Saturday 22 August 2009

Mini Ep. 7: Drornk Driving

Zac Pemberton,
Kaylie Watson,
Beth Grant

Catherine Ford,
Jane Pemberton


Zac Pemberton walked down his road, past rows and rows of houses, beautiful and shabby gardens. He turned a corner and walked down a path into the local council estate; he walked past a playpark, with swings and slides and heard a shout from one of the flats. Kaylie ran down two flights of steps to meet Zac below.

“Hi Zac, where are you off to?” Kaylie asked.
“Well actually I came to see you,” Zac replied, “I did text.”
“My phone has run out of battery, I’m leaving it to charge,” Kaylie replied, “But then my devil of a little sister turned it off last time I tried to charge it, she said it had been there for hours, five minutes more like.”
“So how is Amy?” Zac asked.
“She’s annoyed that I’m on Study leave and that Andrea is too,” Kaylie replied, “But it means I don’t have to put up with Amy coming up to me at school anymore and Andrea’s taking her Year 12 exams.”
“Have you been revising much?” Zac asked.
“Um…” Kaylie said, Zac laughed. They walked off together, past the playpark and through the main park where the TARDIS usually landed and then into a wealthy neighbourhood, where Zac remembered Georgia’s parents lived. They were just walking pass Georgia’s parents’ house when there was a sizzling noise.

“What’s that noise?” Kaylie asked, but her question was answered almost immediately when a little spacecraft soared through the sky over the houses. Zac and Kaylie ran after it down the street, then down another street, past an old lady who was carrying her shopping. They almost got hit by a car when crossing the road, then they ran down another road then straight into the park.

“Where did it go?” Kaylie asked.
“Somewhere,” Zac replied, “I think it’s in the park.”
“Shall I call for back up?” Kaylie asked.
“If you think it’s needed,” Zac answered.
“Beth might be able to help search,” Kaylie suggested, Zac thought about this. When Harry was around there were three of them investigating the Doctor and aliens, but now Harry was gone there were two. Zac decided that they should let Beth help, after all she knew about the Doctor and the TARDIS now, unfortunately so did Catherine.

“Yeah, phone Beth if you want to,” Zac said, “She might be helpful.”
“Beth, can you help me look for this thing,” Kaylie said into her phone, Zac rolled his eyes.
“She knows about aliens, remember,” Zac muttered.
“Oh yeah, Beth it’s an alien, it crash landed in the park,” Kaylie said, “Not Hyde Park, the other one. No not Regents Park either, none of the famous ones, just the Park. The one where we hang out! Finally!” Kaylie pressed the red button on her phone and stopped the call, "You'd think she was Catherine!"

“Is that it over there?” Zac asked, pointing at a bush, which looked as if it had been hit by something. Zac walked over to it, followed closely by Kaylie. Zac pulled back a branch from the bush, to see if a part of the little spaceship had landed in it. Zac accidentally snapped the twig off and there was an squawking noise.
“What was that?” Kaylie asked, as she gazed in amazement as the bush transformed into a green alien.
“Whatdida poke mepor?” the alien said.
“I’m Zac, this is Kaylie,” Zac told the alien, “And I didn’t mean to hurt you, I thought you were a bush.”

“Sohumanseh?” the alien said, he sounded like he was drunk.
“What’s your name?” Zac asked, “Can you speak English?”
“Mynames Drornk andyeso course!” the alien snapped.
“Zac, I think he’s speaking words of some kind!” Kaylie said.

“Alien, where is your ship?” Zac asked.
“Over there,” Drornk said.
“You can speak English,” Kaylie exclaimed.
“Yes,” Drornk said in a high voice.
“Why weren’t you before?” Kaylie asked.
“But I was!” Drornk spluttered.
“Well we heard gobbledygook,” Kaylie replied, “Is something wrong with your head?”
“It does hurt,” Drornk said.

“I think he’s drunk,” Kaylie muttered to Zac.
“Whazzat you’re sayin?” Drornk slurred. Nearby, Beth was running into the park though the south entrance. She was followed by Catherine.

