Wednesday 28 July 2010

Episode 5: Rise of the Nayragar Part 1

“Wait a second!” the Doctor said, backing into the side of the spaceship.
“What is it now?” General Nay asked, rolling his eyes.
“It’s just, your logic isn’t that good, is it?” the Doctor replied.
“What do you mean?” General Nay grunted.
“Well, the way you’re cornering me,” the Doctor answered.
“In a cavern, with only one exit, I think my logic is perfect,” General Nay said leering.
“One exit, no, I can’t quite agree with you there,” the Doctor said grinning, as he pulled his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket.
“There is no other exit,” General Nay snapped.
“What about the spaceship?” the Doctor replied, jumping inside.
“The spaceship’s crashed, it has no power!” General Nay shouted, before adding to Vasray and two other Nayragar carrying guns, “Go in and get him…”
“Yes sir,” Vasray said, nodding, and he and the other two Nayragar began to march towards the crashed ship.
“Don’t be silly!” the Doctor called from inside the ship, “A wire has just been cut, it just needs to be fixed... and a useful object to fix something with is a sonic screwdriver.”
“What?” General Nay snarled, as the two Nayragar and Vasray fell backwards as the spacecraft blasted off the ground, filling the cavern with smoke. The spacecraft smashed through the ceiling of the tunnel, and sunlight flooded the cavern.
“NO!” General Nay said amidst the coughing and spluttering of the other Nayragar.


“Let me look at her,” the alien said to Conner. She knelt beside him and placed a metal device on Georgia’s head. The device whirred and Georgia’s eyes flickered open.
“GEORGIA!” Conner shouted happily.
“I’m sorry, she’s not back to life, that happens, while I scan her,” the alien explained, “How did you get in by the way? I was looking for a certain woman.”
“We fell down a hole in the woods,” Conner explained, “I would ask what’s going on with you, as you’re an alien, and I’m guessing you’re a Nayragar… or something like that, but my friend…” The alien took the device off Georgia’s head and Georgia’s eyes snapped shut. The alien’s eyes widened and her face looked slightly shocked.

“I’m sorry; it seems she had some kind of bug that lowered her defences,” the alien explained, “My names Ridgebull Ragar by the way. I take it you came with that magician in the blue box.”
“You mean the Doctor?” Conner asked.
“Yes, I suppose,” Ridgebull replied, “The last report I got was from Vasray telling me that he had been cornered, and that he was about to be shot.”
“Not him too...” Conner said with tears in his eyes, “I’m stranded, I can’t pilot the TARDIS; I don’t even know where it is, and Georgia’s dead!”
“I can show you where the TARDIS is,” Ridgebull said smiling.

A Lion pounced at Ezio, who jumped aside, making the Lion fly past him and skid along the dirty floor. The Lions growled and bared their teeth.
“STOP!” the Woman yelled at the lions in a trembling voice, “You will not harm us!” The Woman drew her sword and spun it round her head, as she began to walk menacingly towards the Lions, who began to back away, and then ran off.
“That voice... is very... un... womanly,” Ezio commented.
“Thank you for that assessment, but if you hadn’t noticed that voice got rid of the Lions,” the Woman said smiling.

“Let’s get back to the cave,” Humbert said.
“But what about exploring?” Ezio asked.
“I still don’t understand how we managed to get through the wall, I’ve tried with my eyes closed before,” the Woman explained.
“We have no time to think on that now, let’s get out of here before the Lions come back,” Humbert replied, “I need to find my wife.”
“Eden, but didn’t you know?” the Woman asked.
“Know what?” Humbert replied.
“She went on a special mission, soon after you arrived,” the Woman answered, “She didn’t return, I‘m truly very sorry.”

“What was this special mission?” Ezio asked interestedly.
“You haven’t been a member of the rebellion long enough for me to tell you that,” the Woman replied seriously.
“But we found these secret tunnels,” Ezio pointed out.
“I deserve to know where my wife has gone!” Humbert told the Woman, who frowned at him and crossed her arms. She took out her sword and held it out to Humbert, who hesitated.
“Go and find her,” the Woman ordered.
“But... where is she?” Humbert asked.
“She’s in Tointraken,” the Woman said simply.
“But where?” Humbert questioned.
“That’s your job to find out,” the Woman answered, “Come on Ezio, let’s continue to explore.”

