Thursday 2 July 2009

Mini Ep. 4: Jungle Journey

Mini-ep 4

The Doctor
And: Conner
With: Pandit Bartwal, Mrs Heyman, Charlie Gilbert, the monster

“Ow!” Georgia cried as tripped over a tree root and fell on the floor. The Doctor, Georgia, Conner and two other people were being led through the Indian jungle by Pandit Bartwal. Pandit was Indian, but he liked to think he was British, and kept reminding the group that he actually was British in his obviously Indian accent. It was the year 1928 and Georgia was annoyed that there was no spray to kill the numerous insects which seemed to be following them.

“Don’t exclaim in the jungle or the creature will hear you,” Pandit Bartwal said.
“A jungle creature, how exciting,” Mrs Heyman exclaimed in an American accent. Mrs Heyman had come to India with her husband Mr George Heyman who, according to her, mysteriously vanished while on a trip to New Delhi. She had come on the jungle adventure to take her mind of it, apparently. Charlie Gilbert, meanwhile, was English and 22 years of age. He had come to India with his parents, but they decided to go a different route and were going to meet him in the North.

“Be quiet, or the monster will kill us,” Pandit snapped.
“Monster?” the Doctor asked, “Are you sure it’s a monster?”
“Yes, its killed people,” Pandit replied.
“Like someone else around here,” Georgia muttered and Mrs Heyman gave her a threatening look. Charlie Gilbert began to shiver. Conner noticed he was shivering.

“Are you OK?” Conner asked.
“I think something’s following us,” Charlie Gilbert said, “Now and then I hear a twig snap, behind me, and I’m at the back.” Conner and Charlie stopped and Conner heard a twig snap.
“Doctor, something’s following us!” Conner shouted.
“It’s the monster!” Pandit said.
“How terrifyingly obvious,” Mrs Heyman said.
“Terrifyingly isn’t a word in the English dictionary,” Pandit corrected, “I should know, being British and all that”.
“What, you don’t all believe in this monster?” Georgia asked, “I mean it’s probably just a large crocodile who has a craving for human flesh.”
“A crocodile wouldn’t venture so far into the forest,” Pandit pointed out.

“It’s getting closer,” Charlie said.
“Oh my Goodness we’re all going to die!” Mrs Heyman whispered frantically.
“Better to die then live your life in prison,” Georgia muttered.
“Shhh!” the Doctor said, “We need to find out what it is. Pandit, has anyone seen this creature, does anyone know what it looks like?” Pandit thought for a while and then remembered a woman who had run into her village screaming about the monster. She had described it, relatively well.
“The monster is green with yellow spots,” Pandit said, “It has sharp fangs and claws, it swims but it can also walk well on land.”

“Has anyone noticed,” Conner said.
“Noticed what?” Georgia asked.
“What can you hear?” Conner asked.
“I can’t hear anything,” Georgia replied.
“Neither can I,” Charlie added.
“Exactly,” Conner whispered, “The monster’s stopped.”
“But I can’t see it,” Mrs Heyman said and the others looked around them, but they saw nothing. There was suddenly a roar and a monster appeared claws drawn, mouth drooling. Mrs Heyman and Georgia screamed.

“Everybody run!” the Doctor ordered and the others did as they were told. Mrs Heyman wasn’t too good at running so Charlie was helping her along. Mrs Heyman and Charlie were soon far behind and the monster was gaining speed. Georgia turned and saw Charlie helping Mrs Heyman.
“Leave her she’s a murderer! She can fend for herself”, Georgia shrieked as the Doctor streaked past her. Georgia rolled her eyes as the Doctor began helping Mrs Heyman too.

“We must hurry,” Pandit said, “I know the way, follow me.”
“Why weren’t we following him in the first place?” Conner asked.
“Because the Doctor’s been through this jungle several times before,” Georgia replied, “Watch out Doctor!” The monster had caught up with the other three and had knocked all three of them over. Charlie hit a tree and was dazed while the Doctor was tossed into the air and landed with a thump onto the jungle floor. The monster towered over Mrs Heyman, who pulled a dagger from her handbag.

“You were right about me Georgia!” Mrs Heyman snarled, “I am a murderess and as soon as I’ve dealt with this monster, I’ll kill the rest of you!” Mrs Heyman cackled madly.
“Watch out!” Conner shouted as the monster opened its huge mouth and in one bite Mrs Heyman was no more. Georgia ran forward and grabbed a branch which had snapped off a tree. She threw it at the monster and it hit. The monster snarled.

“What are you doing?” Conner asked.
“Giving the Doctor time to get up,” Georgia replied throwing a large stone at the monster, hitting it on the eye. Following Georgia’s example Pandit and Conner joined in, the monster’s arms were flailing madly around its head. The Doctor, meanwhile, got up and ran over to Charlie who was rubbing his head. The Doctor helped Charlie up and they ran off. The monster heard a cracking of twigs and roared when it saw that his two victims had vanished.

