Sunday 17 May 2009

Episode 4: Attack of the Clowns Part 1


An explosion; the rollercoaster shook violently. Beth screamed.

“The energy from the transfer was too much!” the Doctor cried, doubling up with pain. “It’s killing me!”

There was a bang, and Alex was thrown out of his carriage. Catherine was sobbing loudly. Alex disappeared into the inky blackness. The TARDIS shook, and Georgia fell back. Crack! Blood poured out of Georgia’s head. Beth was thrown out of her carriage. Catherine cried out, but was crushed by Bradley’s carriage. The coaster was spinning out of control. Beth landed on the track. She died instantly as the rollercoaster hit her.

“Conner I’m dying,” the Doctor said, his eyes closed with pain.
“What?” Conner asked desperately, stepping back.

Together, Zac and Kaylie were flipped off the rollercoaster. They fell through the darkness. With one last bang, Bradley was thrown from his carriage.

“I’m regenerating!” the Doctor cried.

Conner leapt backwards in shock as the Doctor stuck his arms out, the golden energy erupting from his hands, feet and face, like a volcano. Some of the regeneration energy sparked off, hitting him in the stomach. Conner was blasted off his feet. As he lost consciousness, he saw the Doctor turn towards Georgia’s body, and pour all of the regeneration energy into one point. The blood flowed back into Georgia, and her head repaired itself. Georgia slipped slowly away into unconsciousness. Just before everything went black, Georgia saw the Doctor’s features blur and change…

…Into a man with a large nose, and two very distinctive ears. He looked up, surprised. Staggering over to the console, the Doctor looked into a small circular mirror.

“Fantastic,” he sighed.

Title Sequence

The image of Bradley falling into the darkness faded, and Bradley jerked upright. He was sat on the rollercoaster, with Alex behind him, Catherine and Beth in the row in front, and Zac and Kaylie at the front of the rollercoaster. They were all alive! Bradley rubbed his eyes. His life must be flashing before his eyes – it still felt like he was falling, ever closer to the ground. He looked around, and realised it was in fact the rollercoaster starting up, while the last few people climbed in.

“Are you alright Bradley?” Beth asked.

Bradley jumped in shock.

“You look a bit ill,” Beth continued. “Maybe you should get off. I don’t want you being sick in my hair.”
“Get off…” Bradley said slowly.
“Pardon?” Beth asked.
“Off the rollercoaster,” Bradley said. “Everyone, get off!”
“What?” Kaylie asked, turning in her seat.
“What’s wrong mate?” Zac asked, turning around as well.

Bradley lifted his lap bar that prevented him from falling out, in an attempt to get off. As he did so, the lap bars of everyone else lifted too. That was how everyone had fallen out, in his dream. No, it wasn’t a dream, Bradley told himself. It was more like a prophecy, or a premonition…

“Sit down Bradley,” Alex said calmly. “The ride’s about to start.”
“No!” Bradley shouted. “We’ve got to get off!”
“Maybe he’s right,” Catherine said. “Devil’s Flight is too scary.”
“Shut up Catherine, don’t be a wuss,” Beth said.

She too stood up. She looked at Bradley calmly.

“You’ve got to sit down Bradley,” she said, her words like velvet. “It’s gonna be alright. We’re gonna be fine. The track’s got loads of safety measures, it’s impossible to fall off. Come on, sit down. That’s it.”

Bradley was unsure. It was hard to believe in the premonition, especially after Beth spoke so calmly. Everybody was watching him. He had to decide, now, whether to get off, or to sit down. His choice was made for him, as a park worker walked alongside Bradley’s carriage.

“Sit down son,” he ordered. “The ride’s about to start. You’ll enjoy it once you’re up there.”

Bradley nodded, and sat down shakily.

“That’s it lad,” the park worker assured him. “Start her up!”
“Yes Bill!” came a voice in the distance.

Bill stepped backwards as the ride slowly began to ascend… Conner slowly opened his eyes. Everything that was right in his life had gone wrong; the Doctor had rejuvenated, or whatever he called it, Georgia had hit her head, the blood pouring everywhere, he’d fallen out with Zac, his parents were dead. He sat up off the floor, rubbing his eyes. He suddenly was wide awake, as he spotted Georgia, still lying on the floor. The blood had gone! Maybe she was alright. Conner weakly crawled over to her. Placing a finger on her neck, he felt for a pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief – Georgia was alive!

“You alright?” came a voice.

Conner looked up. He was confronted with a man, with large ears and nose. He was wearing the Doctor’s brown suit, but it was too small. His hair was dark, and short. His voice was northern. Conner remembered what Sybil had said.

“How comes you sound like your from the North?” Conner said, repeating Sybil’s message.
“Lots of planets have a North!” the northern man protested.
“Who are you?” Conner asked, trying to stand up.
“I’m the Doctor,” the Doctor smiled.
“That’s some facelift,” Conner said, looking at him.
“Oi! I spent ages moisturising this old face!” the Doctor said, protesting again.
“What do you mean, you’re the Doctor?” Conner asked, clutching the console for support.
“I’m the Doctor. The same man. Well, a bit different.”
“I think you’re talking, but you aren’t saying anything,” Conner said.
“Something went wrong with my regeneration,” the Doctor explained. “The prophecy energy overloaded, causing the internal and external regeneration to backfire.”
“I’m rubbish at science,” Conner said.
“When I regenerate, I change my body,” the Doctor said. “My whole appearance.”
“How many times have you done it?” Conner asked.
“Nine times,” the Doctor said. “I’m on my tenth body. Or rather, I was.”
“So you’re Doctor Eleven?” Conner said.
“No,” the Doctor said. “I said something went wrong. I’m Doctor Nine again.”
“So this is the Ninth Doctor,” Conner smiled.

