Thursday 12 March 2009

Episode 1: The New Zygon World Part 2

In the centre of Yurren the President was giving orders.
“These creatures are Zygons!” the President announced to a large group of guards.
“How do you know that?” the guard asked.
“Because the ships belong to the Zygons”, the President replied.
“But how do you know that?” the guard questioned.
“Because we have information on them stored in the main library”, the President replied quickly.

“So what do we do?” the guard asked.
“I was about to get to that bit before you started questioning me!” the President said, “Like you don’t believe me”.
“Well you are acting oddly sir”, the guard said.
“Can all of the guards please get to battle stations!” the President ordered and all the guards started moving away, “Except you!” The guard who had been asking the President questions stopped.

“What do you want me for?” the guard asked.
“I want a word”, the President said and led the guard out of the room an along a long corridor.

Meanwhile, on board the main Zygon ship, the Zygon Priest Zark was picking up information from the planet. Zark was in one of his large dark chambers, where he invented, predicted and created. Commander Zagrafix entered the room.
“Ah, Commander Zagrafix, this is a pleasant surprise”, the Zygon Priest said, smiling.
“You knew I was coming”, Commander Zagrafix replied, frowning, “You told me to come, now spit it out, what do you want? I was busy killing people outside Yurren’s protection”.
“Well, I don’t want anything”, Zark answered.
“You brought me here because you don’t want anything!” Zagrafix roared.
“No-no”, Zark stammered.
“Well what is it?” Zagrafix snarled.

“I have information, concerning an old enemy”, Zark replied, to which Zagrafix raised his eyebrows, “A few hundred years ago, a group of Zygons arrived in a lake on the Earth, where we were faced by the Doctor. The Doctor is here, on the planet, he could stop our victory”.
“He could stop my victory”, Zagrafix muttered, “Then he must be stopped”.
“Of course”, Zark said, “What are you going to do?”
“He will be brought here”, Zagrafix replied, “Where is he?”

“He is not inside the city”, Zark said pressing his fingers to his head, “He is on the outskirts, out of the city’s protection. He has his companions with him; he is in the company of an old friend”.
“Who is it?” Zagrafix asked, “Tell me!”
“Professor Makensi”, Zark replied, in a strange voice, “They have found a dead man, murdered by the Zygons, they head for the protection of the city”.

“Brantok, here now!” Zagrafix ordered, ignoring Zark, who fell to floor, his mind had been working too hard. Another Zygon entered the room, he was slightly taller than Zagrafix, but did not look as fierce.
“Yes sir?” Brantok asked.
“Are you getting past the protection of the city?” Zagrafix asked.
“It is going well, sir”, Brantok replied, “Our agent has successfully lowered the protection field slightly”.
“Slightly is not good enough!” Zagrafix roared, “If we don’t catch the Doctor, before he gets to the city, our plans could fail”.
“We could offer a peace offering, all we want is the-“, Brantok suggested.
“I do not want peace!” Zagrafix replied, “This will be the new Zygon world, there shall be a new Zygor in the heavens! Now send me back down the planet, so I can catch the Doctor before he can get into Yurren!”

“Of course, sir”, Brantok said, “We will go to the main control room, but what about Zark?”
“Oh, leave him there”, Zagrafix replied, “He will not be any use for a while”. Zagrafix followed Brantok out of Zark’s dark chambers and headed for the control room.

Meanwhile, the Doctor, Professor Makensi, Georgia, Zac, Student Null and Student Fajartop were heading towards Yurren.
“Doctor, remind me why we are heading towards the city?” Georgia asked.
“The city has protection”, the Doctor said, “It has a force field so the Zygons can’t get in, but they’ll try. They may be able to lower the field, so they can get in. We need to stop them”.
“Don’t you mean, I’m supposed to stop them”, Student Fajartop asked.
“Look, I’m sure the Doctor didn’t mean that…” Professor Makensi began.
“Oh the Doctor did”, the Doctor replied, “There is a poem from the future”.

“What poem?” Georgia asked.
“It features Student Fajartop and the saving of this city”, the Doctor explained. “Say it”, Student Fajartop ordered.
“Doctor, you are a time traveller, you can change time”, Professor Makensi said.

“He’s a time traveller?” Student Null asked Zac.
“Yeah, he travels through the universe”, Zac answered, “He saves civilisations, he saves people and planets from monsters and villains”.
“Wow, and you travel with him?” Student Null asked.
“I did, but I couldn’t travel anymore”, Zac said, “I left my girlfriend, Kaylie, behind and my whole family, they had no idea where I was. It was quite selfish really. This is my last trip with the Doctor”.
“Do you want to travel more?” Student Null asked.
“I can’t not anymore, I don’t really have a link to them anymore”, Zac explained, “My best mate, Conner, died. It was a couple of months ago now, but it was only a couple of days for them”.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, Student Null replied. While Zac and Student Null had been talking, the Doctor had explained, that if he didn’t let Student Fajartop save the city and the planet, then a paradox would be created, as the Doctor would never have heard the poem.

“Say the poem!” Student Fajartop ordered again.
“All right”, the Doctor said and began to recite:

Yurren is invaded,
The people take to flight,
But one alone stays,
He alone will fight,
The evil is terrible,
It comes from the swamps,
It comes from the trees,
The alien’s stomps,
Breaks the city’s courage,
But one remains,
He is young,
Yurren is his domain,
Student Fajartop does not flee,
The planet is saved,
By one single, student,

“The people flee?” Student Null asked, while Student Fajartop looked stunned.
“The people won’t flee”, Professor Makensi said, “The city has a very strong protection field”.
“The city’s protection can be broken remember”, the Doctor explained, “Now come on!” Suddenly, there was a cracking of twigs.

“Someone’s after us!” Student Null exclaimed.
“Quiet!” Georgia replied.
“Doctor, what do we do?” Zac asked.
“We run”, the Doctor said, “Student Null, can you help Professor Makensi please, Student Fajartop up the front with Georgia. I’ll go at the back with Zac”. Zac nodded, Georgia breathed deeply, and began to run, following closely behind Student Fajartop. Student Null helped the Professor run along.

“I’m fine!” Professor Makensi said.
“We need to go quickly”, Zac said from behind.
“Well leave me behind then”, Professor Makensi said.
“We’re not leaving anyone behind”, Georgia called from the front, as she ran. The group ran out of the trees and along a group of bushes, into a thicket. Zac could hear more twigs snapping.

“Doctor, they’re right behind us!” Zac said.
“Just keep running!” the Doctor replied.

Meanwhile, on board the Zygon’s main ship, Brantok was contacting Zagrafix. Zagrafix was the one chasing the Doctor and his friends. He had with him two other Zygons.
“Brantok, contact all troops”, Zagrafix ordered.
“What shall I tell them?” Brantok asked.

“Surround the thicket in vector 379”, Zagrafix replied, “That is where the Doctor is hiding, we are in close pursuit, but I can’t risk any of them getting into the city, so tell the troop so surround them!”
“Of course sir”, Brantok replied, and contacted the other troops, as Zagrafix got closer and closer to the Doctor.



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