Friday 1 May 2009

Episode 3: Fun at the Fair Part 5

“Run!” Colin cried, grabbing Georgia and Elizabeth’s hands.

The Vicar pulled Mrs White and Daisy away from the clown, which leered at them. Suddenly, Georgia’s phone rang. The clown froze.

“Dad, Vicar, take mum, Mrs White and Daisy out of here,” Georgia ordered. “Hello?”

She spoke into the phone. Colin and the Vicar led Elizabeth, Viola and Daisy out of the garden, and into the house.

“Get in the car!” Georgia called. “Mrs White, can we borrow your car? Vicar, do you have your car?”
“Yes,” the Vicar replied. “Some of you can go in mine.”
“Great,” Georgia replied. “Sorry about this. Who’s there?”

The Doctor, Conner, Zac, Beth and Abby were in the TARDIS. The Doctor held the phone up to his ear.

“Where’ve you been? You’re missing all the action!” the Doctor said.
“Believe me,” Georgia replied on the other end. “It’s you who’s missed out. I got attacked by a clown on the way to mum and dad’s. Well we got into the house, but it followed us. Oh, and Mrs White from next door, and Daisy – you met at the Book Club – got mixed up in all of it. We had to lock ourselves in the shed, but then the Vicar came along, and we escaped. They’re all sat in the car now.”
“Wow, you weren’t joking,” the Doctor said, amazed. “Honestly, your family…”
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Georgia grinned, rubbing one of her eyes.
“Where’s the clown now?” the Doctor asked.
“Stood on the lawn. It’s weird, but it’s frozen…” Georgia said, waving a hand in front of the clown’s petrified face.
“Frozen? Any idea what’s stopping it?” the Doctor asked, putting his glasses on.
“It froze when the Vicar came too,” Georgia said, frowning with concentration. “It might be the phone, cos the Vicar was on his when he arrived. But how could a phone stop a clown?”
“Signals. That must be it. Phone signals. They must interfere with their biological patterns,” the Doctor said. “This means, we have a weapon against them!”
“Fantastic!” Georgia cried. “But, why are they following us? Is it you again?”
“What do you mean again?” the Doctor asked in a hurt voice.
“Every single bloody alien attacks us, after you!” Georgia said.
“Not every…” the Doctor said defensively. “Just… Most…”
“Whatever. Just fix it. I’m gonna take my family to the church, make them safe,” Georgia informed him.
“Right. Can you meet me at the fair on Helich Way after that?” the Doctor asked.
“Sure. I might have to get someone to drive me; I haven’t passed my test yet. I was supposed to do it before you whisked me off to the stars,” Georgia said, smiling to herself slightly.
“Woops,” the Doctor grinned. “Maybe you could walk; I don’t want to bring your family into this.”
“Hmph,” Georgia hmphed.
“You can hmph at me all you like, I’m not saving the world with the help of your mother!” the Doctor said.
“See you later, Time boy,” Georgia said. “Ohh, hadn’t I better get out of the garden before I end the call?”
“Yup,” the Doctor said happily. “Bye!”

Georgia ran across the lawn, and made sure she was out of the house and in the car before she ended the call.

Kaylie and Catherine leapt down the stairs, the clown smashing above them. Catherine began to head for the first floor corridor, but Kaylie pulled her back.

“We need to get out of the school!” Kaylie said.
“We can go down the stairs at the other end of the corridor. That way the clown might not see us,” Catherine replied dreamily.
“Brilliant idea!” Kaylie cried. “I just hope it works.”

Tugging Catherine once again, Kaylie began to run down the first floor corridor. There was a rasping and a grating as the TARDIS dematerialised in the middle of the fair. Beth stepped out, followed by Abby, Conner and Zac. The Doctor stumbled out afterwards.