“Catherine, go back!” Beth said as she slowed down to a jog.
“But where are you going?” Catherine asked.
“To see my boyfriend,” Beth made up.
“But you haven’t got one,” Catherine replied, “And I swear I saw a spaceship earlier, is it bigger on the inside too? Is the Doctor ever going to come back? Did Alex really die? Is Conner dead too? Did we see his ghost?”
“Catherine, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Beth said, deciding that it was best that Catherine thought it was all a dream.
“The fair, the Doctor, Conner, the TARDIS, the clowns,” Catherine said quickly.

“What’s a TARDIS?” Beth asked, although she knew full well what it was.
“Time and Royal Inventions Down Space,” Catherine said, then stopped and thought for a few seconds, “That can’t be right.”
“You have very interesting dreams,” Beth told Catherine, “When did you dream this?”
“It isn’t a dream it’s a true!” Catherine snapped.
“If it was real, then I think I’d remember it,” Beth replied.
“I suppose you’re right,” Catherine said, “But then I swear I heard you mentioning clowns the other day.”
“Well we were talking about clowns in history,” Beth replied, remembering a conversation her and Kaylie had had about Bradley, Sybil and the Clowns, when Catherine overheard them.

“Were we hypnotized before? And were we really chased by Giant Spiders?” Catherine questioned as Beth caught sight of Zac and Kaylie.
“Yes, they both happened, but I don’t know who this Doctor you’re talking about is,” Beth replied, “Now can you leave me alone with Jack?” Beth ran up to a 16 Year old boy, who was also walking through the park. Beth kissed the boy, and Catherine walked off. Beth then explained why she had kissed him and ran over to Zac, Kaylie and Drornk. The boy stood in shock, his eyes following Beth.

“This is Beth,” Kaylie explained to the alien, “Our friend, she can help find your spaceship, do you have any idea where it is?”
“No-n-no, I hurt myead,” Drornk explained.
“We’re going to take you to Zac’s mum’s house,” Kaylie told Drornk.
“What?” Zac exclaimed.
“You said that your dad went on a work holiday the other day,” Kaylie replied, “And your sister’s on a school trip.”
“But my mum-" Zac said.
“Doesn’t need to know that Drornk’s an alien,” Kaylie said.
“Well what do we say?” Zac asked, “She’s never been the same after those clowns went into our house.”
“My mum was still asleep when that happened,” Kaylie replied.
“My dad…” Beth began, but was interrupted by Drornk.

“Can we stop babble!” Drornk snapped.
“Err, what?” Zac asked, “Actually never mind, can you walk?”
“No, my feet ache,” Drornk answered.
“Beth can you help me carry Drornk?” Zac asked. Beth nodded and helped lift Drornk off the ground. They walked back through the park, through Kaylie’s estate, down the path and into Zac’s road. On the way there, they past a couple of people, who asked them what they were carrying. Kaylie told them it was a model of an alien off a TV show. When Zac’s mum appeared at the door and saw what they were carrying she screamed and dropped the cup of tea that she was holding.

“What is that?” Jane Pemberton shrieked.
“It’s just a child in a mask, who hurt his head,” Kaylie replied, “Do you have any bandages?”
“That is not a child, that is an alien,” Jane replied.
“No really mum, it is just a child,” Zac said.
“Then why is its mask bleeding?” Jane asked. Zac and Kaylie looked at each other then back at Jane. Zac decided to tell Jane that it was a real alien and they entered the house. Jane got out the bandages but did not really want to touch the injured, drunk alien.

“He is drunk, right?” Jane asked.
“Well he can’t speak properly, then he can, then he can’t,” Zac explained, “Sometimes he slurs his words and when we put him down for a second to see if he could walk, he just staggered in completely the wrong direction.”
“I wish you’d never met that Doctor,” Jane said.
“Why’s that?” Zac asked.
“I’ve been attacked by big green things, then the world gets attacked by Giant Spiders and Clowns,” Jane answered, “And I know you’re out their with him and your friends fighting these aliens, don’t try and deny it. I’ve lost close friends to aliens, Sue and Dave were killed. How do you know this alien won’t kill you?”
“I’m pretty sure if it was evil, then it would’ve shown it by now,” Zac said. While Zac had been left with his mum and Drornk, Beth and Kaylie had gone out to try and find Drornk’s spaceship. They had returned to the spot where they had found Drornk.

