Monday 30 March 2009

Episode 1: The New Zygon World Part 5

Screams erupted from the city of Yurren, as the Zygons entered on their ships. Thousands of people began to flee the city, heading towards the swamps and the town of Birnk. In the Presidents office, the Doctor lay stunned on the floor. The Zygon was now advancing towards Georgia and Student Fajartop.
“Student Fajartop get behind me”, Georgia ordered.
“No, it is my job to protect you”, Student Fajartop replied, standing in front of Georgia. Georgia barged Student Fajartop out of the way.
“You have to save the whole planet!” Georgia said, “Remember! The people flee through the swamps and trees! Except you!”
“I CAN’T SAVE ANYONE”, Student Fajartop shouted.
“Yes, you can”, Georgia said, “I know you can!” The Zygon kept advancing, Georgia closed her eyes, waiting for the sting, but instead there was a bang. Georgia opened her eyes. Several Yurren guards were standing in the room, the Zygon lay dead on the floor. Student Fajartop was talking to one of the guards and the Doctor was being helped up by one of the other guards.

“We figureD something was wrong when the President’s colleagues spiked our guard unit's drinks”, one of the guards said, “Luckily, one of my friends is allergic to some types of Yurreni water, so they checked their drink to see the acidity of it. It turned out that it was so acidic it would have killed us”.
“Zygon sting”, the Doctor said.
“They poison drinks?” Student Fajartop asked.
“It seems so”, the guard replied, “Where’s the President?”
“That Zygon is the President”, the Doctor answered, “But the real President should be alive somewhere”.
“We need to find him”, the guard said.

“I’d rather you secured the President’s house”, the Doctor said, “So we can parley with the Zygons”.
“Parley with the Zygons?” the guard asked.
“Yes”, the Doctor replied.
“But isn’t Student Fajartop to suppose to save the day”, Georgia asked.
“What, you expect me to do the parleying for Yurren?” the Doctor asked.
“You usually stand up for the other planets”, Georgia replied.
“Well lets give Student Fajartop a go then”, the Doctor replied, “If the guards can protect all entrances to the President’s house and if any Yurreni want to come in, let them”.

“All the people have fled, they’re heading for the swamps and lakes”, another guard said, “And why should we obey your orders?”
“I’m the Doctor, that’s why”, the Doctor answered heading back to the Presidents office.

Back at the lake, Zac was facing a huge, scaly, monster, the Zygon’s pet Skarasen. Suddenly there was a loud noise, a mixture of trees rustling, feet stomping, and voices screaming. Zac looked at the Zygons, Student Null and Professor Makensi, they were all looking at something on the other side of the river. Zac wondered why the Skarasen hadn’t attacked, so he turned to see hundreds of people pouring out of the trees on the other side of the lake.

“What’s going on?” Zac said loudly, the Skarasen was making quiet roaring noises.
“Yurren’s protections must have failed, all the people are coming this way”, Professor Makensi replied.
“Silence!” one of the Zygons said. The people were now beginning to cross the lake, some swimming, others wading through the shallow parts of the river.

“Don’t go in the river!” Zac shouted at the people, “The Skarasen will kill you!” But Zac was wrong, the Skarasen saw the hordes of people and fled itself, descending into the depths of the lake. One of the Zygons got out a gun and pointed it at the people.
“Watch out!” Zac shouted, the people saw the Zygon and ducked.

“Then you’ll die!” the Zygon snarled and pointed the gun at Zac. Student Null ran forward and knocked the gun out of the Zygon’s hand. The People continued to run, some of them now charging, towards the Zygons. A couple of the Zygons shrieked and ran, the one who had been holding the gun, grabbed Student Null, who yelled in pain and fell to the floor.
“No!” Professor Makensi said, running forward and grabbing the gun, which was lying on the ground. Professor Makensi pointed the gun at the Zygon, who began to retreat. Professor Makensi fired the gun, and the Zygon fell to the ground, also dead. The people began to run past the lake, some of them ran over to Professor Makensi.