“Everyone’s looking at us!” Abby whispered.
“They’re probably wondering how we can all fit in that small box!” Beth laughed.
“Now what do we do?” Zac asked, speaking for the first time in a while.
“We need to go and speak to the manager,” Abby said. “That’s always a very good place to start.”
“I find the start’s another good place to start,” Conner muttered. “You haven’t said much Zac.”
“I was wondering about Kaylie,” Zac explained. “We left her behind, remember?”
“Woops,” the Doctor said absentmindedly.

He led the way into the fair. Elizabeth and Colin’s car pulled up to the Vicar’s church, and the Vicar’s car followed shortly after. Colin, Elizabeth and Georgia climbed out of Colin’s car, and Georgia nudged them to the church. Mrs White, Daisy and the Vicar climbed out of the Vicar’s car. Daisy clutched the Vicar’s mobile, as he Vicar had made her ring his wife to warn her that the Bell woman was coming.

“Into the church, all of you!” Georgia ordered. “Vicar, have you got any stuff happening in here today?”
“That’s not the correct term, but yes, we do,” the Vicar said.
“Any weddings? Any funerals or christenings?” Georgia asked.
“Not today, I don’t think. But we do have the church cleaning, with all the ladies helping out,” the Vicar said.
“Cancel it,” Georgia ordered. “Tell all of the ladies to keep away from the church. I’ll lock the gates as I go.” “Will you be alright? What if there are more clowns?” Colin asked.
“I’ll phone someone,” Georgia said. “That goes for you lot too. If a clown attacks you, phone each other, keep the conversation going. Don’t hang up the phone, or the clown can unfreeze. I’ll ring you when it’s safe, I promise.”

With a quick hug from Colin and Elizabeth, Georgia left. Alex Turner hated school. He hated the teachers, he hated the pupils, he hated the unoriginality of everyone, but mostly, he hated Physics. Sneaking out was the easiest thing in the world – his teacher was too busy droning on to notice him. The other kids laughed and made faces at him as left. Although he hated them, he didn’t think they were mean enough to tell the teacher he was sneaking out, but he knew they were stupid enough to let it slip accidentally, or, in the unlikely event of the teacher noticing, thinking up a rubbish lie. Alex was clever. That was the only way to describe it. He had been since he was little. He’d always had a way with computers especially; they, along with books, were his best friends. You could always rely on a book to hide your secrets. Alex looked up, startled, as he heard a noise from above. More idiot kids messing about, probably. Then he heard running footsteps. Surely that wasn’t the running footsteps of children messing about; the footsteps sounded more scared than anything. Alex could make out a second set of footsteps, further behind. These footsteps were bigger, as if whoever was running had really big feet. Almost like a clown, Alex thought.

Christina poked her head around the tent of Sybil, the fortune teller. She wondered if Sybil would know where the manager was. After nearly half an hour of searching, Christina decided that if the fortune teller couldn’t tell her where the manager’s office was, she’d have to predict Christina punching her around the face. Mitchell had died, and Christina wanted answers. Christina surveyed the room. Sybil seemed to be busy with another client.

“That prophecy looks pretty intense,” Christina muttered.

Bradley was almost white now, his hands like fire. Sybil held on, both of them too dazed to notice Christina walking up to them. She gasped, noticing how the boy, Bradley, seemed to be going white. His eyes had trouble staying open – it looked as if he was dying! Grabbing his arms, Christina attempted to remove his hands from Sybil’s. It must be the fortune teller doing this; there was no other explanation for it. Also, Sybil seemed to be getting stronger.

“Get off him!” Christina cried, tugging harder. “Let go! You’re killing him, bitch!”

Tugging even harder, Bradley and Sybil’s hands finally let go. There was a shower of sparks, as if an energy transfer had been taking place. Was it possible for a fortune teller to steal the life essence out of people? Bradley sank to the floor unconscious. Christina leant down, examining him. She looked up, to where Sybil had collapsed in her chair. She had gone!

