Saturday 4 October 2008

Episode 9: Game Over Part 5

Zac and Kaylie climb through the door into Level 8. Inside, there is a small room with two doors on the right and left of Zac and Kaylie. Directly ahead of them, there is a little table. A letter can be seen, placed on top of the table. Zac and Kaylie head over to the letter, and read it. The words are written in fine, spindly, golden handwriting, and the letter is as follows:

Well done!
You have successfully completed the challenges set to you, on the various Levels of Virtual Reality. You’ve reached your prize, but are you sure it’s what you want? Step through the door on your left to claim your glory, or step through the door on the right to go to anywhere you wish.

“Yeah right,” Zac said.
“Well, with in the Game probably,” Kaylie said “anyway, you couldn’t wish to be in Finding Nemo, and just appear there.”
“Right, whatever,” Zac shook his head “I know what I’m doing. Are you coming?”
“No. I never wanted to win this Game. I just wanted to survive,” Kaylie said quietly.
“Well fine,” Zac said harshly “bye then.”

He opened the door on the left, and walked through it without a backward glance. Kaylie grimaces, and then walks through the door on the right.

The Doctor flicks a switch in triumph.

“Ha!” he cried “see you later Dorris!”
“It worked?” Harry asked, amazed.
“Yep,” the Doctor grinned “did you see Dorris wave? Awww- you’ve gotta love her.”

Dorris opens her eyes. The Doctor had gotten her out, along with Lisa. He’d promised, and he’d done it. She was lying on the floor of the Post Office. She got up quickly; anyone who walked in would think she’d had a fall, and that would mean old people’s home before she could say Virtual Reality.

Lisa awoke on her bed, in the barracks. Jenny was leaning over her.

“You OK Private?” Jenny grinned.
“Sure,” Lisa smiled “I just had a funny turn.”
“Major Dumbo is asking if you can do tonight’s training,” Jenny said “what shall I tell him?”
“Tell him I’m having the night off,” Lisa said “I’m so tired. You’d have thought I’d been in a videogame or something!”

Jenny laughed, and left.

Kaylie appears on the other side of the door, in the Doctor’s control room, which Harry is sat in, alone.

“Harry, oh Harry,” Kaylie sobbed “where’s the Doctor?”

Harry points to the store cupboard.

“In there,” he informed.

The Doctor appears, grinning.

“Kaylie! Where are the others?” the Doctor asked, oblivious to her sobbing.
“Zac’s gone to claim his prize at the end of the Game, and Georgia and Conner are on Level 6. The futuristic one,” Kaylie said.
“And, you said Zac’s reached the end, and gone through the door? But,” Harry cried leaping up “that bit’s not been tested! Bulba doesn’t know what’s in there!”
“Get him out! Get him out! Quick! Get him out!” Kaylie screamed shrilly.

The Doctor runs to the TVs.

“Georgia and Conner have got bigger problems!” he cried “Robots. Bent on killing them.”

He starts tapping furiously at the keyboard.

“Oh no! One of the Robots is stopping me from taking them out of the Game!”

He taps some more. Faster, and faster.

“Doctor?” Kaylie asked “what’s happening to Zac?”

On a TV Zac is against a black background. Credits of the Game start coming up, lifting Zac off of his feet. He falls off of the line saying ‘Developed by Bulba Corp.’ but he’s knocked over by the line saying ‘Sponsored by the Spidership.’ This continues on and on. Then Bulba enters the room.

"You’ve got until the end of the Credits. Then he dies. For him, the Game is the end of his life,” Bulba said, smiling slightly.
“Oh I’ve had enough of you,” the Doctor cried suddenly, pointing the Sonic Screwdriver at Bulba, who collapses “he wasn’t real. A clever fake. Whoever created him is definitely alien. Real good technology like.”

Then the Doctor does even more tapping. He turned and smiled at Harry and Kaylie.

“I’ve just got to press enter, and everyone is saved!”

Sarah Jane, Maria and Clyde appeared in the Doctor’s control room. As quick as a flash, the Doctor presses enter. Zac, Georgia, Conner and all the Humans who were captured by the Game appear in the room. Sarah Jane is about to call out, when the Doctor interrupts her.

“Whoops,” the Doctor said.

And with a tap, the captured Humans, including Harry, Sarah Jane, Maria, Clyde and Luke, vanished. They were returned home by the Doctor.

