Sunday 3 January 2010

Episode 9: Snowfall in the City Part 3

“I’m Teetro Treeorvowitchy, my friends call me Treeor,” the small Plutonian said in reply, “We think you’re mad.”
“This isn’t some silly idea,” the Doctor replied, “Someone wants your race wiped off the map.”
“What’s a map?” Treeor asked.
“A map tells you where things are,” the Doctor answered.
“You mean a plan of somewhere, how can we be wiped off something like that?” Treeor asked confused.
“Look can I talk to someone of higher authority... and intelligence please?” the Doctor asked, Treeor was obviously offended as she continued to lead them down the corridor with an angry expression on her face. She ushered them through a door into a square room with circles on the floor that were emitting light. Inside the room were Roiralt and Angilkar and another Plutonian that they had not met before.

“I was expecting Lord Komanfdu,” Treeor said to them.
“We managed to get hold of Pluton,” Roiralt replied, “They were found in ICE, not a Sednian city, so they belong to us.”
“We don’t belong to anyone,” Kaylie snapped.
“Calm down Kaylie, we were trespassing,” the Doctor said to her.
“We were not, we were simply following an alien here from Earth,” Kaylie replied, and Roiralt and Angilkar looked at each other with shocked expressions.

“These are humans,” the Plutonian who they had not met before said.
“No we’re mutated fish,” Conner replied sarcastically.
“What’s a fish?” Treeor asked.
“You can go now Treeor,” Roiralt replied.
“Yes sir,” she squeaked, and she turned and left the room with a sulking look on her face.

“Humans, I am Roiralt, this is Angilkar, we are scientists,” Roiralt told them, “This is Ryoff Clamadoff, he is in charge of our affairs.”
“These humans are rather feisty,” Ryoff commented.
“We will be more feisty unless you call us by our proper names,” Kaylie snarled.
“You mean feistier,” Conner told Kaylie.
“Shut up Conner,” Kaylie replied quickly.

“Why are we in this room?” the Doctor asked Ryoff.
“We are about to see the High Court, the ceiling and walls will vanish and we will be in the court,” Ryoff replied, “Welcome to the biggest Court in the Galaxy.” Ryoff smiled as the walls slowly began to rise and light spread through from the gap.
“Good because I know that there is someone trying to wipe out your race,” the Doctor replied.
“What are you talking about?” Roiralt asked.
“Well its snowing H20 on Pluto,” the Doctor told Roiralt.
“The High Court told us it was a compound of Methane,” Angilkar replied, “There’s no H20 on Pluto.”
“Who exactly told you it was this compound?” the Doctor asked quickly, the walls of the room were still rising, and the Doctor could glimpse only blackness beyond.
“Sednaki Sednaki, leader of the Sednians,” Angilkar replied.
“We can talk about this later,” Ryoff said, “The ceilings about to go.” Conner and Kaylie looked up as the ceiling vanished and the walls vanished too. They were on a square balcony on a side of an unbelievably huge circular room.

“Wow, I can’t even see the floor,” Kaylie said as she looked over the side of the balcony, she looked up and added, “Or the ceiling.”
“Kaylie stay back from the edge,” the Doctor ordered. Lights were appearing in every direction as more balconies suddenly appeared as their walls and ceilings vanished. There were so many balconies on all sides of the room and on all kinds of different levels. On the highest balcony there was a huge grey armchair and sat on it was a huge Plutonian. However, Kaylie had to squint just to see him. The noise was tremendous every alien on each balcony seemed to be speaking to each other.

“That is Pluton Pluton, leader of the Plutonians,” Ryoff told the Doctor, Conner and Kaylie.
“Over there is Sednaki Sednaki,” Roiralt added drawing their attention to the balcony beside it, where a huge Sednian also sat.
“Look there’s a Plague Carrier,” Conner said as he spotted a group of them on a balcony on the far left to them.
“They contacted us a while back,” Roiralt told Conner, “We’re allies, they don’t really like the Sednians though, and they were against the alliance between us. They no longer call themselves the Plague Carriers either, where do you know them from? I didn’t know they had any dealings with Earth.”
“Oh nowhere,” Conner replied.

