Thursday 15 January 2009

Episode 13: Betrayal and Death Part 4

People were beginning to board the sturdy lifeboats. UNIT soldiers were helping being to board them and if any spider came near everyone would make a very loud noise and spray all kind of chemicals at it, which the UNIT soldiers had got hold of. Captain Gifford had managed to retreat to a much larger UNIT force and had now joined the guard by the lifeboats. Another UNIT soldier was the one that had talked to Georgia before she phoned the Doctor.

“Captain Gifford, hadn’t you better ask when the Captain and his staff will leave the bridge?” the UNIT soldier asked.
“Yes, I shall contact him now”, Captain Gifford replied, “That’s funny”.
“What is it Sir?” the soldier asked.
“I don’t seem to be able to contact the bridge”, Captain Gifford replied, “Captain Reggie? Is anyone there?”
“Perhaps they have already left and are heading down here now”, the soldier suggested.
“He would’ve taken his communicator with him”, Captain Gifford replied, “I think we have to presume the worst”. The UNIT soldier’s face fell. Suddenly the whole ship shook, as the magnet warrior ship appeared out of nowhere.

“That’s a magnet warrior ship”, Captain Gifford said, “Two invasions at once”.

Meanwhile, Zac and Kaylie felt the shake too. Their group had almost reached the lifeboats, thanks to Zac and Kaylie’s guidance. Luckily they had learnt their way round the ship while exploring. They had heard the announcement and began to walk to the lifeboats that hung on the side of the ship, on the lower floors.
“I wonder what that shake was”, Zac said.
“Perhaps we’ve been hit by a tidal wave”, Amy suggested.
“Don’t be silly”, Andrea replied.
“Look we’re here”, Kaylie pointed out, as she saw two UNIT soldiers guarding the door to the deck. Kaylie and Andrea stepped out onto the deck and screamed as they saw a huge spider. The spider was hanging down from a huge web above them. A UNIT soldier heard the scream and rushed out on deck. He was followed closely by Zac and the rest of the group, who had been celebrating surviving the spiders. The UNIT soldier sprayed the bug with a spider killer spray and the spider fell to the ground, twitched and scuttled away. Andrea and Kaylie gave a sigh of relief.

“Now listen Kaylie”, Zac said pulling Kaylie aside, “I’m going back inside to find Conner and Georgia. You et back home on the lifeboats. Go with your family”.
“I want to stay with you”, Kaylie said loudly, “Do you think after all we’ve been through that I’m just gonna leave you! It’s like the Doctor and his companions! The Doctor always tells them to leave him and stay! Well I’m your companion Zac and I’m staying with you!”
“But it’s dangerous”, Zac replied.
“Do you think I don’t know that?” Kaylie said, “I’ve seen monsters before! I’ve been chased by big green things! I refuse to leave you!”
“Then you’ll have to say bye to your sisters”, Zac said sighing.
“Oh dear!” Kaylie said and she walked over to her sisters.

“Hi Kaylie!” Amy said, “We’re going home! Look the first few lifeboats have been released!”
“If we’re quick we’ll be able to be on the same lifeboat as the Queen!” Andrea said excitedly.
“You aren’t coming with us are you?” Amy said.
“No”, Kaylie replied, “There are people below who have saved the world on countless occasions and they need our help”.
“Who’d have thought it”, Andrea said, “My sister a defender of Earth”. Andrea and Kaylie then did something that they had not done in a long time. They hugged. Then Amy hugged them both, and then approached Zac.

“You and that Doctor”, Amy told Zac, “Had better look after my sister and if you don’t, you’ll have me to answer to!”
“I’ll protect her don’t you worry”, Zac said. Amy nodded and walked off, she then linked arms with Andrea and they walked together towards the lifeboats. The rest of Zac and Kaylie’s group had already joined the lifeboat which the Queen was sitting surrounded by guards. Andrea and Amy then began to chat excitedly as they took the last two places on board the boat.

“Come on Kaylie!” Zac said. Kaylie and Zac marched back through the doors, back inside the ship. They walked into a lift and Zac said, ‘Floor 1’. The lift shot downwards and reached the bottom-but-one deck. The doors opened and they walked out of the lift.

