Friday, 13 June 2008

The puppets

The Puppets is a comedy that involves 8 weird characters who live in a villiage. The episodes in series 1:

Ep 1:Excercise
Ep 2:The Wedding
Ep 3:The Murders
Ep 4:Suicidal Industry
Ep 5:Villiage Fete
Ep 6: Have you heard the news?
EP 7:TBA (it's a secret)

Characters:Red, Policeman, Judy, Punch, Croc, Woolfy, Woody, Granny, the monster, mousy, Percy, Giraffe and Zebra.

Speculations: Granny seems to say 'how dare she (Judy) marry my son punch
Or does Granny say 'how dare she (Judy) marry my husband punch?

Perhaps she's mad or am i keeping episode 7's title secret for a good reason 'spoilers' as river annoying song would say. If she comes back and says spoilers again I'll kill her! Although she's a fictional character. Anyway I may write a short version of each episode later.
Thank you Paul who co-invented the puppets series with me(Seb)

Here you can watch every single puppets episode that has been released.


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