“Well, where is it?” Beth said.
“I have no idea,” Kaylie replied, “I saw it soaring through the sky and next thing we saw was Drornk disguised as a bush.”
“Then the ship must be nearby,” Beth said, “I mean he banged his head, he can’t walk very well, it must be really nearby.”
“But then we would have seen it,” Kaylie replied.
“Not if it’s where I think it is,” Beth replied and looked up at the tree above, in its branches was the little spaceship.

“Does your dad have a ladder?” Kaylie asked.
“Yeah,” Beth said, “But we won’t be able to lift that ship down and neither will he, without getting noticed.”
“No, but once Drornk is recovered, he can climb up the ladder and fly home,” Kaylie explained.
“But that ship crashed,” Beth replied, “What if it can’t fly?”
“But he crashed it,”Kaylie replied, “He was drunk and he crashed the spaceship into the tree. That’s what comes from drink driving, or I should say Drornk driving.”
“That was terrible,” Beth commented, “But I suppose you’re right. Lets go and see if Drornk is feeling better.” Beth followed Kaylie to Zac’s house, where Zac greeted them with good news.

“Drornk is sober!” Zac exclaimed, “He should be able to walk now, but he keeps insisting that we give him alcohol.”
“Don’t give him any,” Kaylie said, “Or we’ll be forced to look after him for longer.”
“Drornk is getting a bit cranky though,” Zac replied.
“Well he shouldn’t be,” Kaylie said, “We helped him, we cared for him and now we aren’t going to give him any alcohol.” Jane then entered the hallway.
“That Drornk is a nice fellow,” Jane said, “I’ve just given him a drink."
“NO!” Beth, Zac and Kaylie exclaimed. They ran into the Lounge where Drornk was recovering on the sofa. Zac grabbed the drink off him.

“What’s wrong with orange juice?” Jane asked.
“Orange juice?” Drornk asked, “Is that a kind of beverage?”
“No it’s a healthy and tasty…” Jane began but was interrupted.
“It’s very alcoholic,” Zac butted in.
“Almost 100%,” Beth added.
“Wow,” Drornk said and Zac gave the drink back to him, “Why did you snatch it from me?”
“Because I wasn’t sure whether you liked alcoholic stuff,” Zac explained, to which Beth rolled her eyes.
“Well I don’t usually have this Earth stuff,” Drornk said, “It’s very tasty, I had no idea it was 100%, it has bits in too, solid alcohol.”

It was later that day when Beth and Zac walked into the park with a ladder. Kaylie and Jane followed them with Drornk; Kaylie insisted the passers by that he was a robot.
“Well goodbye Drornk,” Zac said.
“Yeah, bye bye!” Kaylie exclaimed.
“Bye,” Drornk said, as he climbed up the ladder.
“That ladder looks unsteady,” Zac commented.
“Hold it then,” Beth snapped. Drornk climbed into his spaceship, and waved at the three teenagers and Jane.

“You are very lucky that Rachel wasn’t home Zac,” Jane told him, “And your dad wouldn’t have wanted a drunk in the house.”
“Dad gets drunk sometimes you know,” Zac replied, “And I doubt he would have minded.” Drornk’s spaceship crackled and it began to lift out off out of the branches of the tree. It soared up into the sky, Zac watched it get smaller and smaller, until Catherine arrived.

“I just saw a spaceship!” Catherine exclaimed, “Did you see it? Did it have an alien inside? Is it remote controlled? Are you sure the clowns were a dream?” Beth gave Zac and Kaylie a look, which they understood meant, ‘Play along it’.
“Yes it was a dream and we didn’t see a spaceship,” Zac said.
“Yeah, where did you see it?” Kaylie asked. Jane raised her eyebrows and walked off.
“But it wasn’t really a dream was it?” Catherine asked, “That spaceship wasn’t a dream, I think. Do you think it was? Am I in a dream now? Has my whole life been a dream? Do I exist? Are these my feet?”



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