“What about your sword?” Humbert asked, as the Woman pulled a sword from behind her back, and turned to face Humbert.
“I have more,” the Woman said smiling, “Off you go.” Humbert ran back down the tunnel, and Ezio looked confused as to whom to follow.
“I don’t mind if you follow him, I’ll be perfectly safe,” the Woman told Ezio, who still looked unsure.
“You’re a woman, I should stay to protect you,” Ezio said firmly.
“Oh really,” the Woman laughed, “I think you’ll find, I’ll be the one that will be protecting you if we come to face any peril. Let’s go then, now that we’ve got rid of him...”

General Nay shouted at his troops, then at Vasray, then at his troops, and finally he shouted at the place where the old spacecraft had been.
“Sir, give us orders! What shall we do?” Vasray asked loudly.
“Of course,” General Nay said, in a calmer voice, “Get out of the base and follow him in our spaceship! Quickly!”
“Sir there are already Nayragar on board, do you wish for me to contact them?” Vasray asked.
“Yes, and get the Caster to my office,” General Nay replied, “NOW!”
“This is Vas3,” Vasray said into a small communicator he was holding, “Orders from General Nay, follow the original Nayragar spaceship, it has been fixed by an unknown alien enemy; bring it down!” General Nay barged through the Nayragar soldiers out of the cave and back towards the base.

Ridgebull helped carry Georgia through the tunnel and into a cave, with several tunnels leading off it, and a flight of stone steps at the other end of it, which led up to the metallic door of the Nayragar base.

“Are you sure we’ll be safe?” Conner asked.
“The other Nayragar are out,” Ridgebull replied, “With the Doctor...”
“What, all of them?” Conner replied.
“Well, all the guards,” Ridgebull answered, “Come on; let’s take Georgia to my rooms. Then I can show you where the TARDIS is.”
“Thanks, but are you sure that Georgia can’t be resurrected in some way?” Conner pleaded, as Ridgebull opened the door and helped carry Georgia into the base.
“There are always miracles, Conner,” Ridgebull answered, “Her essence may be alive... somewhere, maybe you could find it.”

“What’s essence?” Conner asked confused, as they continued down the corridor.
“The essence of somebody is their personality, their thoughts, their power,” Ridgebull explained, “Nayragar discovered it, and our scientists focus on experimenting on essences of different species.”
“How can you take somebody’s essence?” Conner asked, looking sadly at Georgia, as Ridgebull opened a door into a hallway, which led into several different rooms.
“A tiny probe which can be flown inside a person’s head via the ear,” Ridgebull answered, “The probe absorbs the essence and transmits it as a code to a computer, from the computer the essence can be experimented on.”
“What happens to a person’s body when their essence is taken?” Conner asked. Ridgebull did not reply at once, but she helped Georgia onto a bed.
“They enter a temporary state of unconsciousness, they appear to be dead,” Ridgebull explained.
“Temporary?” Conner replied.
“The person will die, after a day, unless their essence is returned or replaced,” Ridgebull continued.
“I don’t think that’s happened to Georgia, I think she’s just...” Conner muttered.

“As the person’s essence fades away, they take in small amounts of other people’s essences, other people’s personalities who are nearby,” Ridgebull said, not looking at Conner.
“You seem to know a lot about this,” Conner said with raised eyebrows, “You’ve taken her essence, haven’t you?”
“Perhaps,” Ridgebull said, smirking slightly.
“Then give it back!” Conner snapped, “Georgia is not going to die!”
“She may do... it’s not like you can stop me,” Ridgebull muttered.
“She is my friend! You can’t let her die! I thought you were nice!” Conner shouted angrily, “Where is it? You have no right to do this!”
“I have every right, seeing as she doesn’t exist yet, I’m not harming anyone,” Ridgebull replied.
“You’re harming the future then!” Conner answered.
“Maybe we can make a deal,” Ridgebull said calmly, still smiling.
“What do you mean?” Conner asked.
“I want you to find someone for me, a woman, and bring her here, that’s all I want,” Ridgebull said, “Then your friend will survive.”

The Nayragar spacecraft shot away from the town of Tointraken and into the sky. A large hole in the ground could be clearly seen to the north-east of the town. The Doctor steered the ship into a steady collision and pulled out his sonic screwdriver.