“So can I just start speaking,” the Doctor said.
“No you cannot,” Ryoff snapped, “You need a voice transmitter to be heard over all the noise. And Pluton starts all court meetings. You can talk about your silly suspicions later; today we decide what to do with you.”

Treeor entered a room like the one the Doctor, Conner and Kaylie had been in before the walls rose. Lord Komanfdu was sitting in a metallic chair in the centre of the room with a drink in his hand and he had four of his guards standing with him. The corridor outside was deserted, this room was on a high level, where few people were allowed.

“Where are the humans?” Lord Komanfdu demanded when he saw Treeor.
“The Plutonians were in the room you were in sir,” Treeor replied, “They said Pluton had said they were in charge of the humans.”
“Well you should have ignored them and brought them up to my normal balcony,” Lord Komanfdu replied.
“I’m very sorry sir,” Treeor apologised.
“You should be,” Komanfdu snapped.
“By the way sir, apparently its snowing H20 on Pluto,” Treeor said, “The water could kill the Plutonian race, my friends and family could die. Somebody is trying to kill my race.”
“Who told you that rubbish?” Lord Komanfdu asked angrily.
“The unknown alien sir,” Treeor replied.
“You believe him?” Lord Komanfdu asked exasperatedly.
“No, but I couldn’t help notice those plans on your desk sir,” Treeor said, looking at the ground, “I think you should stop the…”
“Couldn’t help?” Lord Komanfdu replied leering, “I bet you couldn’t, like I can’t help this.” Lord Komanfdu pulled a gun out from a pocket.
“No sir, please don’t, the walls are about to rise and…” Treeor began, but then Lord Komanfdu fired his gun and Treeor was vaporised.

“How’s the operative doing?” Lord Komanfdu asked one of his guards.
“He hasn’t found him yet sir,” the guard replied.
“I’m sure he will do soon and then our operative will sort him… them… out,” Lord Komanfdu said smiling as the walls of the room began to rise.

Georgia and Zac ran into a large laboratory that was linked to the strange room with the spherical machine. The laboratory was dark, but in the corner there was a bed made up. There were several rows of working tables, with cupboards underneath housing chemicals and materials.

“Zac look over here,” Georgia said as she reached the bed.
“Someone’s been kipping here,” Zac replied, “Strange place to have a sleep.” Suddenly, Georgia heard a rattling noise, like something had been knocked over.
“Zac, someone’s in the lab,” Georgia said.
“Yes, we are,” Zac replied.
“No something else,” Georgia whispered, as she heard a creature crawl behind a row nearby.
“What could it be?’ Zac asked with a scared expression on his face.
“It must be a little alien,” Georgia replied, “It’s not making much noise.”
“Perhaps it’s some nasty Plutonian pet,” Zac suggested, “That eats humans.”
“Zac stop it,” Georgia said as she became frightened too and she began to shiver.
“I’m just stating the possibilities,” Zac replied.
“Well don’t,” Georgia said frantically. There was a little squeak as something ran out from one of the rows and dashed towards the door.

“It’s the alien! The one from my school!” Zac exclaimed as he recognized it, “Come on!” Zac and Georgia ran after the alien and through the door back onto the balcony area surrounding the spherical machine. The alien was slow and they soon caught up with it. The little alien turned, saw them and gave a sigh of relief.
“You scared me,” the little alien said, “I thought you were the Sednians.”
“You scared us,” Georgia replied in an irritated tone.

“Little alien do you remember me?” Zac asked.
“Yes I do, but you couldn’t speak properly or understand me before,” the alien replied, “My names Ikorg, nice to meet you.”
“That’s because we didn’t have the TARDIS to translate,” Zac replied, “I’ve got so many questions to ask you, such as, do you know where the TARDIS is?”
“We’ve got so many questions to ask you he means,” Georgia butted in.
“What’s a TARDIS?” Ikorg replied.
“It looks like a blue box, I think some guards took it away or something,” Georgia explained.
“Sorry I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ikorg answered.