Kaylie leapt from the staircase, and onto the ground floor, with Catherine right behind her. Together they burst through some double doors, and ran around the corridor. Catherine let out a little scream of surprise as they collided with Alex. Kaylie was quick to act.

“You’ve got to get out of here!” she cried.
“What’s chasing you?” Alex asked quickly.
“A clown!” Catherine said, trying to get her breath back.
“Right,” Alex said, unsure.
“You’ve got to help us,” Kaylie said. “I can’t run anymore.”
“If we can get to my car,” Alex began.
“Just run!” Kaylie ordered, as the clown reached the end of the stairs.
“I thought you said…” Catherine began, before Alex dragged her off.

“Can I speak with you a minute Zac?” Conner asked.

He nodded, indicating the Doctor, Beth and Abby should go on ahead.

“Sure,” Zac said, walking towards Conner. “What’s up?”
“It’s about Kaylie,” Conner said, unsure how to word what he had to say.

Beth silently took the Doctor’s arm, and dragged him off. Abby followed discretely.

“Let’s go to the manager,” Abby whispered.

Zac folded his arms slightly as Conner spoke.

“What did you want to say?” Zac asked.
“It’s just…” Conner began.
“Say it,” Zac said.
“It’s just, when Georgia shut me in that lift on TimeSpan, I think she was right. She only did it to protect me, and that’s what I wanted to talk about,” Conner said. “Is it serious with Kaylie?”
“What?” Zac asked, a feeling of annoyance creeping in.
“Is it serious?” Conner repeated. “It’s just; life in the TARDIS can be dangerous. I always thought, after she found out about the Doctor and Georgia, you’d tell her it was too dangerous.”
“She can handle herself,” Zac said confidently.
“I know that, but… I just don’t think she should be involved,” Conner said, feeling more confident now in is speech. “It could have been her who died in the Spidership, and it would have been your fault for getting her involved.”
“Not your fault then,” Zac muttered. “So what’re you trying to say? Do you suggest I ditch her? Cos that’s not gonna happen.”
“I know that,” Conner said. “But, is it serious? Cos, if you were gonna ditch her, then we couldn’t have the new one find out about the TARDIS.”
“The new one?!” Zac asked, angry. “Yes, it’s serious.”
“Good, that’s good,” Conner said, blushing. “I like Kaylie. Good choice. I’m glad you’re going out with someone.”
“What? So you won’t have any competition for Georgia?” Zac snapped angrily.
“It’s not like that,” Conner said quickly. “She… We… I’m too young.”
“Fine,” Zac said. “Your loss. She’s pretty.”
“So,” Conner said awkwardly. “Will you be asking me to be best man soon?”
“Actually,” Zac said, still angry. “I would have asked Harry.”

He stormed off.

Kaylie, Alex and Catherine burst out of the front gates, and ran to the rows of cars parked nearby. Tugging his keys out of his pocket, Alex unlocked the car, and dived in the driver’s seat. Kaylie pushed Catherine in the back seat, and climbed in the seat next to Alex. Starting the engine, Alex stomped on the accelerator, and the car shot out into the road. The clown burst up in front of the window, making Catherine scream. Alex swerved the car, and the clown disappeared in a froth of smoke.

“We need to get to the fair!” Kaylie cried.
“Helich Way?” Alex asked.
“That’s the one,” Kaylie replied.

“What’re you doing?” Abby asked. “Where’s the fortune teller?”

Abby, the Doctor and Beth looked down at Christina in the fortune teller’s tent. Beth quickly ran over to Bradley, and felt for a pulse.