“Let’s check something...” the Doctor muttered, pressing two buttons until the ship’s radar appeared on the screen. Something large was moving in the spacecraft’s direction.
“It’s the other Nayragar spaceship, as I thought,” the Doctor said, running his hands through his hair, “But what are they doing? I wonder if they would...” Suddenly, an alarm went off in the spacecraft and the Doctor span the spacecraft round so that several lasers, fired from the main spaceship, shot past it.
“Time for a race...” the Doctor sighed, as he yanked a lever on the control panel and the spacecraft shot through the air, away from the other spaceship. He could see by the ship’s radar that the other spaceship was catching him up.
“Need more power,” the Doctor snarled, pressing the sonic screwdriver against the control panel. The screens in the control room got brighter. Suddenly, something else popped up on the ship’s radar.
“An alien object...” the Doctor muttered.

Poliakin swung the sword around his head and it hit the lion in the chest. Two more Lions appeared through the trees and Poliakin began to run towards the edge of the woods into a field of long grass. He knew the long grass would be a perfect hiding place for the lions, so he kept running until he was close to the edge of the town.

“Look!” Captain Groutroster roared, and two Huns seized Poliakin from behind.
“What’s this he’s carrying?” a Hun soldier asked.
“It’s obviously some rebel weapon, it’s golden too,” Captain Groutroster said seizing.
“I wish to see Attila the Hun over the Hun leadership,” Poliakin replied calmly.
“We decide where you go,” Captain Groutroster snarled, pulling out a sword, but Poliakin broke free of the Huns grasp and killed the Hun soldiers holding him. Captain Groutroster backed away, as Poliakin looked round. There was no sign of the lions.
“Let me take you to Attila,” Captain Groutroster said quickly, looking scared.

General Nay marched up the steps to the Nayragar centre, as Vasray ran towards him looking slightly pleased with himself.
“Sir, the old man is taking the sword to Attila,” Vasray said.
“With that sword the old man thinks he can take over the world, the sword makes anybody think that,” General Nay replied smirking, “And now he wants the Hun empire...”
“Sir, what if the plan fails?” Vasray asked.
“It won’t fail, the true wielder can defeat the false one,” General Nay snarled.

The Doctor flew the spacecraft across a lake, but the other spaceship was not far behind it. The red light in the control room began to flash as the alarm went off again.
“They’re using bombs...” the Doctor muttered, as something circular shot through the air towards the spacecraft.

Poliakin pushed the doors open with extreme force and he marched into Attila’s main hall. Attila looked up to the old man with a look of malice about his face and a gleaming, gold sword in his hand. Behind him scurried Captain Groutroster, who was looking fearful.

“What do you want, old man?” Attila asked sneering, “Know anything about a rebellion?”
“Sir... it’s n-not that...” Captain Groutroster stuttered.
“Shut up you cowering fool,” Attila snapped.
“I want all of this,” Poliakin replied, “All my life I have feared the Huns, but now I can be feared, with my precious sword.”
“Sword, what is this sword? Who made it for you?” Attila asked, not looking slightly bothered.
“Nobody, I found it,” Poliakin said calmly.
“You’re a thief, are you?” Attila remarked, “Scum of the Earth, you steal a gold sword and you think you can walk in here and steal my throne! I am the King!”
“You are foul; anybody could do a better job at running an empire!” Poliakin commented.

“Silence!” Attila roared, “I will have no more of this, Captain Groutroster, guards! Pull him apart!” Attila’s guards did not, however, move, but they remained stationary. Captain Groutroster made no sign of movement either, but his eyes flicked between Attila, Attila’s guards and Poliakin.
“I SAID PULL HIM APART!” Attila roared, “And where is my magician?”
“The Doctor was found in an out of bounds area, sir,” one of Attila’s guards spoke, “He fell into the den, we are sorry for your loss.”
“Don’t worry about that now, Kill him!” Attila snarled.
“I don’t think any of you are in a fit state to attack me,” Poliakin said, “I have killed many Lions today, and two Hun guards, and killing for me is just getting easier, even if I am old...”
“Sir, we think you should kill him, and prove that he is wrong,” one of Attila’s guards said.
“FINE!” Attila growled, as he picked up his own sword and headed over to Poliakin, who looked smug as he swung his sword around his head. Attila swung his sword and Poliakin’s flew out of his hand.
“But... that sword... it’s magic, it can’t... what...” Poliakin said in a confused voice, before Attila killed him. Attila picked up the golden sword and his eyes brightened.
“This sword is mine now,” Attila hissed.



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