Monday 23 June 2008

The Stolen Earth Trailernessness 2

We now have another fantastic trailer for The Stolen Earth! Here's the breakdown: 1) On the phone to Martha? The Doctor? Harriet Jones? (Thanks Planetgallifrey) 2) Has a Dalek gotten in? Duh duh duhhh... 3) Move! I wanna see the obvious! 4) Closer... Go closer... (Say that in Chip's voice from New Earth) 5) WOW. 6) Damn. It's not Chip, a King Charles Spaniel or Cilla Black... 7) A claw! I was right! Ha! 8) A Dalek! Is he important or what? They keep showing him. 9) Ahhh! Have they stumbled upon a burlesque house? 10) She's hot. Literally. 11) Dalek dude. Harriet Jones? I heard her house is painted red and gold. 12) He's sad. What about? Missing Paul O' Grady? 13) Awwwww. I wanna cry. 14) Martha plays a big part in the final, possibly to do with the dissapearing bees... 15) Daleks! But where? 16) Wilf and Sylvia. 17) Flicky flick flick. Yes, it's a chick flick. Something has found Torchwood... 18) More Daleks! 19) The best bit! Getting ready for action! I can't wait for this part! Weeeeeeeeeee. 20) Oh crap. 21) Hello. 22) I think we can guess... Trouble. 23) Sarah Jane! In her car! Surrounded by Daleks! Probably! Now I have to go and have my tea! I'm excited, you can probably tell! Bye!


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