Episode 12: Aquari Aquatics Part 2
Dash led Georgia and Conner through fields, and past lonely futuristic houses, and then up the drive to a large thatched cottage.
“Wow they still have thatched cottages,” Georgia exclaimed.
“They are extremely rare,” Dash replied, and he knocked on the door of the house.
“Who lives here?” Conner asked.
“It is the home of my friends,” Dash answered.
“All of them?” Georgia asked.
“Most,” Dash replied simply.
“He can’t have many friends,” Georgia muttered to Conner, as the door opened a creak to reveal a woman with jet black hair and a white powdered face, her eyes fell on Georgia and Conner.
“Two more, I think,” Dash told the woman.
“What do you mean two more?” Conner asked.
“Two more possible believers,” Dash said.
“What if we don’t possibly believe?” Georgia asked.
“Then we’ll let you go of course,” Dash said smiling, and he opened the door, “This is Kufuedun, she is a strong believer.” Georgia saw that Kufuedun was wearing a strange orange robe, with weird black patterns over it. Kufuedun’s hair was extremely long, and she was wearing huge golden bracelets.
“What do you mean believer?” Conner asked.
“All in good time,” Dash snapped, closing the door behind them. The hallway they were standing in looked perfectly normal, but Kufuedun opened the cupboard under the stairs to reveal a stairway.
“What’s down there?” Georgia asked.
“The base of our cult,” Dash answered.
“Cult?” Georgia said in a shocked voice, “I ain’t joining no cult.”
“I really think you should reconsider,” Dash replied in a threatening voice, he was still smiling eerily.
“So do I think we should investigate,” Conner muttered to Georgia.
“Of course,” Georgia said with a false smile, and Dash smiled widely. Kufuedun led the way down the stairs followed closely by Georgia and Conner. On the walls were flame lit torches.
“Why don’t you use electricity?” Conner asked.
“Because we don’t believe it’s needed,” Dash replied.
“Why don’t you believe it’s needed?” Conner questioned.
“You ask too many questions!” Dash snapped.
“So where are you two from?” Kufuedun suddenly asked.
“We’re from London,” Georgia replied.
“But we’ve been travelling,” Conner explained, “What do those patterns on your robes mean?”
“Can you stop asking questions!” Dash snapped.
“It’s alright,” Kufuedun replied, and she stopped and turned to face Georgia and Conner with her dark piercing eyes. She indicated to the patterns on her robe and send, “These patterns mean the end of the world.”
“Right,” Georgia said as Kufuedun turned gracefully and continued down the stairs. Georgia then noticed that Kufuedun wasn’t wearing any shoes. The stairs seemed to go on for a long time and when they reached the bottom Georgia and Conner were slightly out of breath. Kufuedun led them into a room that was stylised like the normal hallway that was at the top of the stairs, but this room had many doors leading off it.
“Where’s Dash?” Conner asked as he noticed that Dash was no longer with them.
“He’ll be here soon,” Kufuedun hissed, “MRS HARRBUNGERSHON!”
“Who?” Georgia asked, but her question was answered when a friendly, but mad-looking woman entered the room. She was wearing a long orange and red robe, and she carried a deer-skull-headed staff. She had brown curly hair, which Georgia thought looked very dirty and like Kufuedun she had white makeup on her face.
“Ah hello, my dears, I knew you would be coming,” Mrs Harrbungershon muttered.
“Mrs Harrbungershon?” Georgia asked.
“That’s me and you are?” Mrs Harrbungershon replied.
“I’m Georgia,” Georgia answered.
“And Conner,” Conner replied, as Dash appeared from the stairway. He was now wearing strange necklaces and there were now the strange patterns on his earthy-orange robes.
“Ah Dash, I see you have brought these two to us,” Mrs Harrbungershon said as she saw Dash, “Are they interested in our cause.”
“I think so,” Dash replied.
“Good, then I’m sure they’d like to know what’s going on here,” Mrs Harrbungershon said.
“Yes, what is going on here?” Georgia asked.
“All in good time,” Mrs Harrbungershon said smiling.
Quentin stared down through the crack in the ice, where Antony had vanished. He should have held on harder, but there was that jerk and that monster pulling from beneath.
“Antony!” Quentin called, “Are you there?” There was a sudden crash as the ice sheet broke nearby, when Antony was thrown through it.
