Thursday 1 January 2009

Episode 13: Betrayal and Death Part 2

“Excuse me!” Dalek Gain said.
“What is it Dalek Gain?” the Blue Supreme Dalek said holding back the temptation to exterminate Roger.
“There seems to be another ship entering our Earthspace”, Dalek Gain replied.
“What kind of ship?” the White Supreme Dalek asked.
“It is a magnet Warrior ship”, Dalek Gain replied.
“Halt, the extermination!” the Blue Supreme Dalek ordered, Roger gave a sigh of relief, “We will wait and make him suffer more!”
“What do we do with the magnet warriors?” Dalek Gain asked.
“We find out what they are doing here”, the Blue Supreme Dalek ordered.

Meanwhile, on board the magnet warrior ship Commander Marr stood smiling. The Doctor had been captured by a group of magnet warriors. They had used alien technology to search for more alien technology and found that the Doctor was right beneath them. Commander Marr had sent a group of magnet warriors to go and get him. The doors to the control room opened and the Doctor walked in, flanked by two magnet warriors.

“Oh dear, I’ve been captured by the magnet warriors”, the Doctor said crossing his arms, “Because I would’ve had a great time in… Norway I think it was. I could’ve visited Bad Wolf bay, but I could not have got back to the Spidership to save my friends in time. Now I’ve got transport”.
“Like we’d give you a lift”, Commander Marr said, “We want our revenge”.
“Can’t you just drop me off?” the Doctor asked.
“Fine, we’ll give you a lift…” Commander Marr sighed, “To the magnet warrior home world, designated Magnusgrain”.
“Oh, thank you”, the Doctor said, “I’ve always wanted to visit the magnet warrior planet”.
“Shut up Doctor”, Commander Marr ordered. Suddenly, the doors opened and a tall, strong, evil looking magnet warrior entered the room.

“Commander Marr”, the magnet Warrior roared.
“Marshal Skatz, this is the Doctor”, Commander Marr introduced, “Doctor this is Marshal Skatz, leader of the magnet warrior fleet”.
“That is enough of your welcoming gestures!” Marshal Skatz said loudly, “He is the enemy”.
“Of course Marshal”, Commander Marr said.
“Hello, I’m the Doctor”, the Doctor said holding out his hand cheerfully, “Nice to meet you”.
“SHUT UP!” Marshal Skatz shouted.
“Yes, OK”, the Doctor muttered, “I was just saying hello”.

“What is going on Commander Marr?” Marshal Skatz asked, “What is this other alien threat on Earth?”
“I’m not sure, but the Doctor seems to know a bit about it”, Commander Marr answered, as the Doctor waved at the Marshal.
“Desist waving!” Marshal Skatz ordered, “And tell me what is going on”.
“Well, there is a group of daleks”, the Doctor explained.
“Daleks, we cannot defeat them”, Commander Marr muttered.
“Well there are only three”, the Doctor said.
“Three?” Marshal Skatz said, “If there are only three then we can easily defeat them”.
“Well instead of just sending me back to Magnusgrain”, the Doctor said, “Why not attack these daleks first?”
“No, we are to take the Doctor back to Magnusgrain immediately”, Commander Marr ordered.

“Who is in charge here?” Marshal Skatz roared.
“Erm, you, sir”, Commander Marr muttered.
“So I decide what we do!” Marshal Skatz said.
“Yes sir!” Commander Marr said.

“This Doctor seems to be cleverer than you!” Marshal Skatz said nastily, “We will attack these daleks!” The Doctor smiled and Commander Marr stared at the Doctor, annoyed.
“We change course!” Marshal Skatz said, “Head for the Atlantic ocean! Head for the Spidership!” So the ship changed course and flew as fast as it could towards the Atlantic.

Georgia marched down a corridor on floor 1, closely followed by Conner. They walked in silence until they turned a corner and saw a spider. It was a huge spider.
“Conner, what kind of spider is that?” Georgia asked scared.
“I have no idea”, Conner replied.
“I doubt that that is the size of it”, Georgia said.
“What do you mean?” Conner asked.
“Look at it, it is the size of a large dog”, Georgia said, “But it looks like a money spider”.
“But money spiders are tiny”, Conner said.
“Exactly”, Georgia said, “I think someone, or something has experimented on that spider and let it loose”.
“Georgia, it’s seen us”, Conner said and started backing away, “RUN!” So Georgia and Conner ran back along the corridor until they reached a group of UNIT soldiers.
“There’s a spider following us!” Conner told the soldiers, “It’s bloody huge!”
“Fire at it!” Georgia ordered, and repeated, “Fire at it!”
“Fire!” one of the UNIT soldiers ordered. All the soldiers fired at the spider as it rounded the corner. The spider made a loud squeaking noise and it retreated back round the corner.

“What’s going on?” Georgia asked.
“We aren’t exactly sure”, a UNIT soldier replied, “Most common species of spider around the world seem to have grown enormous and they are attacking the people. We aren’t sure what’s making this happen”.

“Why hasn’t the Captain told us?” Conner asked.
“We don’t know”, the UNIT soldier replied.
“Wait, did you say the spiders around the world?” Georgia asked. The soldier nodded.
“I’ll phone the Doctor”, Georgia said and got out her phone.

