Saturday 16 January 2010

Episode 10: Hide and Seek Part 1

Korena Hashimoto ran through the door and onto the fire escape. The thing was getting closer. She burst down the steps as it shot through the door.

“Oh my God!” Korena screamed.

The thing leaped on her back, and began to rip at her flesh. She slipped, and fell from the fire escape with a crash. She hit the floor below, and moved no more.

“And that’s a rap!” Akio, the director, cried. “Brilliant work Korena!”

The creature fell from her back, and Korena stood up from the floor, brushing herself down. The timid makeup artist called Haruna rushed forwards and applied some more makeup.

“Thank you,” Korena smiled.
“It’s a pleasure,” Haruna squeaked.

Haruna scurried away, and Korena walked towards Akio. He showed her the script for the next scene.

“We’ll be filming this now,” Akio said. “Then we’ll do the kiss with Naoki Noran after lunch.”
“Okay,” Korena sighed.
“I know you hate him,” Akio said. “But you’re a professional. Frankly, we’re thrilled to have you in the cast.”
“You have to hire Japan’s second most successful actor as well,” Korena reminded him. “He’s just… Very fake. He doesn’t care about his fans at all.”
“Thank you for putting up with him,” Akio said gratefully. “Now, where’s your useless assistant got to? We only hired her for work experience, she was cheap. Big mistake.”
“I think she’s lovely,” Korena said. “Just a little forgetful. I’m thinking about hiring her for my team, she tried really hard.”
“Have it your way,” Akio said. “Now where is she?!”

Shiori, Korena’s assistant, was making her way to the set. She was late already; she’d be lucky not to get the sack. There was a clatter behind her.

“Hello?” Shiori called. “Who’s there? Takashi, is that you? Stop messing around!”

There was another clatter, closer this time. A small black creature ran out from behind a stack of bin bags. It ran straight towards Shiori, and leaped on her face.

“Help!” Shiori said. “Korena!”

If anyone had told her a week ago that she’d be working with Korena Hashimoto, she’d never have believed it. If you had told her that her last word would be Korena, she’d never have listened.

Title Sequence.

“Doctor!” Georgia grinned. “Where are we going?”
“After Conner’s made us lunch, it’s up to you,” the Doctor said.

Georgia was sat on the chair beside the TARDIS console, watching the Doctor, who bounced around the console like a child, or possibly an excited cat. He would occasionally stop, examine a button or lever, and then continue, all the while smiling like a maniac.

“What’s Conner making anyway?” Georgia asked. “I didn’t know he was a chef.”
“Erm… He’s making cup-a-soup,” the Doctor said. “Don’t laugh! He’s really excited about making you lunch.”
“Me?” Georgia asked.
“I mean us,” the Doctor said, before quickly changing the subject. “Ooh! A keyring!”

Georgia jumped from her seat as her phone vibrated. She pulled it from her pocket and connected the call.

“Conner!” she said, smiling.
“The food’s done,” Conner said.
“Oh, great. Where do we go?” Georgia asked.
“Get the Doctor to take you to the dining room,” Conner said.
“Okay, bye,” Georgia put down the phone.

Conner placed the bowls of cup-a-soup on the table, and placed three golden spoons next to them. He sat down in the middle seat.

“Hmm,” he muttered. “Maybe not the middle.”

He switched to the left seat. Nearly knocking the cup-a-soup from the table, he moved back to the middle seat as the Doctor and Georgia entered the room. Georgia smiled at him, sitting down on his right. The Doctor sat down on the left.

“This seat’s wet…” he said, standing up.
“That’ll be the soup,” Conner said helpfully.

Naoki Noran flounced onto the set, brushing Haruna aside as she attempted to apply makeup to his face. He glared at Korena standing opposite, and snatched the script from Akio.

“What are we doing now?” he asked. “Which scene?”
“The kiss with Korena,” Akio said. “You’ll be stood up there, and then you’ll jump down to Korena, say the dialogue, and then kiss.”
“Let’s go,” Naoki drawled. “Before we have to pay even more for Japan’s biggest film star over there.”
“I’d like to get as much as possible done before night time,” Akio agreed. “Korena! Action!”

Korena ran forwards and climbed onto the small concrete walkway. Naoki was positioned above her, reaching out for her.

“Yuma!” Naoki called down to Korena.
“Shirou! Help me up!” Korena said to Naoki.

Naoki, still playing Shirou, jumped down to Korena, who was playing Yuma. She hugged him, and he returned the hug grudgingly.

