the kitchen.

“We’ve got to get out of the back door!” Georgia cried, as a heavy thump indicated the clown had hit the door.
“Whatever’s that?” Viola asked.
“It’s a clown,” Georgia explained. “I think it’s an alien.”
“Alien?” Elizabeth asked, trying to sound surprised.
“Excuse me,” Daisy said. “I just came round for a cup of tea…”
“Never mind that,” Georgia said, shutting the kitchen door. “Mum, is the back door locked?”
“I think so, dear,” Elizabeth said. “Colin’s got the key.”
“Me? I don’t think so…” Colin said.
“Try the key hook!” Elizabeth said.

Georgia ran over to the key hook by the back door. She ran her hand along the wood until she found the back door key. Snatching it up, Georgia ran to the back door. She slammed the key in the lock, and turned it. There was a crash as the clown broke the door down. Daisy and Colin put their backs against the door, and held it shut against the clown. It laughed a chilling laugh.

“Mum get out!” Georgia cried, as she opened the door.
“Oh no!” Elizabeth yelped as the clown rammed a fist through the door, and began trying to grab Daisy.
“Mrs White, please escort my mother out of the house!” Georgia ordered Mrs White, pushing them out of the door.
“Georgia get out!” Colin said, as the clown grabbed his wrist.

Daisy ran for the door, and Georgia pushed her out of it. Colin broke free of the clown’s grip, and ran after her. Georgia stopped in front of the clown.

“What do you want?” Georgia asked it, backing away to the door.
“You,” the clown hissed.
“But why?” Georgia asked.
“Thank you and goodnight!” the clown said, raising its arms.

Bradley lost the car a couple of streets later. He walked over to the nearby car park, to see if it was just going in. It wasn’t. Bradley had the rest of the afternoon off, so he decided to have a brief look around. He walked over to a ford focus, and noticed a leaflet stuck behind a windscreen wiper. It was advertising a fair nearby. He saw a picture of a clown on it, and gasped. It was the same clown he’d seen in the wing mirror of the car! It had looked as if the driver of the car had been attacked by a clown while driving down the road! Bradley turned as he heard a car pull into the car park. It was being driven by a clown!

Kaylie ran from the art room as she heard the TARDIS engines. The TARDIS dematerialised as Kaylie saw Beth walking inside it.

“Oi Beth get out of there!” Kaylie yelled.

She stopped in the space where the TARDIS was. She put her hands on her hips. Kaylie tried to think where Conner and Zac would be going to. Catherine was staring at her, amazed by the TARDIS.

“What?” Kaylie snapped.

“Oh my God!” Beth cried. “What the fu –?”
“It’s called the TARDIS,” Conner said, trying not to grin.
“And it’s bigger on the inside,” Zac said.

The Doctor looked up from the console. His mouth opened in surprise.

“What’s she doing here?” he asked, with his mouth still open.
“Doctor, stop gawping at her,” Conner said.

The Doctor realised his mouth was still open, and shut it.

“She’s called Beth,” Conner said, bemused.
“I know that!” the Doctor said. “But what’s she doing onboard?”
“I want to know the truth,” Beth said. “Where did Conner disappear to all those months? And why did Zac go too? Kaylie never says anything to me about it.”
“Beth, there isn’t time,” Zac said.
“Yeah, we’ve gotta go to try and stop a clown,” Conner said.
“Oh, are you going to the fair?” Beth asked.
“What fair?” the Doctor asked. “Everyone’s mentioning it!”
“There’s a new fair around here. There’s a fortune teller, a clown show, and talking parrots!” Beth grinned.
“Beth, parrots usually talk,” Conner said, smiling.

Georgia dodged the clown, and burst out of the backdoor. Elizabeth, Colin, Viola and Daisy were stood on the lawn. Useless, Georgia thought to herself.

“Mrs White, would you be alright if we legged it over your fence?” Georgia asked.
“Of course,” Mrs White said proudly. “But I’m not sure your mother will manage.”
“I’ll be fine thank you,” Elizabeth said. “Will you be ok, Daisy?”
“I… I should be…” Daisy replied nervously.
“We haven’t got time!” Colin cried as the clown smashed the backdoor down. “Quick! Into the shed!”