Meanwhile, the Doctor was still on board the magnet warrior ship.
“So, thanks for your help Marshal Skatz”, the Doctor said, “But I’ll be going now”.
“What are you talking about Doctor?” Marshal Skatz snarled.
“Well, since I advised you and you kindly took my advice”, the Doctor began to explain.
“You are not leaving this ship”, Marshal Skatz said, “You are still the enemy even if you are brainier than I thought”.
“You will never leave this ship until you’re dead!” Commander Marr said, “You have made me look like an idiot time and time again!”
“Only once, or twice”, the Doctor replied.
“SHUT UP!” Commander Marr roared, “I hate you so much I could kill you! In fact I will kill you!” Commander Marr advanced towards the Doctor who backed up against the wall and felt a button on the wall by his hand. Suddenly the lights went out.

“Commander Marr, turn the lights back on!” Marshal Skatz ordered, “Quickly!”
Commander Marr felt his way to the lights button and pushed it. The lights flickered back on, Marshal Skatz looked around the room to find that the Doctor was not there.
“The Doctor has escaped and it is your fault Commander Marr”, Marshal Skatz snarled, “How would you like to be Captain Marr or Corporal Marr because that’s the way you’re heading! Now find him, find him now!” Commander Marr rushed through the doors and soon found his way on board the Spidership.

Georgia and Conner rushed down a corridor on floor 1. They turned a corner and examined a broken glass on the floor and a ripped piece of cloth. They had been trying to find a way down to floor 0 and had felt the ship shake a few minutes before.
“Someone’s been killed here”, Georgia said, “A member of staff”.
“There have been some deaths on board the ship then”, Conner replied.
“Conner, have you phoned your parents?” Georgia asked.
“Oh my God! I haven’t!”
“Well you’d better phone them now and check if they’re OK”.
“Yes, I will”, Conner said, and got out his phone. He typed in his mum’s mobile number and the phone began to ring. It kept ringing and Conner realised that he should of phoned them sooner. He realised that while he was travelling he had forgotten them completely. He had forgotten how they must feel, abandoned or saddened. Again, he had forgotten them, he realised that this time he may have lost them forever.

“Conner are you OK?” Georgia asked.
“It’s gone onto the answer phone”, Conner said in response, “I’ll leave a message. Hi mum it’s me Conner, I hope you’re OK. I’m really really sorry for lying to you. If you are dead I will never forgive myself. Please phone as soon as you can. I’m really sorry. I love you mum and dad. I can’t believe I forgot about you”. Conner ended the call with tears in his eyes.

“I’m sure they’re fine”, Georgia said comforting Conner. Suddenly there was a loud scraping noise and Conner could see two pairs of feet running round the corner.
“Conner, Georgia you’re OK”, Zac said giving a sigh of relief.
“Hi Zac and erm Kaylie”, Georgia said a little stiffly.
“Hi”, Kaylie replied.

“Where were you when the spiders grew?” Georgia asked, directing her question to Zac.
“We were in the spider exhibition so we immediately saw all those spiders growing”, Zac said, “They didn’t kill any students just Cherrie, that member of staff. Luckily a group of UNIT soldiers turned up looking for the Doctor. They started shooting the spiders”.

“So the Doctor got away from the UNIT soldiers”, Georgia said, “Have you seen Harry?”
“No, he and the Doctor have vanished”, Zac replied, “I have no idea where though”.

“I do”, a voice said, it was Dalek Gain. Dalek Gain advanced up the corridor.
“Who are you?” Georgia asked, “You aren’t the first aliens I’ve met, though. What species are you?”
“You are the Doctor’s companions”, Dalek Gain replied, “You will come with me or be exterminated”.

“I think we should obey”, Conner said standing up, “I don’t want anyone else to die”. Georgia nodded and Zac and Kaylie looked at each other then nodded too. They followed Dalek Gain along the corridor and through a hole, which appeared in the wall. The hole grew bigger and bigger until a flight of steps was revealed. Dalek Gain hovered down the steps followed by Georgia, Conner, Zac and Kaylie. They walked into the dalek control centre. In the middle of the room stood Roxanne, Ronald, Harry and Captain Price. Kaylie, Zac, Conner and Georgia ran over to the four people.
“Harry, you’re OK”, Kaylie exclaimed.
“It’s Private Roxanne and Ronald”, Zac said.
“Georgia you’re OK”, Captain Price said, “I thought the magnet warriors or the spiders had got you”.
“Magnet Warriors?” Georgia asked.
“Yes, they have invaded the ship”, Captain Price replied, “They’ve gone to war with the daleks”. Georgia looked shocked by this news, knowing that two alien races would be even more trouble.