“Come on! Run!” Abby cried.

Abby and Christina were near the entrance of the fair. Most of the clowns had gone after Georgia and Conner, but three were still after them. If they could reach the entrance, they could break into a car or something. Anything to escape the clowns. Suddenly Abby’s phone rang.

“Wait!” Christina said. “The clowns freeze with phones! The Doctor told me!”
“Yeah, he told me too,” Abby said, irritated. “Hello? Look, don’t hang up! It’s really important! Who is this anyway?”

Elsewhere, Lucy Stuart held her phone up to her ear. She was always called the smart and sassy of the Stuart family, but Abby called her a bitch, with her blonde curls, and chavvy dress sense. Lucy called it stylish.

“Abby, where are you?” Lucy asked. “Mum’s going mental! Granddad fell down the stairs and you weren’t there!”
“What? Is he hurt?” Abby asked quickly.
“No, he’s fine,” Lucy said. “He faked it.”
“What?” Abby asked, confused.
“He said he wanted us to feel frightened, and to care about him for once. Mum didn’t mention she’s round there 24/7. Told you he’s barmy,” Lucy added.
“And where were you?” Abby asked.
“Out with my mates,” Lucy said, as if this was obvious. “We’re going down to the cake shop. There’s that lush bakerman who works there.”
“Baker,” Abby corrected.
“Whatever,” Lucy snapped.
“Can you do me a favour?” Abby asked.
“What?” Lucy asked reluctantly.
“Meet me at the Fair on Helich Way, with a car.”
“What for?” Lucy asked.
“Umm… I’m in trouble. I owe this man some money, but I need to go and get it,” Abby invented.
“My cars at the garage,” Lucy said.
“Well borrow mums!” Abby said, exasperated.
“It’s at granddads.”
“Well what about the baker’s car?” Abby asked desperately.
“Oooh! You are the. Best. Sister. Ever. See you later,” Lucy said, excited.

Now she had an excuse to talk to Brian Mason! Conner coughed as smoke filled the TARDIS.

“What the hell is that?” Conner asked, waving the smoke away with his hands.
“Something’s trying to get into the TARDIS,” the Doctor said, patting the console soothingly.
“What is?” Conner asked desperately.
“Who is,” the Doctor said.

Conner automatically stepped in front of Georgia as Sybil emerged in the TARDIS. The Doctor, meanwhile, waved.

“Hello!” he said, bright on the surface but dark underneath.
“Who are you?” Sybil asked.
“I’m the Doctor,” the Doctor replied.
“Doctor who?” Sybil said.
“Just the Doctor. I’m that man who you took on earlier,” the Doctor replied. “Your prophecy energy killed me. I’m surprised a human being could survive it.”
“I’m not your average human,” Sybil replied. “I think you should be worried if I’m around.”
“Oh I think we can handle you,” Conner said. “We’ve dealt with worse.”
“Have you?” Sybil said. “I doubt it.”
“We’ll see,” Conner said.
“We shall,” Sybil agreed.

Kaylie clasped Zac’s hand, as the rollercoaster sped around a corner. Behind them, Catherine was laughing like a maniac, and Beth was screaming with delight.

“I love this!” Kaylie cried.

Suddenly part of the rollercoaster broke apart. Kaylie screamed. Bradley swallowed, forcing the sick back down his throat. There was a loud snap as some of the track broke apart. The cars behind Alex lifted up. People were thrown out of the coaster, screaming. Beth was crying now. Catherine joined in too. Alex closed his eyes are his car flew into the air. Bradley cried out as Alex fell into the darkness. The safety barriers lifted up, and Zac grabbed hold of Kaylie, keeping her in her seat. With another smash, Catherine, Beth and Bradley flew from the rollercoaster, and into the darkness.

“Zac!” Kaylie screamed as the rollercoaster flew round a loop.

Everything ground to a halt, and the rollercoaster swung upside down in the breeze. Zac and Kaylie were the only ones left. What Bradley saw had come true. Kaylie and Zac slipped out of their seats, the safety barriers no longer in front of them. Kaylie managed to grab hold of the top of the seat, as did Zac.

“Hold on!” Zac ordered.
“I can’t!” Kaylie said, crying.
“Don’t let go,” Zac said. “We can rock it.”
“What?” Kaylie sobbed.
“Tilt the rollercoaster backwards and forwards, until it goes backwards along the tracks,” Zac replied.
“That won’t work,” Kaylie said, her grasp letting go.
“I saw it on a film,” Zac said, trying to stay calm. “Now rock it!”

Kaylie did as she was told, and tried to rock the rollercoaster. Her hands and arms were numb with trying to hold on. It was getting impossible. Surely she should have dropped by now?

“Sorry Zac,” Kaylie said.

And she let go. It was peaceful, tumbling into the blackness. Death was easy – life was harder. Zac couldn’t live without Kaylie. Muttering a quiet goodbye, Zac let go, and fell, slowly, into the consuming blackness.

To be continued…


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