On board the 1st magnet warrior conquer ship the Doctor got out his phone.
“Georgia what is going on with you?” the Doctor asked quietly.
“I just found out about the spiders and Conner is with me”, Georgia relied, and “Where are you?”
“I’m on the magnet warrior ship”, the Doctor said, “the 1st magnet warrior ship”.
“What?” Georgia asked loudly.
“It’s a long story”, the Doctor replied.

“Doctor, how can we stop the spiders?” Georgia asked.
“Well, if you stay in large groups and stop being scared”, the Doctor answered, “Try as many things as possible to keep your hopes up and make the spiders scared of you. If the spiders are scared of you maybe you can reverse the growth”.
“Right, thanks I need to phone my parents and tell them!” Georgia said.

“Good, has the Captain warned the passengers yet?” the Doctor asked.
“No, he hasn’t”, Georgia answered.
“Right, you need to get up to the bridge and warn the passengers”, the Doctor told her.
“OK, we’ll do that too!” Georgia replied.
“Gotta go bye”, the Doctor said and he ended the call. Georgia then told Conner and the UNIT soldiers, what the Doctor had told her. The soldiers then all got out there phones and contacted their families. One of the soldiers contacted UNIT HQ, so they could spread the word, ‘Stay in groups, keep your hopes up, make the spiders scared of you’.

Georgia then phoned her parents.
“Mum, dad, are you OK?” Georgia asked.
“We’re in the bathroom Georgia, barricading ourselves from a huge…” Elizabeth answered.
“There was a huge spider!” Colin said grabbing the phone.
“Yes, yes, Georgia probably already knows”, Elizabeth told Colin barging him out of the way.

“The Doctor says you need to keep your hopes up”, Georgia told her mum.
“We are always hoping dear”, Elizabeth replied.
“Try and get into a big group”, Georgia told Elizabeth, “And keep your spirits up, somehow. Make the spiders scared of you”.
“How do we do that?” Colin asked, as Elizabeth barged him out the way again.
“I don’t know”, Georgia said.

“We could charge at the door and spray the spider with bug killer”, Elizabeth said, “We keep the bug and weed killer in the bathroom, which is where we are”.
“If only one of you had a video camera”, Georgia said, “That would be great to watch”.
“Well then we’ll do it!” Elizabeth said.
“Good luck”, Georgia said, “I love you”.
“We love you too”, Colin said barging Elizabeth out of the way, who grabbed the phone and glared at him. Georgia ended the call and Elizabeth grabbed the bug killer out of a cupboard.

“Right, give me the bug killer and I’ll bang the door down!” Colin said.
“No, I’ll do it!” Elizabeth said, “I will not have Mrs. White from next door thinking you do all the manual labour! She thinks I do all the cooking and cleaning, but you do all the fixing and all the banging and stuff!”
“Well that’s not true!” Colin exclaimed.
“Exactly!” Elizabeth said and got ready to run at the door.

“Are you sure you’re strong enough?” Colin asked.
“Yes!” Elizabeth replied quickly, “Or maybe you could charge the door down with me, so if it doesn’t work…”
“We’ll go down fighting!” Colin said, “Hold my hand”. Elizabeth grabbed Colin’s hand and they walked to the other end of the room.

“FOR GEORGIA!” Elizabeth and Colin shouted together as they ran at the door, bashing it down. They saw the spider, which had grown, but noticed that there was now more than one spider.

Back on the Spidership, Georgia and Conner had been given revolvers by the UNIT soldiers, in case they came across any spiders. They entered the lift and they ascended up to the bridge.

Meanwhile, Zac, Kaylie and several other students were running through a large cinema, on board the Spidership. They were accompanied by Mr. Renegade Amy and Andrea. The group had been running for a while and had lost the other group of children, who had followed Mrs Sow. The group stopped running in the cinema.

“I can’t run any further”, Andrea said panting.
“I think we should just surrender”, Mr. Renegade said.
“Don’t be stupid”, Zac said, “They won’t accept our surrender”.
“How dare you talk to me a teacher like that”, Mr. Renegade said loudly.

“Mr. Renegade, you are no longer in charge”, Kaylie said.
“The people in charge should be the best fighters or the ones with the most knowledge of these things…” Andrea commented.
“Well, me and Zac have met aliens before”, Kaylie continued, “We’ve fought aliens. If it wasn’t for us the whole world would have been destroyed by an army of kids. Yeah that includes you Andrea”.
“I was drugged, when that happened”, Andrea said.
“Oh, really?” Kaylie asked, “So the rest of the school were drugged as well. And all those people who saw the army of marching children with guns. The teachers just died of their own accord did they”.
“I must admit”, Mr. Renegade said, “It did all see a bit fishy, that half the staff were killed when a fire hit a fish and chip shop”.

“Look me and Kaylie are in charge because we know the truth”, Zac interrupted, “We’ve fought them more than just once”.
“Well I do remember when Kaylie went missing”, Amy said, “Me, mum and Andrea had gone on a short holiday, but Kaylie didn’t want to go. When we came back we found the door open and Kaylie had vanished. We thought she’d been kidnapped”.
“We don’t have time for this now!” Mr. Renegade snarled.

“You know that this room was dark when we came in”, Andrea commented; “Now it’s light”.
“Perhaps the sun has risen?” Kaylie said.
“Kaylie, the sun hasn’t gone down yet”, Zac replied, “Someone’s switched the lights on, or something”.
“Perhaps that thing!” Amy said, pointing at a huge tarantula that stood by the light switch. It was a very poisonous bird-eating spider, but now you could say elephant eating. It was two metres tall and about the size of a car.



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