Saturday 28 June 2008

The stolen earth

That episode was sooooooooo amazing. we saw them all Martha, Rose, Donna ,Capt Jack, Sarah Jane. I loved the bit when Rose was trying to contact the doctor but she reacted so funnily to Martha (previous companion martha jones: But i was a companion too) Wilf was hilarious (She wouldn't let me have one said it was naughty) Luke smith was annoyingly brainy. Ianto and Gwen were great (are they dead) Then Rose and the doctor are about to hug when a dalek exterminates the doctor. But who will the doctor regenerate into...? Apparently the master and the doctor have a body swap and did anyone else notice the sound of drums in that episode. Dalek Caan was hilarious with his laughing and happy stuff and wouldn't be surprised if he started singing about flowers and dancing with pwetty ponies!!! Davros dun dun dun. The shadow proclomation... Who is the doctors most faithful companion? Rose Martha Captain Jack Sarah-Jane Harriet jones is dead but she was brave in the end well done her and lol(Harriet Jones former prime minister, Yes we know who you are. I loved that episode it was amazing!!! When the doctor had that conversation with the judoon. All the planets that were lost... Woman wept (mentioned in boom town) Clom (twin planet of raxacorricolphaliphetorious(I didn't spell that right) ) It was amazing what will happen next week? What is Donnas future loss? I can't wait...!!!


Will 29 June 2008 at 00:07  

You don't ever stop for punctuation. Lol. Harriet Jones, yes we know who you are... The Master wont be in this episode, they dropped him, and he will play a larger role in another episode.

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