“Blue Supreme Dalek entering floor 0”, Dalek Gain announced. The White Supreme Dalek turned as the Blue Supreme Dalek entered the room. Georgia turned and saw the dalek.
“They’re daleks?” Georgia asked, “The Doctor’s told us about them”.
“But Daleks are the worst monsters In the Universe, according to the Doctor”, Conner replied.

“Who are these humans?” the Blue Supreme Dalek asked.
“They are the Doctor’s associates”, Dalek Gain replied.
“And why is that human descendent still alive?” the Blue Supreme Dalek questioned.

“Who’s supposed to be dead?” Kaylie asked.
“Me, my uncle sacrificed myself to save me but they still wanted to kill me anyway”, Ronald answered.
“I showed some mercy”, the White Supreme Dalek said, “The human is very sad that his uncle had died and we showed no compassion”.
“Daleks do not show compassion”, the Blue Supreme Dalek replied immediately, “You have gone against all dalek law. Daleks do not feel, feelings make us weak”.
“Who says you are in charge?” the White Supreme Dalek replied, “This is unfair”.
“Daleks have no concept for fairness”, Dalek Gain interrupted, “The White Supreme Dalek has not followed dalek orders and daleks must obey their orders. He must be convicted. Sentence him, sentence him”.
“Dalek Gain has shown true dalek quality”, the Blue Supreme Dalek announced, “You have not, you will be exterminated”.
“You cannot kill me, I am a fellow dalek. Show me some mercy”, the White Supreme Dalek replied backing away, “I order you to stop”.
“I no longer follow your orders, you are no longer a true dalek”, the Blue Supreme Dalek said, “Exterminate!” The Blue Supreme Dalek fired a shot his extermination ray at the White Supreme Dalek who screamed in agony and fired a ray back. The Blue Supreme Dalek fired another and another and so did the White Supreme Dalek until the White Supreme Dalek finally blew up.

“Oh damn I missed the big bit”, the Doctor said walking into the room. After escaping the magnet Warriors he sneaked down to floor 1 and used his sonic screwdriver to get into the daleks control room.
“It is the Doctor”, Dalek Gain announced.
“Doctor!” Georgia cried.
“Doctor!” Conner shouted.
“It’s the Doctor”, Captain Price said.
“He’s Ok”, Zac said, “Where has he been?”
“He’s good at surviving”, Harry told Ronald.
“Doctor I’m so glad you’re Ok”, Private Roxanne exclaimed, “We thought you’d been killed by magnet Warriors”.

“Captain Price, Private Roxanne! Georgia, Conner brilliant work. Zac and Kaylie great surviving!” the Doctor said happily, “Harry and Ronald! Both of you survived, but where’s Roger”.
“I tried to stop the machine, so Dalek Gain tried to kill me”, Ronald replied, “My Uncle saved me, but then when they tried to kill me again the White Supreme Dalek stopped Dalek Gain, showing mercy, when the Blue Supreme Dalek found out, he exterminated the White Supreme Dalek”.
“Well, your uncle died honourably”, the Doctor said, “Captain Price are you still I contact with Captain Gifford?”
“The signal keeps coming on and off, but he’s told me that nearly everyone has survived on board, they are all on the lifeboats”, Captain Price answered, “But Captain Reggie and all his staff are presumed dead”.

“Correction they are dead”, the Blue Supreme Dalek announced, “And you humans will be silent!”
“Supreme Dalek”, Dalek Gain said, no longer getting the reply ‘which one?’, “The magnet Warriors have reached floor 3”.
“Spider leader”, the Blue Supreme Dalek said to the huge Spider leader who had been watching the scene silently for the last few minutes, “Tell all spiders on board to invade the Ship and Destroy all magnet warriors! Exterminate!”
“But surely the magnet warrior guns will kill all the spiders”, the Huge Spider leader hissed.
“I doubt it, those spiders are huge and armoured”, the Doctor said, although the question was not addressed to him”.
“Just because they are big doesn’t mean we can’t kill them”, Captain Price replied, “I mean the magnet warriors”.
“Silence!” the Blue Supreme Dalek ordered, “Magnet Warrior guns are useless, the spiders will easily get on board the ship. I repeat, invade the ship destroy all Magnet Warriors! Exterminate!”

“I obey”, the Huge Spider leader obeyed, “Spiders, get to the Magnet Warrior ship destroy all the magnet warriors! Georgia and Conner wondered if the Doctor was lying about the magnet Warriors not being able to harm the spiders. However, they would soon find out.



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