“Whoops,” the Doctor said again “Harry wasn’t supposed to go too. Oh well.”
“How did you save them?” Kaylie asked.
“I sent the Robots in the place of Zac. They’ll die when the Credits run out. Let’s go back home,” the Doctor said, tapping some buttons.

They vanished, with big grins on their faces, knowing they were about to see sunlight again, back in London.

Sarah Jane led her team up Bannerman Road.

“Not quite the adventure we hoped,” Clyde said dejectedly.
“Oh yes it was,” Sarah Jane smiled.
“Yeah, I got to see graphics up close!” Luke smiled.
“And I saw the Doctor,” Sarah Jane smiled.
“Where?” Clyde and Luke asked excitedly.
“At a distance,” Sarah Jane explained “he saved everyone.”
“I saw a fit boy,” Maria said.
“The one next to the man in the blue suit?” Sarah Jane smiled.
“Yeah!” Maria grinned.
“The man in the blue suit was the Doctor,” Sarah Jane said.
“I didn’t look at him properly,” Maria said.
“I think that boy is called Conner,” Sarah Jane said, walking up the drive of number 13.
“He travels with the Doctor?” Clyde asked “cool.”

Maria made a side-glance at her house. Her mum, Chrissie, had fainted, and Alan was fanning her face, to wake her up. Nothing unusual, Maria thought. Trouble usually occurred at her house, even when she was fighting aliens next door!

“Mum,” Luke said “why didn’t the Doctor want to talk to you?”
“He was busy,” Sarah Jane said “doing what he does- saving the world, that wonderful man.”

Luke nodded, and Sarah Jane opened the door to her house.

“Now who’s for tea and biscuits?”

Zac and Kaylie walk up to the TARDIS.

“Doctor, I’ve sent that message across the internet. Everyone who bought Virtual Reality think it’s broken. A default,” Zac smiled.
“Good. Now, we’d better go before Harry comes to say goodbye,” the Doctor said “let’s be off.”
“Ah,” Zac said “but you see, Doctor, I’m not coming with you. Kaylie and I are going home. I need to sort out everything. I mean, I’ve been reported missing, and my parents will be missing me. It’s alright for Conner, his parents are in Portsmouth, but some people are left behind. I’ll see you around Conner.”

Conner doesn’t say anything, he’s obviously disappointed. He nods, takes Georgia’s hand and leads her into the TARDIS.

“Bye Zac,” Georgia said before she is pulled through the door.
“Yeah, Zac,” the Doctor smiled “keep in touch. I want to hear of any alien invasions. Good luck.”
“You too boss!” Zac grinned “look after Conner for me.”
“Sure thing.”

The Doctor walks into the TARDIS. It leaves. The sound of the TARDIS’ engines rip through the air, as Zac and Kaylie walk, hand-in-hand, off into the sunset.


The Doctor and Conner are sat alone in the TARDIS. Georgia is busy picking clothes in the TARDIS Wardrobe. The Doctor leans in towards Conner.

“You know we were talking about the Vicar of Dibley earlier?” the Doctor asked.
“Yeah,” Conner said “are you gonna take me to visit it?”
“No! It’s not real. I’ve decided to tell you a joke!” the Doctor grinned.
“Go on then, do your worst,” Conner sighed.
“Alright!” the Doctor grinned “here it is: Why do the Vargoine love the colour pink?”
“I dunno, why do they love the colour pink?” Conner said.
“Because their cheese is blue!” the Doctor laughed.
“I don’t get it,” Conner said “what’s wrong with their cheese? Are you anti-blue cheese? Well, I think that’s very wrong, you shouldn’t discriminate against cheese.”
“Seriously?” the Doctor said.
“Yes this is a serious matter! Leave that cheese alone!” Conner said defiantly “After that awful anti-cheese joke, I’ll tell you a good one.”
“Go on then,” the Doctor said.
“Why do the Daleks eat apples?” Conner smiled.
“I dunno…” the Doctor said.
“Because an apple a day keeps the Doctor away!” Conner fell about laughing on the TARDIS sofa.

The Doctor gives him a look to show the joke isn’t funny. Conner stops laughing. He stands up. The Doctor nods and Conner leaves the TARDIS console room, his head bowed.

When he is alone, the Doctor bursts out laughing.

“Daleks!… Apples!... Cheese!... Ha!”

End of Credits.


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