The Stolen Earth Trailerness
Wow! Another tantalising trailer! Doesn't it look fantastic? Well, I've got my hands on some pictures from that trailer thanks to! I will be breaking it down and giving some explanation. Off we go...
1) Rose with gun
2) Is there something on the scanner?
3) Donna on some steps
4) Martha with phone. Her phone being in the TARDIS will be very important to the final.
5) Captain Jack, also on phone. To Martha???
6) Gwen and Ilanto! Is there something in the Hub?
7) Look at the sky! Wilf has a cricket bat, as mentioned by DigitalSpy.
8) Sarah Jane in tears. Those pesky kids nicked my zimmerframe again! She's not crying over any of her team dying, as they are all in the second series of Sarah Jane Adventures.
9) What's out there?
10) This turned a few heads. She doesn't look very Dalek-y to me. She looks scared. Maybe they've come for her.
11) Luke. So he's definately here. But the rest of the kids? Everyone one of the cast are doing very scared looks at the camera, it's starting to get on my nerves.
12) Ooh wow! Judoon. Guarding the Shadow Proclamation, but who are they pointing their guns at?
13) There's definately something in the sky...
14) Has he found Rose? UPDATE: Yes he has!
15) This would make a very interesting speech, cause it looks like she/it is about to give one.
16) General Sanchez. Where's Colnel Mace? Code red...
17) Oh crap. Dalek ships. From the Time War?
18) The Doctor, and a Judoon. Well, the Judoon Captain.
19) Torchwood! Sparks!
20) 'There's nothing I can do'. Captain Jack with Gwen and Ilanto.
21) I don't think this is Global Warming.
22) 'Oh my God...'
23) 'What is it? Who are they?' Looks like Gwen's in the TARDIS...
24) 'What are we going to do?' I've got no idea. Run around screaming? Die? Shut up?
25) I told you there were sparks between Gwen and Jack...
26) 'It's impossible' The car still looks great...
27) I've got goosebumps...
28) This episode had better be scary after all this looking frightened nonsense...
29) Martha really is underused. And quite foxy really.
30) My favorite shot of the entire trailer! Look at her face! I feel like Gwen for tea tonight... I'm hoping Gwen and Ilanto are shooting the Daleks, and not Jack. 'I told you that last muffin was mine!'
31) 'I'm sorry we're dead.' That's nice, seeing as he can't die, the git...
32) She's gotta be one of the non - blonds who hang with the Shadow Proclamation.
33) The TARDIS is on fire tonight!
34) Sigh... Droooool...
35) Yum yum.
36) That is not Dalek Caan, you can just see his identification tag, if you look closely...
And that's it! Other shots involved Sarah Jane in her car, a mad Dalek/Davros laugh, the Doctor running for his life and Davros' hand flicking a switch. UPDATE: See next Stolen Earth pictures for these. Hmmmm. Excited? Tell me about it...
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