Thursday 17 December 2009

Episode 9: Snowfall in the City Part 1

Zac’s pen paused as he gazed over his answers. GCSE’s were hard, especially this Biology exam. Zac usually did very well in his Biology tests, but how was he supposed to remember all of this. Zac heard a small popping noise somewhere in the building. Everything was silent again as the Year 11’s pens scribbled answers down. Kaylie was banging her head on the table, what were the names of the acids in the stomach? Beth, meanwhile, had finished, but she had guessed lots of answers.

Mrs Sow was talking quietly to Mr. Pickard, as they did so there was a very loud, very strange popping noise. All the year 11’s turned around.
“What was that?” Kaylie asked, and she was not the only one, the whole of the year seemed to be whispering to each other.
“Now really!” Mrs Sow shouted, “All of you be quiet, or your papers will be ripped up and thrown in the bin.” Mrs Sow still had very little control over the children and they were now chatting happily away to one another.
“Shut up you!” Bradley said loudly to his gang, “Miss is speaking.”
“Silence!” Mr Pickard ordered and the whole room fell silent.
“Thank you Mr. Pickard,” Mrs Sow said, “Now I have no idea what that noise was, but since it was very strange and loud, I will not rip your papers up for talking, however, if this happens again, I shall not be so kind.” The Year 11’s had just began continuing answer the questions when a strange grey alien with a large rucksack on walked into the hall. Nobody noticed except Catherine, who smiled merrily at it then carried on gazing at the boy in front.

“Ireyk, Kornfla?” the alien said loudly and the whole hall turned their heads and stared at the alien.


Half the hall screamed, a couple of the girls fainted, some began to run off and panic followed. Zac, Kaylie and Beth tried to catch up with the alien, who was now running off. Catherine looked down at her question paper and realised only two questions had been answered and she hurriedly began to answer the rest.

Zac stopped in the middle of a corridor, Kaylie and Beth entered the corridor and stopped running too.
“Which way did it go?” Kaylie asked. There was a smashing sound from one of the art rooms.
“That way,” Zac said and ran into the art room. There was a pile of clay on the floor. The alien was looking closely at a pencil which he had found. Zac looked at the alien and thought about how strange it looked. It was fat, with a huge round nose that took up most of its head and it was a grey colour.

“Hi,” Beth said and the alien squeaked.
“Kornfla,” the alien said, “Kino yfrek?”
“I’m sorry we don’t speak your language,” Beth said, making strange movements with her hands that showed that she didn’t understand. The alien nodded and pointed at his rucksack.
“What is your rucksack?” Zac asked, making movements with his hands.
“Ikny ik me buriko,” the alien said.

“Why isn’t the TARDIS here to translate?” Zac moaned.
“Phone him,” Kaylie said.
“What?” Zac said.
“Phone the Doctor,” Kaylie said, “Then we will be able to speak to him.”
“What? How does the TARDIS translate languages?” Beth asked.
“The TARDIS gets inside your head and translates, so everyone can understand each other,” Zac explained.
“That’s clever,” Beth commented, “Kaylie if you and Zac stay here, I’ll see what’s going on.”
“All right,” Zac said as he dialed Conner’s number. Light years away Conner’s phone rang. Conner took the phone out from his pocket and answered it.

“Hi Zac, what’s happening?” Conner asked, as Georgia helped an elderly talking Zebra onto a boat ready to set sail for the unknown.
“Well we were half way through our GCSE’s,” Zac explained, “When an alien walked into the hall, everyone panicked, me, Kaylie and Beth went after it and found it in the art room, we’re with it now. He doesn’t speak English.”
“Most aliens don’t learn the language before they invade the planets,” Conner said.
“Oh I don’t think they are invading, there’s only one and he seems friendly,” Zac explained, “Can you please come back as soon as possible; we need the TARDIS translation circuits and all your help.”
“Yeah OK,” Conner agreed.

“So what are you up to?” Zac asked.
“Well we came to visit some talking Zebra’s on this distant planet,” Conner explained, “But it turns out there is only one of them left and he’s about 600, so he’s persuaded us to send him on a voyage to the unknown lands. He won’t listen to the Doctor, who says the unknown lands are actually the other side of the main continent. These Zebra’s are a bit primitive, no wonder they are almost extinct. Anyway better go, the Zebra’s in the boat, I’ll be back soon OK. Bye!”
“Bye,” Zac said as Kaylie attempted to ask what species he was in sign language. The alien seemed offended.