“Help!” Antony replied, and Quentin ran over to him. Antony looked incredibly cold and he was shivering violently.
“Antony, you’re going to be fine,” Quentin said, comfortingly, “We just need to get you out of here.”
“I have to tell you something!” Antony screamed.
“Calm down, you can tell me when we get back to camp,” Quentin replied soothingly.
“LISTEN TO ME!” Antony yelled, “You need to warn the world, it’s the water, I was beneath the ice sheet and I could see them.”
“What do you mean them?” Quentin asked.
“The water is alive, there are creatures in the water, you need to contact camp!” Antony said, “Now run, before they get you. There are loads beneath the ice and I could see some frozen within the ice.”
“Are you sure?” Quentin asked.
“Of course, now run, they could jump out of anywhere,” Antony said.
“I’m not leaving you!” Quentin said kindly, “I’ll help you!”
“I’ll only slow you down, I’m going to die of some pneumonia anyway,” Antony replied, “It’s too late!”
“No it isn’t,” Quentin replied, but as he said this the crack in the ice widened and several creatures jumped out of the water. They were about 3 feet tall, and they seemed to slide across the ice. Two of them grabbed Antony and the others lunged at Quentin, who yelled and began to run off. He took a quick look behind him and saw Antony vanish beneath the ice.
“I’m sorry Antony!” Quentin yelled, as water creatures smashed through the ice left and right. Quentin kept running, the wind was blowing the same way he was running this time, so it helped him along. There was a loud cracking noise and Quentin turned to see a part of the ice sheet breaking away. There was a smash and another water creature broke through the ice next to him, jumping into the air.
“Oh my God!” Quentin exclaimed, and he turned and continued to run.
The Doctor and Korena had been captured by the guards and forced into a cell. The Doctor had tried to use his psychic paper, but the guards still wouldn’t let him get away with trespassing.
“How did they know you weren’t who you said you were?” Korena asked the Doctor.
“They searched my name on the Earth database,” the Doctor replied, “And found nothing.”
“I was slightly disappointed that they didn’t recognise me,” Korena muttered.
“I can see the headline now ‘Famous Japanese film star breaks in to Geography place base’,” the Doctor exclaimed.
“Alright it’s lucky that they didn’t recognise me,” Korena replied, “I haven’t changed have I? I mean I do look the same?”
“Yes you do look the same,” the Doctor answered, “You may have become braver and smarter while travelling with me though, my companions usually do.”
“Oh that’s nice,” Korena replied raising her eyebrows, as Captain Alton, one of the Guards, marched up to the cells.
“Did you say you were a Doctor?” Captain Alton asked the Doctor.
“Yes,” the Doctor replied simply.
“Of what?” Captain Alton asked.
“Of everything,” the Doctor answered, and Captain Alton raised his eyebrows.
“Really?” Captain Alton asked, “Well I suppose you may be able to help us.”
“I’m sure I can,” the Doctor said, “We’ve been locked up long enough.”
“That is because you were trespassing on government property,” Captain Alton replied, “I have to keep law and order in this area.”
“We aren’t trespassing, we don’t even know where we are,” the Doctor replied.
“No idea,” Korena added.
“You are in Lincolnshire,” Captain Alton explained, “This is sea defence area 2.12. This protects most of Lincolnshire from the rising oceans.”
“Why are the oceans rising?” the Doctor asked.
“That information is confidential,” Captain Alton answered, with a nervous look on his face.
“You don’t know do you?” the Doctor asked, “All the scientists have gone by the looks of it, and nobody’s telling you anything.”
“You will be silent, unless I say you are allowed,” Captain Alton snapped, “That is the terms on which you will be released from your cell.”
“Seriously, if you’re gonna let him help you I’d let him speak,” Korena explained, “Although he hardly ever shuts up.”
“That’s not fair,” the Doctor protested.
“Private Nash!” Captain Alton shouted, “Can you open the cell please!” Private Nash ran into the room and over to Captain Alton.
“Yes, sir,” Private Nash replied, pulling a key out of his pocket, “May I ask why?”
“That Doctor, he’s going to help us,” Captain Alton replied.
“Help with what exactly?” Private Nash questioned.
“That isn’t really your business private,” Captain Alton hissed.
“Sorry sir,” Private Nash replied as he opened the cell. The Doctor and Korena exited the cell together and followed Captain Alton out of the room with the cells.