“What’s he doing in here?” the Doctor asked. “How is it that everyone I know keeps popping up all over the place?”
“Just you wait, Catherine will be here next,” Beth said darkly. “He’s alive.”
“Just unconscious,” Christina said.
“Do I know you?” Abby asked. “You seem familiar.”
“Yeah, I see it too,” the Doctor said. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Christina Harrow,” Christina explained. “My boyfriend, Mitchell, died. I think he was killed by a clown. I came to find the manager, then came here to ask the fortune teller, then…”
“Of course!” the Doctor said. “You’re the girlfriend of Mitchell West.”
“Sorry for your loss,” Abby said quickly, nudging the Doctor in the ribs.
“Oh yeah,” the Doctor said. “We examined the body earlier.”
“What he means is,” Beth said quickly. “He’s really upset that someone completely innocent and nice like Mitchell died. He didn’t deserve it.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Christina said quietly. “But at least this one’s alive. I think Sybil, the fortune teller, was draining him.”
“How do you mean?” the Doctor asked, putting on his glasses.
“It looked like an energy transfer,” Christina said. “That’s all I could describe it as. Sybil mentioned something about a prophecy; I heard outside the tent.”
“Hmm,” the Doctor said, in thought. “Stealing someone’s prophecy… What did you plan to do, if Sybil didn’t tell you where the manager was?”
“Punch her in the face,” Christina smiled.
“That’s not right!” the Doctor said. “We never go about striking a happy medium!”
“I’m Beth by the way,” Beth said. “And that’s Abby. We tell everyone we’re two psychics, but really we’re just a pair-a-normal people.”

“Zac just called,” Kaylie explained. “He wants to meet us at the fortune teller’s tent.”
“Are fortune tellers all about ghosts and stuff?” Catherine asked, as Kaylie put the phone down.
“Yeah, and telling the future,” Kaylie replied.
“Sometimes they get rid of ghosts that haunt houses,” Alex said.
“Or hotels,” Kaylie added. “You have to call for the inn spectre!”
“That was awful,” Alex laughed.
“I don’t get it,” Catherine said, gazing out of the window.

“That’s right,” Georgia said, speaking into the phone. “Can the Taxi meet me outside Brittlestone Church? I’m on my way to the fair at Helich Way. No, that’s fine. Sure. No, I’m, err… I’m doing a psychic show. I have supernatural powers, you know. Claire Voyant, have you heard of me?”

Zac parted the curtains to the fortune telling tent, and hurried inside. He spotted Bradley and Beth sat in small chairs, and went to sit down by them.

“What did Conner want?” Beth asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Zac sighed. “We argued that’s all. What are you doing here, Bradley?”
“I got attacked by a clown,” Bradley replied, shaken. “And some stupid fortune teller.”

The Doctor walked over towards them.

“Maybe you should go and do something, put your mind off it,” the Doctor suggested. “There’s not much going on here at the moment.”
“What about a rollercoaster?” Beth asked excitedly. “This fair’s got a good few.”
“You feeling up to it Bradders?” the Doctor asked cheekily.
“Alright,” Bradley sighed.
“What about Kaylie?” Zac asked. “She’s meeting us here.”
“Tell her to meet you at the front gates,” the Doctor suggested.
“Ok. See you!” Zac said, leading the others out of the tent.

Beth waved, and they were gone. A car pulled up in the car park, and Alex, Kaylie and Catherine climbed out. Kaylie marched towards the gate, where she saw Zac, Beth and Bradley waiting for them.

“Zac!” Kaylie cried, hugging him. “We got attacked by a clown!”
“Ditto,” Bradley muttered.
“Come on,” Beth said, taking Catherine’s hand. “We’re going on a rollercoaster.”
“What about the Doctor?” Kaylie asked.
“He’ll be fine,” Zac replied. “Conner’s staying with him.”

He failed to mention that Conner hadn’t been invited on any rollercoasters, as Zac had argued with him about Kaylie. Still, Kaylie didn’t need to know that. Conner certainly wasn’t going to say anything.

“Oh, and this is Alex by the way,” Kaylie added. “He saved us.”
“Thanks,” Zac said, shaking his hand. “I guess I owe you my life.”
“Shut up,” Kaylie interrupted, blushing. “Let’s go then.”