Beth walked into the hall to find that half of the year was still being rounded up, Catherine was the only one still writing. Mrs Sow walked up to Catherine.
“Now dear, we are going to do a different test, due to the interruptions,” Mrs Sow said.
“But Mrs Sow I think I actually know this question!” Catherine exclaimed. Mrs Sow patted Catherine on the head as if she was 4 years old, and spotted Beth.
“Beth, where is Zac and Kaylie?” Mrs Sow asked.
“They are with the alien now,” Beth explained, “In the art room.”
“Funny I didn’t know aliens were interested in such things as art” Mrs Sow said, “Do you think I should phone UNIT?”
“Zac is phoning the Doctor,” Beth explained, “The Doctor prefers UNIT not to be involved. That’s what Kaylie told me anyway.”
“Good for him,” Mrs Sow said, “UNIT prefer to kill enemies rather ran reason with them. Ah, Mr. Pickard, there you are.”

“I’ve found most of the year 11’s, and Mrs Priestly has collected in all the test papers, and put them in alphabetical order for marking.”

“The students can all go home now Mr. Pickard,” Mrs Sow replied.
“YES!” Beth said.
“What is it?” Catherine asked, as she wandered over to where Mrs Sow was talking.
“We can go home,” Beth exclaimed, “Well you can I’m going to help Zac and Kaylie.”
“With what?” Catherine asked.
“Revision,” Beth replied. Zac, Kaylie and Beth had convinced Catherine that what had happened with the Clowns and the fair and the séance table was all a dream. They had thought it best, as Catherine could not handle such things inside her mind. It had also meant that Catherine had stopped continuously asking questions about the Doctor and the TARDIS and aliens.

“Also the Biology GCSE is going to be done again due to interruptions,” Mrs Sow explained, “The test papers can be ripped up.” Mr. Pickard sighed as Mrs Sow began to send the children home.

Back in the art rooms, Zac was now watching the comedy going on in front of him. Kaylie had embarrassed herself a lot now, although she had not realized it. The alien did not really understand what she was going on about but he replied all the same. Suddenly, a familiar sound filled the air.
“Zac it’s the TARDIS!” Kaylie exclaimed as the TARDIS materialized in front of them. The alien squeaked and vanished.
“Oh no!” Zac said, as the Doctor exited the TARDIS.
“What’s wrong with me?” the Doctor asked.
“It’s not about you, the alien just vanished,” Zac replied.
“Why’d it do that then?” the Doctor asked.
“Because the TARDIS appeared out of nowhere,” Zac answered as Conner and Georgia also left the TARDIS.
“So where’s this alien?” Conner asked.
“Gone,” the Doctor replied.
“So we travelled all the way through time and space for nothing?” Conner asked.
“Not nothing,” Zac said, “Surely we can try and follow where it went, right Doctor?”
“I think so,” the Doctor said.

“What did it look like?” Georgia asked Kaylie.
“It was fat, with a huge nose, little eyes,” Kaylie explained, “I thought it was cute.”
“I haven’t met many cute aliens,” Georgia replied, “Most of the ones we meet are either ugly or vicious predators.”

Catherine grabbed her bag and wandered out of the school hall, following the other Year 11’s. Beth made the same movement, but instead of walking straight through reception and out through the Fire Exit, she turned left and headed up the art corridor. Mrs Sow caught up with her.
“So where is this alien?” Mrs Sow asked.
“In one of the art rooms,” Beth explained, “Just up here.”
“Has the Doctor arrived yet?” Mrs Sow asked.
“I have no idea,” Beth replied, as a familiar scraping sound filled the air. Beth ran into the art room to see the TARDIS dematerialising.
“DOCTOR!” Beth shrieked, “I don’t want to be left behind! Zac! Kaylie! Conner!”

“What is it?” Mrs Sow asked as she entered the room.
“They’ve left without me,” Beth concluded.

Inside the TARDIS the Doctor pulled a lever and the TARDIS lurched violently, throwing all 5 passengers to the floor.
“Do you really enjoy this?” Kaylie asked.
“We’re almost at the planet where that alien came from,” the Doctor said, “This teleportation track can be followed easily.”
“What?” Kaylie asked, “I don’t want to go anywhere! Bring me back home! I don’t want to be captured and killed! Take me home!”
“Kaylie you’re on board now, but you can stay in the TARDIS if you want,” the Doctor said.
“Fine,” Kaylie said, then she sat down and crossed her arms.
“But these adventures are fun Kaylie,” Zac said.
“Then why didn’t you continue travelling in the TARDIS?” Kaylie snapped.
“Because its brilliant, but I missed my family and I missed you,” Zac explained.
“Still not going,” Kaylie replied.