“Go through the woods, there should be an abandoned bunker”, Professor Makensi explained to some of the Yurren people; “In there you shall find the real President and two of his colleagues. Zygon’s have been posing as them for the last few days”.
“Is Student Null dead?” Zac asked running forward, his hands still bound. Professor Makensi looked at the lifeless body, which was lying in the dirt.
“I think so”, Professor Makensi answered.

“We need to get out of here”, Zac replied sadly, “There’s a Zygon ship heading this way. We can come back for him”. Professor Makensi nodded, took one last look at Student Null and began to jog into the trees, with the thousands of people from Yurren.

Back inside the President’s house, the Doctor was wiring up some devices.
“This planet looks like its in the iron age, at first glance, with all the clay buildings”, Georgia said, “But then you come inside and there’s electricity, strange machines”.
“What are you doing?” Student Fajartop asked, ignoring Georgia.
“Trying to make a projector and then contact the Zygons”, the Doctor said, “Maybe we can make them an offer”.
“But they refused the offer before”, Georgia pointed out.
“Hopefully, we can kill Commander Zagrafix”, the Doctor replied, “Or get him out of the way”. Student Fajartop exited the President’s office and left the Doctor to his work. Several minutes later, Student Fajartop rushed in.

“What’s up?” Georgia asked.
“The Zygons are at the door”, Student Fajartop answered, “The guards want you to hurry up, they can’t hold all the doors for long”. There was then a loud smash.
“Not long at all”, the Doctor said and rushed over to the President’s desk. He pulled out two guns and gave one to Georgia and Student Fajartop.

“You’ve got to defend this room”, the Doctor told Georgia, who nodded, “I give you permission to use it Georgia”.
“Yes sir”, Georgia said and left the room.
“Student Fajartop, you need to kill Commander Zagrafix”, the Doctor told him, “While I get this thing up and running”.

Georgia rushed down a long corridor and into the large entrance hall. Georgia ran down the stairs onto the ground level. She saw what the loud smash had been, the huge window above the front doors, had been smashed. There was a loud thunk at the door. Some of the guards were pointing their guns at the front doors, waiting. Others were putting all their weight against the doors, so the Zygons couldn’t get in.

“They’re breaking the door down”, Student Fajartop said running down the stairs, “I have no idea how to use a gun. You must do though”.
“Not a clue”, Georgia replied, “We try never to use guns, or kill our enemies”. There was another loud bang at the front doors.
“Good luck”, Student Fajartop said.
“I give all my luck to you”, Georgia said, “You’ve got to save us”.
“I don’t want to save anyone”, Student Fajartop replied, as a crack appeared in one of the doors, “I’ve never been important in my life”.
“Well now’s your chance!” Georgia said, as the door was smashed off its hinges. Zygons ran into the room, one of the guards was grabbed by a Zygon and he fell to the ground, several guards starting firing their guns.

“Don’t you dare try to protect me!” Georgia snarled.
“Fine!” Student Fajartop replied backing away from the door, firing his gun. Georgia tried to fire her gun, but it wasn’t working.
“Actually, do protect me”, Georgia shrieked and ran up the stairs, “I’ll go see how the Doctor’s getting on”. Commander Zagrafix burst through the doors and shot a guard.

“Ah, the Student!” Zagrafix said leering at Student Fajartop. Student Fajartop looked around, all the other guards were fighting with Zygons, dying or dead.
“Stay back, or I’ll kill you”, Student Fajartop said lamely.
“Like you will!” Commander Zagrafix yelled, “You are a stupid student, who could and would never hurt a fly!”
“I’ll make you an offer”, Student Fajartop said, looking around to see that all the guards were lying dead on the floor.
“We will not accept an offer from you”, Commander Zagrafix said.
“But sir-“, began another Zygon, Brantok, “If it means, no more deaths”.
“Silence you idiot!” Commander Zagrafix ordered, “I WANT DEATH! And when we get back to the ship, you will die Brantok!” There was a bang and Commander Zagrafix fell down dead.