“Next question, why were you on Earth?” Zac asked.
“My friends, who are much cleverer than me, thought they had invented long distance teleportation without a pod at A and B,” Ikorg answered, “If that makes sense.”
“I understand,” Zac said.
“I don’t,” Georgia said glumly.
“Well there’s a teleport pod or stand at two places,” Zac explained, “Which enables you to teleport to each of these places from each of these places. But Igor’s friends have invented a device that enables you to travel without a pod or stand thing. Do you get it now?”
“Not really, but carry on Igor,” Georgia replied.
“Ikorg,” Ikorg snapped.
“You what?” Georgia asked.
“My name’s Ikorg not Igor,” Ikorg said.
“Oh, sorry,” Georgia replied, “Carry on.”

“I said I could test their device for them,” Ikorg explained, “They didn’t want to make it public in case it didn’t work, which is why I’ve been hiding here while they experiment on me and improve the device. That was my first trip to Earth, the first Plutonian on Earth. We beat the Sednians! Angilkar was ecstatic; she hates the Sednians you see. I suppose you know Angilkar and Roiralt, they’re the scientists who invented the device. They are very intelligent.”
“He does go on a bit doesn’t he,” Georgia muttered to Zac.

“So is that your bed in there,” Zac asked.
“Yes, that’s right, I pretended I was on holiday, but I was here all along,” Ikorg said, “We’ve had to lock this entire area, only me, Roiralt and Xelionth can open the doors, it’s a genetic lock thing. So how did you get in?”
“The door was open, we saw this light,” Georgia explained.
“I needed the toilet, so I unlocked it for a bit,” Ikorg said quickly.

“The light was coming from that sphere machine thing,” Zac added looking at the huge sphere that was emitting the bright light.
“The sphere is what they invented,” Ikorg explained, “I don’t know how it works but its big enough to transmit a signal thing across space, so it allows teleportation or something, it needs a lot of power I think.”
“When are you planning to come out of hiding then?” Georgia asked.
“I don’t know, Angilkar hinted that I may have to stay in here for a while,” Ikorg said sadly, “Apparently Lord Komanfdu is onto them, they’re at the high court now with the other humans.”

“Someone’s coming!” Zac exclaimed as running footsteps could suddenly be heard outside the double doors.
“They can’t get in,” Ikorg squeaked, “The doors have triple locks.”
“Obviously they can,” Georgia uttered as the doors swung open.
“What are they doing in here?” Xelionth asked as he saw Georgia and Zac.
“They found their way in when I unlocked the doors for a minute to go for a…” Ikorg began.
“We need to bring them to Lord Komanfdu,” Xelionth said stepping forward.
“No they my friends,” Ikorg squealed.

“Where did they come from?” Xelionth asked.
“We came with the Doctor,” Georgia said sternly, “We can talk you know.” Suddenly, more footsteps could be heard.
“Somebody else is coming,” Xelionth said, “Hide, all of you!” Ikorg grabbed hold of Zac and Georgia and they ran back into the laboratory. Xelionth looked down the corridor to see Aikl walking towards him.

“Xelionth, why are you in there?” Aikl asked.
“I was just checking everything was tidy,” Xelionth replied hastily.
“Nice try,” Aikl replied smiling, “I want to see what’s in there.”
“No way, I’m not letting anyone in there,” Xelionth said, “It’s a high security area…”
“The thing is, I know what’s in there,” Aikl replied, “And my boss needs to sort of get hold of the stuff in there, but then there’s you.”
“I’m your boss, what are you talking about?” Xelionth said confusedly, “Get back to your station.”
“I don’t think so, you see I’m Komanfdu’s secret operative,” Aikl said smiling, “And you are in my way.” Aikl raised his gun and shot Xelionth, who was turned to dust in a second.



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