“Anyway,” the Doctor said as the TARDIS stopped, “We’ve landed.”
“Where are we?” Georgia asked excitedly.
“Let’s find out, see you later Kaylie,” the Doctor answered, Kaylie waved quickly.
“Bye Kaylie,” Conner said, following Georgia out of the TARDIS.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Zac asked.
“Yes!” Kaylie said. Zac and the Doctor followed Conner out of the TARDIS. Conner and Georgia were already admiring the scenery when Zac left the TARDIS. The TARDIS had landed in a white walled room, with a domed glass ceiling. Something white was falling on top of the glass ceiling.
“Look, it’s snowing outside,” Georgia said pointing to the ceiling.

“Where are we?” Conner asked.
“I’m not sure,” the Doctor replied.
“Are we in the SOL system?” Zac asked.
“No, I doubt it,” the Doctor answered, “Come on; let’s go through that door over there.” The Doctor, Georgia, Conner and Zac walked over to a set of doors and the Doctor opened one of them.

Xelionth had been working as Head Guard in the city of ICE for years. He had originally been a Scientist under the Great Roiralt of ICE’s Plutonaut Base, but had decided that guns were more suited to him than laboratories. Xelionth was sitting on a squashy grey armchair in his Headquarters when one of his Guards entered the room.
“What is it Aikl?” Xelionth asked the Guard.
“We have an unregistered Blue Box in Vector 5:3,” Aikl replied.
“Where did it come from?” Xelionth questioned.
“No idea, it just appeared, and I think I caught a glimpse of some aliens on the security camera,” Aikl answered.
“Then this is very serious, it is a very rare occurrence when an alien appears in the city,” Xelionth said, standing up and grabbing his gun, which he had left on the table next to him.
“Except the Sednians sir,” Aikl replied.
“But they don’t really count do they,” Xelionth said, “We’re basically ruled by the same government; we’re soon to be called the united lands of -” Suddenly an alarm interrupted Xelionth.

“What’s going on?” Aikl asked, looking alarmed.
“It’s the Security Alarm, someone’s got through into one of the Private areas of the city without authorisation,” Xelionth replied, rushing over to his computer.
“Where are they?” Aikl asked.
“Vector 5:4, it’s the aliens,” Xelionth ran out of the room, closely followed by Aikl.

In the TARDIS, Kaylie was getting very bored. There were only so many times you could spin on a chair before feeling sick. Kaylie stood up and walked over to the door. Kaylie sighed and stepped out of the TARDIS, deciding that she would stay in the nearby area. She stepped into the large glass-domed room.
“It’s snowing!” Kaylie exclaimed, “Bloody Hell, I’m on an alien planet. Kaylie Watson on an alien space thing! Wait what if I’m just on some base at the North Pole.” Kaylie looked around; there was no sign of the Doctor, Georgia, Conner and Zac.
“Stop talking to yourself Kaylie,” Kaylie said to herself. There was suddenly thudding footsteps and several figures burst into the room pointing guns at Kaylie, who screamed.

“You will be silent!” Xelionth ordered, he was, in appearance a large grey man, with a huge nose which took up most of its head.
“You’re related to the creature I saw!” Kaylie exclaimed.
“I said silent!” Xelionth ordered again, “Or I will shoot you right here, right now!” Kaylie fell silent. Xelionth marched over to the TARDIS and examined it, the doors were shut. Kaylie hoped that they were locked, even though she’d managed to get out.

“What species are you?” Xelionth asked.
“Human,” Kaylie said in a scared whisper.
“Humans don’t have this technology!” Xelionth snapped, “Stop lying!”
“No really I am, I have five fingers and eyes and hair and a mouth,” Kaylie replied, “I’ve been travelling with a non-human though.”
“That would explain it,” Xelionth answered, “You’re coming with me now.”
“No I have to stay here,” Kaylie replied.
“Tough, you’re on my planet,” Xelionth snapped.
“Tough, I don’t care,” Kaylie said bravely. Xelionth started forward, lifted Kaylie up into a fireman’s lift and carried her away from the TARDIS.
“Let go of me!” Kaylie shrieked, struggling against Xelionth.
“You four,” Xelionth said, pointing at four of the Guards including Aikl, “Carry the Blue Box to the labs, we can see how it works.”

“Hang on Sir,” Aikl said, “These doors aren’t locked.” Aikl pushed open the TARDIS doors and stepped inside, he rushed out seconds later.
“It’s bigger on the inside,” Kaylie said at the same time as Aikl, “DOCTOR! THEY’VE GOT IN YOUR SHIP!”



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