“What is this offer?” Brantok asked, looking at Commander Zagrafix.
“You can live here on this planet, in the great lakes and swamps”, Student Fajartop replied, “We shall have two great civilisations on one planet. Don’t stay mean forever, become a loving community”.
“Well, I don’t know much about love”, Brantok said, “All we know is hate”. The other Zygons agreed.
“Then we shall teach you love”, Student Fajartop said, “Are we in agreement?”
“Yes, I think we should have peace”, Brantok replied, “We’ve been at war for too long”. The other Zygons nodded in agreement.

“How shall we settle the agreement?” Student Fajartop asked.
“Shake hands”, Brantok said, as the Doctor ran into the room followed by Georgia.
“Don’t let him touch you!” Georgia screamed, as Brantok and Student Fajartop shook hands. Student Fajartop showed no signs of being in pain or being hurt. The Doctor smiled.
“Then it is settled”, Student Fajartop said, “As the only person from Yurren in this room, I give the swamps and the lake to the Zygons. We have no use for it anyway. No hostility will be between the two civilisations ever again!” The Zygons cheered and the Doctor clapped.

“Told you he’d save the day”, the Doctor commented.
“How come that Zygon didn’t sting Fajartop?” Georgia asked.
“The Zygons can decide how much they sting their enemies”, the Doctor replied, “That one stunned me, but Student Ron was killed and Student Fajartop wasn’t affected at all”.
“Shall we go?” Georgia asked.
“Yes, let’s go out the back way”, the Doctor said and Georgia nodded.
“Student Fajartop will finally be an important person”, Georgia replied, “Although few people ever are”.
“Come on lets go find Zac”, the Doctor said, “Then we need to get that plaque for Conner”. Georgia nodded and her and the Doctor walked back down the long corridor. Student Fajartop saw them leave out of the corner of his eye.

It was a couple of weeks later when Student Fajartop entered Professor Makensi’s workshops. Professor Makensi welcomed him in with some Yurren water, a couple of Zygons had just left, they wanted to put up some signs, which would survive underwater.
“Professor Makensi, I know that you are very knowledgeable”, Student Fajartop said, sitting down, “So I’d like to make you my chief official”.
“You got the job as President!” Professor Makensi exclaimed.
“Yes, I did”, Student Fajartop replied, “Youngest President ever! Brantok is Vice-President. Zark’s been put in a mental asylum”.

“What about me?” Student Null said limping into the room. Thanks to expert healers, Student Null survived, although he had lost the use of one of his legs and had to walk on crutches.
“I was thinking, you could perhaps be, chief advisor”, Student Fajartop said and Student Null smiled. The plans worked on the planet. The Zygons and the natives lived in harmony; the Zygon’s had had enough of war forever. The planet was peaceful for years and years until the second invasion…

The TARDIS landed in the park where the Doctor and Georgia had first met. The TARDIS door opened to reveal Zac, who saw Kaylie standing outside the door. Zac and Kaylie hugged, as the Doctor and Georgia exited the TARDIS too.
“That trip was a bit longer than expected”, Zac replied.
“Kaylie, why couldn’t you come?” Georgia asked.
“If I went in the TARDIS, I’m sure I’d find it fun”, Kaylie replied, “But that machine reminds me of Conner and Harry and now they’re d-dead”.

“I’m sorry”, Georgia said and hugged Kaylie, “Look after Zac”.
“Look after the Doctor”, Kaylie replied, with tears in her eyes.
“Goodbye Doctor”, Zac said, “Goodbye Georgia. We’ll never forget Conner”.
“No we never will”, the Doctor said, “But life has to move on and the planet must be protected and I’m sure it will be”.
“Don’t get killed by any monsters out there”, Zac told Georgia and Georgia hugged Zac.
“Well I guess this is goodbye”, the Doctor said and waved bye to Zac and Kaylie. Kaylie then ran at the Doctor and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you for all the times you’ve saved us”, Kaylie added, and the Doctor and Georgia walked back into the TARDIS. Zac and Kaylie held hands and watched the TARDIS fade away for the last time.



"Why are we here Doctor?"
"To save someone."
"And kick some ass?"
"If you like."
Georgia slaps the Doctor.
"We'll be lucky to survive!"
"Some nut released all the aliens."
"Nice one Doctor..."
"It's the lift that's playing tricks on you."
The lift descends into the darkness.


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