“Thank you for returning for me,” Korena said. “You did so well.”
“That creature had to be stopped,” Naoki said bravely.
“You saved me!” Korena said. “I… I love you.”
“Kiss me,” Naoki replied.

Korena leaned forwards, and kissed Naoki on the lips. He returned the kiss, before Akio stepped forwards.

“Cut!” he cried. “Brilliant Korena! Well done Naoki. We have to stop now, it’s nearly time.”
“But we’re doing so well!” Korena sighed. “Can we do one more take?”
“You know the law Korena,” Akio sighed. “It’s for health and safety. The whole of Japan will be stopping right now.”

Korena climbed down from the walkway, and Naoki followed. He stalked off to his dressing room, while Korena headed to Haruna.

“Thanks for today,” Korena smiled. “You’re really brilliant at your job.”
“That’s okay,” Haruna squeaked. “Could I… Could I possibly have an autograph?”
“Of course,” Korena said. “I’ll do it tomorrow, it’s nearly time.”

“Conner, what flavour soup is this exactly?” Georgia asked.
“Well,” Conner began. “It was tomato soup, but I ran out of those packets, so I had to add chicken.”
“Oh,” Georgia said.
“And leek.”

Elsewhere in the TARDIS, in the console room, a small, red light bleeped. The Doctor sat up in his seat, alert at the noise.

“What is that?” he muttered. “Some sort of bleeping. That can only mean… Japan! Come on!”

He leapt from his chair and skidded from the room. Throwing her soup aside, Georgia followed, leaving a reluctant Conner to abandon his soup and run after her.

“What is it?” Georgia asked as she and Conner ran into the console room.
“The TARDIS is taking us to Japan!” the Doctor cried. “Something strange is going on there.”
“When?” Conner asked. “What period? We aren’t gonna be beaten up by monks are we?”
“When did Japan ever have Kung Fu monks, Conner?” Georgia sighed. “I think that’s China.”
“Does it really matter?” the Doctor asked. “Something big is happening, which equals adventure, and lots of danger!”

The TARDIS ground to a halt, throwing Georgia onto Conner. The Doctor stepped over them, blushing, and headed for the doors.

Korena walked back to her trailer. She was in a little bit of a rush; she’d stayed to sign the autograph for Haruna, and now she’d be lucky to get back to her trailer before it was time.

“It’s nearly 10 o’clock,” she said to herself, breaking into a run.

Her trailer was just around the corner. It was 9:59. She was so close. She burst around the corner, not wanting to be outside when it happened. But it was too late, she wouldn’t make it.

“Everyone inside!” a voice called from the distance.

Two seconds. One second. 10:00. Japan fell silent; everyone was inside their houses or cars, except for Korena Hashimoto, who was lying on the floor, alone.

The Doctor burst through the doors of the TARDIS, immediately spotting Korena, lying on the floor. He ran over to her, and checked her pulse. Conner and Georgia stepped out of the TARDIS, running to his side.

“What happened?” Georgia asked.
“I dunno, she was already lying here,” the Doctor said. “She’s alive.”
“Let’s get her inside, to that trailer over there,” Conner said.

The Doctor and Conner lifted Korena, taking her to her trailer a few meters away. Georgia followed, opening the door for them. They left Korena on the bed, and the Doctor continued to look after her while Georgia and Conner sat outside the trailer.

“Lots of danger, the Doctor promised us,” Georgia said. “Instead we have to look after some random woman.”
“This is the life,” Conner laughed.

Petr Costravalos loaded his gun, and slipped it into his belt. Behind him, Pippa Blackwell slipped on her high heeled shoes, and smoothed the creases in her black dress. She watched Petr slip on his tuxedo jacket. They were ready.

“We’d better be off,” Pippa said. “The Doctor has arrived in Japan.”
“Japan?” Petr asked. “I’ve always wanted to go there. What time period?”
“3999,” Pippa said. “According to the scanner, they’re with film star Korena Hashimoto.”
“Maybe we should pay her a visit,” Petr said. “If the Doctor’s taken a shine to her, she could be our way in. You would have been if you hadn’t messed it up.”
“You told Georgia Bell your name!” Pippa protested. “Boss wasn’t happy with you either.”

Petr shrugged, and threw Pippa a teleport. She caught in skilfully in her hands, before grabbing her gun. Petr smiled, and the two teleported to Japan.

To be continued…


Becky 16 January 2010 at 18:30  

Brilliant, as ever!

Just shows how dangerous travelling in the TARDIS is... beware of sitting in soup! It's not pleasant and it even happens to the Doctor!


Will 16 January 2010 at 18:33  

Thanks for the comment! :)

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