Lee and Donald stood as the Prime Minister of Britain entered the room followed by his personal assistant Julian.
“I’m Lee Hashimoto sir,” Lee said shaking the Prime Minister’s hand.
“I’m Donald Digit,” Donald said, also shaking the Prime Minister’s hand.
“No more touching the Prime Minister without his permission thank you very much,” Julian said, “I’m Julian, you can’t touch me either.”
“That’s enough Julian,” the Prime Minister said.
“If you’d like to sit here, sir,” Lee said, indicating a seat opposite a huge flat screen.
“Has that seat been cleared for bugs and the like,” Julian asked in a concerned voice.
“I’m sure it has,” Lee replied, “But...”
“I’d better sit their just in case,” Julian interrupted, “We don’t want the Prime Minister getting any germs, now you can go get another much cleaner seat, and clean it.”
“I’m sure this chairs fine,” the Prime Minister replied, moving a chair next to Julian’s.
“If you say so Prime Minister,” Julian said, “But if you catch an illness of these poor office workers...”
“We’re scientists,” Donald replied.
“Deluded,” Julian replied, shrugging.
“Julian from now on don’t speak unless I ask you to,” the Prime Minister ordered.
“Yes sir, if you say so sir, this speech must be very important sir,” Julian muttered smiling, he then turned to Lee and Donald who were looking slightly confused, “The Prime Minister is a very important man you see and he is a very busy man.”
“Julian,” the Prime Minister said.
“Yes, Prime Minister Sir?” Julian asked.
“Be quiet,” the Prime Minister snapped, “Can we get on with it please.”
“Of course sir,” Lee said standing up, “We have recently discovered...” Lee was interrupted by a phone call.
“Leave it, Mr. Prime Minister is a very busy man,” Julian snapped in a sing-song voice.
“I’m sorry, its my friend, he’s in the Arctic,” Lee replied, “He was on the ice field getting samples of the ice.”
“Take the call,” the Prime Minister replied.
“But you’ll have to shorten your speech afterwards, the Prime Minister likes his afternoon tea,” Julian said.
“Hello?” Lee said into his phone.
“Lee, it’s Quentin,” Quentin replied.
“What’s going on?” Lee asked.
“There are water monsters under the ice sheet,” Quentin explained, his voice was unusually panicky, “They took Antony and killed him, they’re breaking the ice sheet, a huge chunk has broken off already.”
“All right,” Lee replied, “Calm Down, what did these monsters look like?”
“They looked like water,” Quentin replied, “But with hair and eyes and a body and arms...”
“A body made out of water?” Lee said, thinking aloud.
“I’m going to teleport back as soon as I get to camp, but...” Quentin began, “Wait help! They’re here! HELP!” There was a crackle and a screaming noise, and then the call ended.
“Oh dear,” Julian muttered.
Kimiko rushed into Margaret Hashimoto’s bedroom with a large bag. Margaret, who was watching the news, looked up at Kimiko and frowned.
“We’re only going for a day or so,” Margaret told Kimiko in Japanese.
“Yes, but there’s been rumours about the teleportation system being shut down for a few days,” Kimiko replied.
“But why would the government do that?” Margaret asked.
“I’m sure Lee will be able to tell us more,” Kimiko explained, “I can phone if you want.”
“No, we should not disturb my grandson while he is at work,” Margaret said, “His work is very important, and he may be far too busy for a phone call.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Kimiko replied, “But Lee was the one who invited us to stay, remember. I’ll be happy to see Natalie again; now Margaret you must make your hair look its best.”
“Natalie is a very nice girl,” Margaret answered, “I wonder if there’ll be wedding bells soon?”
“I wonder if Korena will be back soon,” Kimiko replied, “She must come back for New Year, I can’t believe she left like that, two films have had to cancel because of her. She hasn’t even met Natalie yet.”
“Korena had a very stressful time in the film business,” Margaret said, “She hasn’t been on a proper holiday for ages; it’s about time she got away.”
“I suppose so,” Kimiko said, “Now pack! We don’t know how long we’ll be staying.”
“All right,” Margaret replied, as Kimiko’s phone began to ring.
“It’s Kaito,” Kimiko said, pulling out her phone from a pocket.
“Tell him he still owes me money for the Jacuzzi,” Margaret said.
