Monday 15 March 2010

Episode X: Christmas Bells Part 1

“Doctor? Are you okay?”

No reply. So Georgia tried again. Once more, no answer.

“Doctor…” Conner began.
“Here we go!” the Doctor said, attempting a false smile.

He leaned forwards and set about, flicking switches and pulling levers, all in silence. Georgia leaned against one of the coral pillars of the TARDIS, watching him with a concerned expression. Ever since Korena had joined them in the TARDIS, the Doctor had always gone off with her. Georgia hadn’t minded – it had allowed her and Conner to spend some time together, but now Korena was dead, and the Doctor was devastated. The TARDIS ground to a halt, and Georgia wondered how long they weren’t going to mention their dead friend for.

“Where are we?” Conner asked.
“Not you Conner,” the Doctor replied. “Just Georgia.”

Georgia shot Conner a confused glance, but he just shrugged. Georgia waved at Conner and followed the Doctor out into the sunlight. She glanced around. The TARDIS had landed outside her house. She looked at the Doctor, frowning.

“You want me to tell mum and dad about Korena?”
“No,” the Doctor said. “I want you to turn around and walk into that house. I’m sorry, but you’ve got to go home.”
“Doctor – Korena was a one off – we’ll be fine,” Georgia promised.

The Doctor shook his head, and stepped back to the door of the TARDIS.

“I’m sorry – this is goodbye.”

Title Sequence.

“Just for a few months,” the Doctor explained. “I want to get my head around some things, sort a few things out. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“You’re dumping me?” Georgia asked.

The Doctor let out a small smile, and Georgia laughed.

“See you,” she said.

He nodded, and returned to the TARDIS. Conner was waiting anxiously for their return.

“Where’s Georgia?” he said frantically.
“She’s gone home,” the Doctor said. “Next stop – Zac’s house.”
“You need time,” Conner realised. “Georgia and me – we can help you get through this!”

The Doctor shook his head, and set the TARDIS on course.

“Wait,” Conner said. “Take me to Kaylie’s.”

It was sunny when Conner stepped out of the TARDIS, and the row of houses looked drab in comparison. He glanced back to the TARDIS, smiling sadly as it faded away.

“Bye Doctor,” he said quietly.

He headed to Kaylie’s front door, and nervously pressed the doorbell. Kaylie’s little sister Amy opened the door and folded her arms.

“Who are you?” she asked.
“My name’s Conner,” Conner said. “I was on the Spidership…”
“Come in,” Amy nodded.

Conner grinned and stepped inside the house. Andrea was asleep on the sofa, her mouth open in an unattractive way.

“Kaylie!” Amy shouted up the stairs.
“What?” Kaylie shouted back.
“Your mate’s here!” Amy yelled.
“No you idiot, Conner!” Amy sighed.

Kaylie thudded down the stairs, and her mouth fell open as she saw Conner, standing in her living room. He looked uncomfortable for a moment, but his face lit up when he saw her thrilled expression.

“The house is nice,” Conner said. “Much better than that flat you used to live in.”
“We’ve been here for a while,” Kaylie replied. “Before the thing with the Clowns.”
“I guess we don’t talk very much,” Conner admitted. “Can I talk to you?”

Kaylie saw his eyes were filled with hurt, so she nodded, and opened the front door. Together they stepped out and headed to the park. Once there, they sat on a swing each, and gently rocked in the breeze.

“How come you’re here?” Kaylie asked. “Why aren’t you at Zac’s?”
“I couldn’t face telling him what happened,” Conner sighed. “Korena died, Kaylie, she died. And the Doctor’s heartbroken. He left me and Georgia behind and went off to mope around on his own, and I dunno what to do.”
“Come back to school,” Kaylie said.
“I dunno Kaylie, that would be… weird,” Conner replied. “But, it’ll be for a few months, I guess I could come back.”
“Sixth form is great,” Kaylie grinned. “It’s so much better than year eleven. And you have to come! We’re all getting our GCSE results! We would have had them before, but Mrs Sow mixed everything up and so the government have sent them again. They don’t arrive until October, I’m so nervous…”
“You’ll do fine,” Conner said. “I took mine at Park Vale; do you reckon I’ll be able to get them posted to St. Mark’s?”
“Sure,” Kaylie said. “Why don’t you ring the school?”
“You know what? I think I will…”

One month later.

Amy looked up from her place on the sofa as Conner and Kaylie staggered into the house.

“What time do you call this?” she asked.
“Half past,” Conner said.

Kaylie burst out laughing and fell over, while Conner jumped onto the sofa. Amy moved out of his way, disapproving.

“Even mum’s back,” Amy told Kaylie. “And Andrea. Am I the only sober one in the family tonight?”
“Yup,” Kaylie laughed from her place on the floor.
“I’m disappointed,” Amy said. “You should know better. And getting Conner drunk before his first day back at St. Mark’s is unacceptable.”
“I’m not drunk!” Conner protested.
“You are,” Amy sighed. “Get to bed, both of you! Not the same one or I’m telling Zac!”
“What year are you in?” Conner asked.
“I’ll be starting year 8 tomorrow,” Amy replied, in an important voice.
“Shouldn’t you be getting drunk round about now?”
“I have standards,” Amy huffed. “Goodnight, both of you.”

