Wednesday 18 March 2009

Episode 1: The New Zygon World Part 3

Student Fajartop ran at the front of the group, but there was a loud crashing sound as a tree fell behind him and Georgia. A Zygon had blasted it down. Student Null, Professor Makensi and Zac saw the tree fall in front of them and changed direction. Smashing their way through a large red bush, Zac thought that they had lost the Zygons pursuing them. Meanwhile, the Doctor managed to jump over the fallen tree and followed Georgia and Student Fajartop towards the city.

“Where’s the Professor and Student Null?” Student Fajartop asked Georgia as he ran.
“I don’t know, Zac’s gone too”, Georgia said.
“Should we stop?” Student Fajartop asked.
“No, just keep running”, Georgia replied, “The Doctor’s still following us, he’ll think of something”. Student Fajartop rushed out of the thicket followed by Georgia, who tripped over a fallen log. She looked up to see several Zygons, some of which were holding green guns, which looked as though they were covered in moss. The Doctor rushed straight out of the thicket and saw Georgia and Student Fajartop surrounded by the Zygons.

“This way Georgia!” the Doctor shouted turning around, but he stopped when he saw the entrance to the thicket was blocked. A Zygon in armour was leering down at the Doctor and his friends.
“Hello, Doctor”, Zagrafix said, “Enemy of the Zygons, with your precious companions and allies”.
“Hello, nice to meet you”, the Doctor said, “I would shake your hand but I’m allergic to your stings”.
“Oh but I’m wearing gloves Doctor”, Zagrafix replied, holding out his hand. The Doctor took it half-heartedly.

“What’s your name?” the Doctor asked.
“My name is Zagrafix”, Zagrafix answered.
“So why are you here?” the Doctor asked.
“It would be silly of me to reveal the Zygon plans, to the enemy”, Zagrafix said, “You see we don’t want you interfering, so you and your friends will be taken to the Zygon ship”.
“Of course we will come with you”, the Doctor said. Georgia raised her eyebrows, but then remembered Zac and the others could still save them.

Zac Pemberton broke out of another thicket of trees and appeared at the edge of a swamp. There was a large lake, with marshland surrounding it. On the opposite side of the lake Zac could see several Zygon creatures building something. Professor Makensi and Student Null appeared behind Zac, out of breath.
“Oh, we’re at Klandron lake”, Professor Makensi commented, “Wondered where we were heading”.
“Did we loose the Zygons?” Student Null asked.
“Can you hear something following us?” Zac asked.
“No”, Student Null replied, “This marsh smells”.

“If my calculations are correct, we are on the west side of the lake”, Professor Makensi explained, “There is a town on the other side. Hopefully we can reach it without being seen”.
“There are Zygons on the other side of the lake unfortunately”, Zac muttered, “But we could sneak through those trees”. Zac pointed at a large group of trees on the edge of the lake.

“Those trees grow in the lake”, Professor Makensi said, “It could be several feet deep where those trees are”.
“No, I came here a couple of months ago”, Student Null replied, “I went swimming in the lake, the water by those trees is only a foot deep”.
“But we’ll still get soaked”, Professor Makensi said.
“We need to get to safety”, Zac said quickly, “We go through those trees in the lake, or go back, or risk getting seen. I vote we go through the trees”.
“I second that”, Student Null seconded.
“All right”, Professor Makensi sighed, “Through the water”. Zac, Student Null and Professor Makensi crept over to the group of trees, Zac kept an eye on the Zygons, who were still building something.

“Hopefully we can see what they’re building”, Zac muttered.
“We are not going near those creatures”, Professor Makensi said loudly.
“Quiet!” Student Null said, as they reached the trees, “I’ll go first, once we get out of the trees, there are a couple of bushes then we can creep over to the forest, walk through the forest and get to the town”.
“That sounds like a plan”, Zac said.

“These look like marshes”, Professor Makensi said.
“The dead marshes”, Zac replied in a Gollum-like voice.
“Excuse me?” Professor Makensi, “Isn’t that from Lord of the Rings?”
“How did you know?” Zac asked, as he entered the water and shivered.
“The Doctor brought me a load of Earth books to read”, Professor Makensi replied, “Bleak House was good, and I really enjoyed that other one, the one with the troll”.
“The three little goats?” Zac asked, remembering a children’s story.
“Something like that”, Professor Makensi said as he waded through the water.
“I’ve had bad experiences with trolls and bridges”, Zac explained, “Although the troll hit himself on the head, I wander if Georgia ever got that necklace back…” Student Null stopped and saw ripples of water appearing 20 or 25 metres away in the lake. The ripples were coming towards Student Null and the others.

“Zac!” Student Null shrieked pointing at the ripples.
“Quickly!” Zac ordered and began to rush through the water. Student Null began to rush through the water too, but tripped and fell into the water. Professor Makensi couldn’t go much further.
“The Zygons!” Professor Makensi said pointing at the figures by the lake who had stopped building and were walking towards them.
“They’ve seen us!” Zac yelled.
“Its going to kill us!” Student Null said as the ripples drew closer.
“Its huge!” Professor Makensi said.
“Calm down!” Zac replied, continuing to rush through the water.

“The Zygons are going to kill us and there’s something hellish swimming straight for us!” Student Null shouted. Zac looked around. Professor Makensi was out of breath, the Zygons were running towards them and the ripples were less than 5 metres away…

Meanwhile, the President of Yurren led a guard into his office.
“Sir, I really should be protecting”, the guard began.
“Quiet!” the President replied, “Do you really think I’m acting strangely?”
“Yes, sir now I am sure there is something wrong with you”, the guard answered, “You could resign”.
“I am not resigning”, the President snapped, “I have a job to do, the President is my name, I will never resign! The city must be destroyed”.
“You said destroyed!” the guard exclaimed.
“I meant protected”, the President replied, “The city must be protected, with me in charge Yurren will never fall”.
“I’m sorry sir, but I don’t believe anything you say anymore”, the guard replied.
“What is your name?” the President asked.
“I am Mr. Sinkhartep from the town of Birnk”, the guard answered.

“Well, Mr. Sinkhartep”, the President said, “What are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to tell everyone, that you are not yourself”, the guard said, “I’ll phone the police to remove you from office”.

“Nice plan”, the President said smiling as his outline flashed and suddenly, the President of Yurren was no longer there; in his place was a Zygon, who grabbed the guard with its suckered hand. The guard fell to the ground dead.

“Yurren will be destroyed”, the Zygon said, “And I will lower the protection barriers enough to let the other Zygons in!”



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