Colin ran over to the shed, and unlocked the door. Mrs White and Daisy ran in, followed by Elizabeth, Georgia and Colin. Colin locked the door after him. The clown banged on the door outside, annoyed that it had lost its prey. Georgia looked around the shed properly. Inside was the old sofa from the living room, and a portable television. Georgia noticed Colin slide a DVD of Hot Fuzz under the sofa with his foot.

“Colin!” Elizabeth cried. “You told me the sofa had to be thrown out!”
“Err did I?” Colin asked sheepishly.
“And who owns the television?” Elizabeth demanded.
“It’s mine,” Colin said. “I use the shed as my downtime room.”
“Mum, leave it!” Georgia said. “If dad hadn’t put the sofa here, Mrs White would have nowhere to sit down! Shall I take your coat, Mrs White?”

Bradley dodged the car and ran. He leapt down the steps into the car park. The car shot down the ramp, following him. Bradley could make out the clown’s grin, never fading as it shot at about 70 miles per hour at him. The car door flew open, and the dead body of the original driver fell out. The clown slammed the door shut, and this gave Bradley time to open a car door (a trick he’d learned from his dad) and get inside. He locked the door, and the car drove around the corner. Bradley breathed a sigh of relief, until the clown leapt up to the window, pressing its hands against the glass, its grin unchanging.

The TARDIS materialised in the street, outside Mitchell West’s flat. The Doctor strolled up to the door, showed the policemen his Psychic Paper, and entered the flat. Conner, Beth and Zac hurried after him, smiling and pretending they were important, and followed the Doctor inside.

Abby Stuart spotted the man in the blue suit waking into Mitchell West’s flat. Sybil had foretold she would go there, so she walked up casually behind Conner, Beth and Zac and followed them inside. They were too busy trying to get in to notice Abby, while she wondered if the man in the blue suit was the man she was destined to meet.

Kaylie and Catherine knocked on Mrs Sow’s door. The door swung open, to reveal Mrs Sow sat at her desk. She smiled at the girls, and beckoned them towards her.

“Mrs Sow, do you know where Zac went earlier?” Kaylie asked.
“Zachary? No Kaylie, I only know where Bradley went,” Mrs Sow replied.
“Bradley’s gone too?” Catherine asked. “Maybe he went before Beth…”
“Shut up Catherine,” Kaylie smiled. “Bradley didn’t go with Beth and the Doctor.”
“And Conner,” Catherine pointed out.
“Conner?” Mrs Sow asked.
“He’s back miss,” Catherine replied.
“Catherine! Leave the talking to me next time!” Kaylie said. “Miss, he’s only back for a bit. The doctors want to see him, cos of the Spidership. Beth took him to the doctors. He’s moving to a new school.”
“That’s a shame, is he sure he won’t stay?” Mrs Sow asked. “I must say, I thought he was dead.”
“He gives that impression a lot,” Kaylie said.
“Kaylie…” Catherine said nervously.
“Not now Catherine!” Kaylie said firmly. “It’s really important miss; we need to know where Zac went.”
"Kaylie!” Catherine said.
“Later Catherine!” Kaylie said, frustrated.
“Anyway miss, could you guess where Zac would’ve gone?” Kaylie asked.
“Sorry dear, I couldn’t. Does he have his mobile?” Mrs Sow asked.
“Mr Pickard took it off him in class,” Kaylie said. “He was looking at pictures of me, him and Conner together, when we went the fair a while ago.”
“Fair?” Mrs Sow asked.
“Oh my God!” Kaylie said. “They might’ve gone to the fair! Zac’s dad was on the news, and he found a body! It was covered in face paint!”
“Kaylie!” Catherine screamed.
“What?!” Kaylie asked, losing her temper slightly.
“A clown’s coming along the corridor!” Catherine said.

Kaylie and Mrs Sow jumped as a clown burst into the room. Kaylie froze, unable to move. It raised its arms.

“Thank you, and goodnight!”

To be continued…


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