“Now what do we do?” Conner asked.
“We run,” Georgia replied.
“This way!” Pandit ordered and ran off, followed by Georgia and Conner and then the monster.
“Great, the monster’s after us,” Conner said sarcastically.
“Conner,” Georgia panted.
“Yes?” Conner asked.
“Shut up and keep running,” Georgia answered snappily. The monster crashed its way through the trees, uprooting one now and then in its rage. Georgia, Pandit and Conner ran into a clearing, the monster following slowly but noisily behind them.

“Where now?” Georgia asked Pandit.
“Well…” Pandit began.
“Don’t tell me we’re lost,” Georgia said.
“I’m British I never get lost,” Pandit replied.
“You aren’t British you’re Indian,” Conner said, “Now which way.”
“I am British,” Pandit said in an Indian accent, obviously offended. Georgia groaned, the monster was almost at the clearing now.
“Well lets go that way then,” Georgia said and ran off, followed by Conner.
“It’s that way,” Pandit shouted after them pointing in the opposite direction. Suddenly, the monster smashed its way into the clearing, blocking the way Pandit was pointing.

“On second thoughts I’ll go your way,” Pandit said and ran after Georgia and Conner. Georgia and Conner ran out of the clearing back into the jungle closely followed by Pandit. There was a thump and a scream as Georgia and Conner ran into the Doctor and Charlie. Pandit appeared and laughed at the four on the floor.
“Pandit, you were going the wrong way,” the Doctor said.
“Yeah, why didn’t we go the right way Georgia?” Conner asked sarcastically, “It wasn’t because of the monster was it?”
“Yes, the monster is that way,” Georgia confirmed, “Blocking the correct path”.

“We’re all gonna die!” Charlie exclaimed.
“We are not going to die!” the Doctor said loudly.
“Well does anyone have a plan?” Charlie asked. There was silence.
“I do,” the Doctor said. Georgia and Conner gave a sigh of relief.
“Then what is it?” Charlie asked.
“That monster is a Tittly-Changua from Yogragriss,” the Doctor explained, “It was probably heading to some sort of alien zoo, but the spaceship carrying it crashed”.
“How can you guess that much?” Georgia asked.
“Well, there’s the ship,” the Doctor said pointing up at the treetops. In the trees was a large silvery object, at the front of it, there was a shield of glass, so you could see inside the control room. Two strange skeletons could be seen in the room and at the back of the ship was a great hole, where the monster probably smashed its way out of the ship.

“That thing didn’t come from Britain,” Pandit said, “I should know, being British.”
“You aren’t British,” Georgia said through gritted teeth.

“Doctor, what do you know about the Tittly-Changua?” Conner asked.
“The Tittly-Changua is ticklish,” the Doctor explained, “That’s one of the only ways to domesticate it. Those idiots locked that creature up, probably without knowing how to make it feel better.”
“So, all we need to do is tickle it,” Charlie said, “But then what?”
“We’ll take it home in the TARDIS,” the Doctor replied.
“The what?” Pandit asked.
“Nothing,” the Doctor replied quickly.
“But how are we going to tickle it?” Georgia asked, “It’ll kill us if we get that close.” There was suddenly a roaring sound and a cracking of twigs. The monster appeared out of nowhere.
“Speak of the devil,” Conner commented.

“Palms!” the Doctor cried, “Everyone grab a palm leave and start tickling!”
“This sounds ridiculous,” Charlie said.
“Just do it!” Georgia ordered, grabbing a palm. Conner, Pandit and Charlie also grabbed palms and began to tickle the monster which start rolling around on the floor. The Doctor patted the monster on the nose and the others stopped tickling it.

“Right then, come with us monster,” the Doctor said. The monster nodded and followed on all fours.

It was about a half hour later, when the TARDIS crew, Charlie, Pandit and the monster arrived at a small village, where the TARDIS was parked.
“Bye then Charlie,” the Doctor said.
“I hope you see your parents soon,” Georgia added and Charlie smiled.
“I’ll belief in many more things now Doctor,” Charlie said, “But I don’t think I’ll ever go into the Indian jungle again.”

“Bye Pandit,” Conner said. Pandit nodded.
“May you show more parties of tourists safely through the jungle for years to come,” the Doctor said.
“I think I’m going to move back to Britain actually,” Pandit replied, “Meet British people, be very British.”
“That sounds lovely,” Georgia said as she got into the TARDIS followed by an exasperated Conner and then the Doctor. The TARDIS began to dematerialise as Pandit began to sing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ in an Indian accent. There was a muffled ‘SHUT UP!’ from the inside of the TARDIS and soon it had vanished, with the Tittly-Changua sleeping in one of the many bedrooms.



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