“Hello darling,” Kimiko said into the phone, “What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry dear I won’t be able to come to England with you,” Kaito explained, he was in a huge building’s reception area. He was wearing a suit and around him there were other people in suits talking to each other in low tones.
“But why not?” Kimiko asked, “We had a lovely meal planned, and you haven’t seen your nephew for a while, he’s been so busy lately.”
“I’m stuck in Tokyo,” Kaito explained, “The teleport systems are down here, and the traffic’s gridlocked, and I can’t start making my way home until later tonight, I’ve got some meetings I have to attend.”
“Why are the teleport systems down?” Kimiko questioned.
“The government sources are telling us its something to do with maintenance,” Kaito replied, “If I were you darling I’d go to England as soon as possible if you want to go at all.”
“I’m sure the systems will be fixed eventually,” Kimiko answered, “But if you say so, your mother and I will leave soon. Bye then.”
“I’ll see you next year!” Kaito exclaimed.
“See you in a few days,” Kimiko replied, “Bye!” Kimiko ended the call and returned her phone to her pocket.
“Are we going to England today then?” Margaret asked.
“Yes we are,” Kimiko replied, “I suppose I’d better contact Natalie.”
Georgia and Conner followed Mrs Harrbungershon into a huge cavernous room, with about twenty people inside, wearing orange robes and sitting on wooden stools. The people stared at Georgia and Conner as they entered the room.
“Why are they looking at us?” Georgia asked.
“You’re new,” Kufuedun replied simply. Mrs Harrbungershon indicated that Georgia and Conner sit down on two of the wooden stools, facing Mrs Harrbungershon.
“Now we shall tell you what is going on,” Mrs Harrbungershon began.
Lee sat down on a chair, with a shocked look on his face. Julian looked from Lee to the Prime Minister with an impatient look on his face.
“I think Quentin and Antony are dead,” Lee said.
“I’m very sorry,” the Prime Minister said.
“Quentin’s been a friend of mine for ages,” Lee replied, “He was brilliant.”
“Ok its sad, I get it, but please we really don’t have time for this,” Julian answered.
“You are right I’m sorry, if Donald can contact the emergency services, then I will inform the Prime Minister what is going on,” Lee said.
“Of course I’ll contact them Lee,” Donald said comfortingly, “Lets just hope that Quentin’s fine. I’ll be back in a minute.” Donald left the room and Lee stood up and breathed in deeply.
“I don’t expect you to do a talk, you’ve just lost at least one of your friends,” the Prime Minister replied.
“No, I will,” Lee said, “We must look forward and what I am about to say is very important.”
Meanwhile, Natalie was having a break from working on the tills and was having a cup of coffee in the supermarket’s cafe. She was reading the newspaper when Amita, Delilah and Natasha ran into the room.
“Mitty, Delilah, sis, what’s going on?” Natalie asked.
“It’s Delilah, she’s talking,” Amita replied with an excited look on her face.
“She has been able to talk for a while now,” Natalie replied, “Haven’t you noticed.”
“No she’s been talking about why she’s been so freaked for the last few days,” Amita said, sitting down next to Natalie and beginning to eat the muffin she had just bought.
“It is very freaky,” Natasha said nodding, “I think she’s been dreaming.” Natasha sat down on the other side of Natalie, as Natalie sighed.
“It was not a dream!” Delilah snapped, sitting down opposite Natalie, “I was just walking down a street on my way home when I saw it.”
“Saw what?” Natalie asked.
“Him,” Delilah squeaked.
“Not Cagan again,” Natalie replied, sighing, “That Australian git lives in England, remember. It’s about time you got over him.”
“It wasn’t Cagan who she saw,” Amita said, with half a muffin in her mouth.
“Who was it?” Natalie asked.
“You won’t believe me, the others don’t,” Delilah explained.
“Who did you see?” Natalie repeated.
“It was the devil,” Delilah answered, then tears gathered in her eyes as she added, “He said I was gonna die!”
Mr. Toil rushed into the Aquari factory. He opened a grey door and walked past a huge dark pool of water surrounded by iron railings. There was a computer and a chair next to the pool of water, and Mr. Toil sat down on the chair and typed something into the keyboard.
“Soon all the teleport systems will be down,” Mr. Toil said cackling, suddenly there was a creaking down behind him and he span around.
“Who’s there?” Mr. Toil asked.
“It is I,” Rack said as he appeared in a puff of smoke.
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