Thursday 21 January 2010

Episode 10: Hide and Seek Part 4

“Georgia?” Conner cried. “Oh God, don’t tell me that’s you in the lake…”

He peered down. It was. She was unconscious, settling on the floor of the lake. Sighing, he pulled off his jacket, and dived in.

“Come on, onto the balcony!” Korena cried, reaching for the Doctor through the broken glass.

Suddenly there was a splintering crack, and the balcony broke from the side of the house, pulling Korena with it. She hit the stone, and screamed as she was tipped back. The Doctor dived through the glass and reached out for her.

“Korena! Take my hand!”

Petr, Kimiko, Kaito, Margaret, Aimee and Yoshiro ran out of the back of the house, and down the steps into the lower floors. It was cold and dank down here, but at least they could escape.

“Keep moving,” Petr ordered. “We need to get out of here before the creatures find us again.”
“But what about Korena?” Kimiko sobbed.
“I saw her, the Doctor was getting her out, she’ll be fine,” Petr promised. “For now we need to concentrate on ourselves.”
“Hashire!” Margaret cried.
“What did she say?” Petr asked. “I don’t speak Japanese.”
“You’re speaking it now,” Kaito said, confused.
“What did she say?” Petr repeated.
“She said run!” Yoshiro replied.
“Oh,” Petr said.

He turned around, and saw one of the creatures scurrying towards them. He grabbed Margaret and ushered her forwards, as the group began to run.

“Help!” Korena screamed, as the balcony began to crumble.

The Doctor clasped the edge of the house, and reached out for Korena. She moved towards him, as part of the balcony collapsed below her. She grabbed the Doctor’s hand, and her pulled her up just as the entire balcony collapsed.

“Thanks,” Korena smiled.
“No problem,” the Doctor grinned. “Let’s go, we need to find Georgia and Conner.”

Conner swam down to the bottom of the lake, past the weeds and flowers. Georgia was unconscious when he grabbed her, and heaved her up to the surface, and he hoped she was still alive. There was a shake above, and a large glass roof moved over the surface of the lake, trapping the two under the water. Letting go of Georgia, Conner banged on the surface of the glass, trying to get out. It was no use, so he held Georgia as he ran out of breath.

“Get in here!” Kimiko said as she flung open the door.
“What’s in here?” Petr asked as the group hurried inside.
“It’s the garage,” Kaito said. “For the teleports.”

Aimee ran over to three distinctive looking pods. She shook her head sadly.

“The teleports are down,” she reported.
“Then we’ll have to get out of the garage,” Kaito said. “Press that button there.”

Yoshiro leaned forwards and pressed the button on the wall. The garage door slowly began to swing up, an inch at a time. He ducked down, and rolled out of the garage underneath the door.

“Margaret will you be able to get under there?” Petr asked.
“Lie,” Margaret said, shaking her head.
“Right then, Kimiko, you next,” Petr said.

Kimiko ducked under the garage door, and Kaito followed. There was a crash, and the black creature smashed into the door opposite. Aimee screamed, and ducked under the door. Petr grabbed Margaret, and shoved her towards the garage exit, as the black creature leapt into the room.

“Come on!” he cried.

Clack clack. Pippa stepped onto the glass, over the lake, and walked across it, her heels clacking as she walked. Conner, losing breath, looked up at her fearfully. When he worked out what she was going to do, he grabbed Georgia and dived further underneath the surface. Pippa, using her heel, stomped on the glass, which cracked, and broke apart. Conner pulled Georgia to the surface, gasping for breath.

“Wake up!” he cried, pulling Georgia onto the gravel.

She was cold, and needed to regain consciousness before it was too late. He pressed his lips to hers, and breathed. Georgia spluttered, and woke up. Conner collapsed next to her, regaining a steady pace of breathing.

“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Georgia replied. “Thanks.”
“‘S ok,” Conner shrugged.

The Doctor and Korena hurried past the aquarium, searching for Conner and Georgia. Suddenly, Korena pointed to the gravelled area next to the lake.

“There!” she cried, running towards them.

The Doctor leapt over the bridge, landing next to Georgia. He checked her pulse, and she pushed him away.

“I’m fine!” she complained. “Conner saved me.”
“And you’re okay?” the Doctor asked Conner.
“I’m fine,” Conner said as Korena joined them. “Your glass roof went over the lake, and we were trapped. But Pippa smashed it with her shoe. I dunno where she went…”

Korena nodded, and looked at her devastated lake. The Doctor grabbed Georgia, and lifted her up. He nodded to Conner, who stood up beside him.

“We’ve got to go,” the Doctor said to Korena.
“I know,” Korena sighed.

Petr pulled Margaret from the garage as the creature smashed into the door. The group ran across the street, staying together. Aimee pointed to a huddle of teleport booths near an important looking building.

“If we can get the teleports working,” Aimee said. “We can escape!”
“Unless whoever’s behind this destroyed them,” Petr said.