And with that, she flounced off to bed. The next day, Georgia walked down the stairs, mumbling a hello to Colin as she went.

“Georgia!” Elizabeth trilled as she slouched into the kitchen. “What would you like for breakfast? We’ve got brioche, exotic fruit or bagels.”
“Bagels?” Georgia smiled. “Isn’t that a bit common? What’s in them?”
“Bakery bagels, with smoked salmon and cream cheese,” Elizabeth said. “All fresh ingredients from Sainsbury’s this morning.”

Georgia took a brioche from the table, as Colin entered into the room.

“I just called Brian,” he informed her. “He says you can start today!”
“Great!” Georgia grinned. “I’m a bit nervous…”
“You’ll do fine dear,” Elizabeth said. “We Bells have baker’s blood in us. Though you mustn’t tell Mrs White that, I like to think our family is strictly nobility. But if it encourages you…”

She trailed off. Georgia took this rare silence from Elizabeth to dash out of the house.

“Good luck!” Colin called after her.

Meanwhile, beneath Tower Bridge, Captain Gifford handed Sally Jacobs a cup of coffee. She was tracking the alien spaceship that was currently drifting through space.

“It’s definitely heading for Earth, sir,” Sally confirmed. “Perhaps Captain Price should be informed?”
“No,” Captain Gifford said firmly. “Captain Price isn’t to know.”
“Yes sir,” Sally sighed. “Kate, give me an estimation.”
“I’d say 3 months,” Kate Lipsett, Sally’s colleague replied. “The ship, if our calculations are correct, should arrive on Christmas Day.”

Conner groaned and fell off the sofa. Kaylie came down the stairs and looked at him sympathetically.

“What time is it?” Conner asked.
“Seven,” Kaylie replied. “Want some breakfast? I’m making Pop-Tarts.”

Conner grinned and followed Kaylie into the kitchen. He switched on the radio and changed it to Radio One as Kaylie put the Pop-Tarts in the toaster. A few minutes later Conner and Kaylie were eating their Pop-Tarts when Amy walked entered the kitchen.

“Morning,” Kaylie said.
“Morning,” Amy grumbled.
“Want a Pop-Tart?” Conner asked.

Amy nodded and began singing to the radio. When Andrea walked into the kitchen, Amy began to make her breakfast.

“I’m just going to get ready,” Kaylie said. “You’ll be alright with Amy and Andrea?”

Conner nodded and sat down next to Amy at the table. She glanced at him while chewing on a corner of a Pop-Tart.

“Looking forward to year 8?” Conner asked.
“Yeah,” Amy said. “Mrs Sow makes me laugh.”
“She’s… Different from other teachers,” Conner grinned.

Andrea laughed and left the table.

“Hurry up you two,” she said. “And if you’re good I’ll drive us to school.”

Georgia nervously stepped into the Bakery, and shut the door behind her. Brian Mason was waiting for her behind the counter, and he handed her an apron and plastic gloves, and she slipped them on with ease. She missed working with Brian.

“Hey,” he said. “You ready to start serving?”
“Yup,” Georgia smiled. “Any price increases? We out of anything?”
“No, but I dunno if you’ve seen, we’ve got a new Cheese and Ham Slice!” Brian said excitedly.
“£1.60,” Georgia noted. “Great.”

There was a tinkling of a bell, and the door opened.

“Hello Mrs Martin,” Brian said.
“That’s Janet to you,” Janet Martin said as she observed the cakes and pastries. “You’re such a lovely lad, now, I’d like an éclair.”
“Georgia will be serving you today,” Brian announced. “She’s back working here for the first time since, ooh what, Christmas 2009?”
“Yeah,” Georgia smiled, picking out an éclair.
“Oh my goodness, Georgia Bell, is that you?” Janet gasped. “Do you remember me? I suppose not. I’m one of the Pink Ladies, with your mother. The last time I saw you, you were a baby; I don’t suppose you remember. My have you grown!”

Georgia blushed and handed over the éclair in a paper bag. Janet smiled and handed over some money.

“You’ll have to tell your mother I said hello,” Janet continued. “I’ll pop round soon if I get the chance.”

With one final smile, she left the shop. Brian looked at Georgia and smiled.

“You’re gonna have to get used to people recognising you,” he said. “Everyone’s been talking about you coming back. Lucy might even pop in later.”

Georgia smiled in return, but inside, she was sighing. This wasn’t meant to happen to her. She wondered if Conner was feeling the same, but it didn’t feel right to see him either. The Doctor would come back, one day, but until then, Georgia would keep trotting along with everyone else in the world, hoping for something amazing to happen.

Kate Lipsett left her desk and headed out of the office. She accessed a small computer from her pocket, and sighed. She had lied to Sally – the ship wouldn’t arrive on Christmas Day, but on Christmas Eve, ready, and primed for war. This would be the last Christmas on Planet Earth.

To be continued…


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