He flipped an access panel open, and examined the teleport infrastructure. It all seemed okay, but Petr wasn’t used to living in the year 3999.

“I think it’s okay,” he said. “One of us should test it though.”
“I’ll do it,” Aimee said. “It’s my job to look after the Hashimoto family.”
“Where will we go?” Kimiko asked.
“Ingurando,” Margaret said.
“Of course,” Kaito said. “We can stay with Lee for a while.”
“Who’s Lee?” Petr asked.
“My nephew,” Kaito said. “He works for the government in England.”

Petr nodded, and Aimee stepped into the teleport. She typed in the area code for London, England, and disappeared in a flash. Kaito and Kimiko followed, and Yoshiro looked back at Petr as Margaret disappeared.

“Are you coming?” Yoshiro asked.
“No,” Petr said. “I need to find Pippa. Good luck.”
“Goodbye,” Yoshiro said, disappearing as well.

Lee Hashimoto walked past the teleport booths on the way to work. There were several flashes, and Kaito and Kimiko stepped out of the booth.

“Uncle!” Lee cried, bowing.
“Lee,” Kaito bowed in return. “There has been a terrible attack at the house; we need to stay with you.”
“We’ve brought your grandmother too,” Kimiko smiled. “And this is Aimee, Korena’s friend, and Yoshiro. I expect you know who he is.”
“Japan’s most handsome actor, yeah,” Lee said. “Let’s get you inside. Will Korena be joining us?”

The Doctor carried a dripping Georgia down a flight of stone steps. Korena followed in her dress, clutching a small handbag, and Conner was right behind in his soaking tuxedo jacket. Korena pointed to the right, where the Doctor saw the entrance to a maze.

“This is the only way out from here,” she whispered.
“It’s fine,” the Doctor said. “We’ll get out. Come on.”

He led the way into the maze. After a few twists and turns, Conner hadn’t a clue where they were, and he could tell Korena felt the same, but was keeping a brave face on it. But when Korena led them to a dead end, she had to admit she had no idea where they were.

“Sorry!” she said. “I haven’t been here for ages.”
“It’s okay,” the Doctor said. “I’ve memorised the way back, so if we really get lost we’ll just have to turn back.”
“But we’re no closer to escaping,” Korena sighed.
“Can you hear footsteps?” Conner asked.

Korena fell silent, and realised that two pairs of footsteps were running through the maze towards them. The Doctor walked forwards, still carrying Georgia, and attempted to work out who it was. He stepped back as Petr and Pippa came hurtling round the corner.

“We figured you were lost,” Pippa said, her black dress torn slightly.
“You must be Pippa,” the Doctor said.
“You know the way out?” Conner asked.
“We’ve scanned the area, and it’s given us an overview of the entire maze,” Petr said. “Basically, we have a map.”
“Great,” Conner said, taking the scanner from Petr and examining it.
“Here, let me carry Georgia for you,” Petr said, holding out his arms to the Doctor.

The Doctor pulled Georgia away, but Conner placed his hand on his arm.

“He’s trying to help,” Conner said.

The Doctor handed Georgia over to Petr, grateful for the feeling in his arms to return. Pippa took the scanner from Conner, and led the way. They turned in an unexpected direction, and continued through the maze, until Pippa interrupted the silence.

“There’s a creature in the maze,” she said. “We need to run. This way!”

She ran left, then straight ahead, and then right. The Doctor sprinted after her, holding out the Sonic Screwdriver to light the way. Korena wasn’t far behind, and Petr and Conner remained at the back, both watching over Georgia. Conner turned the corner and found himself in the centre of the maze. The Doctor was on his knees, leaning over a wooden hatch, using the Sonic Screwdriver to open it up. Pippa ran down the little steps and headed along the tunnel. Korena was next, then the Doctor. Conner heard the creature running towards him as Petr and Georgia entered the passageway.

“Conner come on!” Korena screamed.

Conner ducked under the wooden hatch, and slammed it behind him. The creature whimpered on the other side.

“Justice,” Conner grinned. “Let’s go find the TARDIS.”
“Are you sure?” the Doctor said. “Petr…”
“Doctor, it’s a bit more serious than him seeing the TARDIS,” Conner said. “This is life or death.”
“We can go,” Petr said. “As soon as we’re out of this tunnel, we’re gone.”
“Thanks,” the Doctor replied.

The group clambered out of the tunnel, and Petr handed Georgia over to the Doctor, before walking off into the black with Pippa. Conner led the way to the TARDIS and opened the door with his key. The Doctor carried Georgia inside, and Conner followed, turning to Korena.

“Step inside.”

To be continued…


Becky 21 January 2010 at 19:33  

That was fantastic! Well done :) As always, I'm eagerly anticipating the next part!

Becky :)

Will 21 January 2010 at 19:34  

Thank you! Only one more part to go :)

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