She took Zac’s hand, and the group walked off in the direction of the fastest rollercoaster in the fair. Georgia handed the taxi driver a ten pound note, as she clambered out of the car, outside the fair.

“Miss Voyant?” the taxi driver asked. “Can you give me a little prediction? It’s just; me and the missus are expecting a baby.”
“No, but I can give you some advice,” Georgia, or rather, Claire Voyant, replied. “If you’re having a baby, go see the doctor. Your wife should be fine though.”

The taxi driver stuttered, trying to explain he wasn’t going to be giving birth to the baby, but Georgia shut the door on him, and hurried away.

“Hello,” said a voice quietly.
“Conner!” Georgia cried, hugging him. “The Doctor said I might find you here. Where’s Zac?”
“Gone with the others,” Conner said. “We fell out.”
“Oh,” Georgia said. “Well I’m glad you’re alright. Does the Doctor need any help?”
“Yeah,” Conner said. “We should go back to him.”
“Yeah,” Georgia agreed.

Together, rather awkwardly, they walked back to the fortune teller. Back at the tent, the Doctor, Christina and Abby looked up as Conner and Georgia entered it. The Doctor smiled and hugged Georgia, and introduced Abby and Christina.

“Now everyone knows each other, we can see about talking to Sybil,” the Doctor said.
“The fortune teller,” Abby quickly explained to Conner and Georgia.
“I request an audience with the fortune teller know as Sybil, on behalf of the Shadow Proclamation, and all of its branches of magic,” the Doctor said grandly. “Under subsection 105, you are required to –”
“Alright I’m here,” Sybil snapped.

The Doctor whipped round, and glared at Sybil, who was stood behind Georgia.

“What do you want?” Sybil asked. “And who are you? How do you know of such things as the Shadow Proclamation? You’re an offworlder, aren’t you?”
“Something like that,” the Doctor said. “And I’m the Doctor. That’s Conner Bennet, Georgia Bell, Christina Harrow and Abby Stuart.”
“We already know each other,” Abby said, blushing.
“Blimey, you kept that quiet,” the Doctor said, eyebrows raised. “Mind you, you did suggest we go to the fortune teller.”
“Conner Bennet?” Sybil asked. “I requested a sitting via a client earlier.”
“Why?” Conner asked.
“Your future is of particular interest,” Sybil said. “It involves Beth Grant. But anyway, what did you want? I’m doing nothing wrong on this planet.”
“Except draining other people’s prophecy,” the Doctor said angrily.
“You’re familiar with the technique?” Sybil asked.

The Doctor nodded.

“Ah,” Sybil said. “Then you’ll have informed the Shadow Proclamation. Well then I’m going to have to kill you. Clowns!”
“Wait!” the Doctor cried. “Come on! Clowns? What a rubbish death! You could at least steal my prophecy!”
“Very well,” Sybil agreed. “Clowns will withdraw. Take my hands.”

The Doctor obeyed. He looked significantly over to Georgia and Conner, who both nodded. Beckoning to Abby and Christina, Georgia and Conner planned to escape. The Doctor was giving them time, after all.

“I see…” Sybil said, concentrating. “Death. Death is very near! Death will come knocking! One… Two… Three… Four… Death will come knocking, at your door.”

The Doctor recoiled slightly. Georgia jumped as Sybil suddenly jerked up.

“How come you sound like you’re from the North?” Sybil asked.
“I don’t…” the Doctor said, before suddenly remembering. “Rose… She said that.”
“She is returning,” Sybil said.
“Rose?” the Doctor asked. “Those parallel worlds are sealed!”
“Not Rose Tyler,” Sybil said. “She.”
“Doctor…” Georgia said, uncertainly.
“You!” Sybil said, looking at Georgia. “Bad wolf!”
“What?” Georgia asked, stepping back.
“Leave her alone,” Conner said.
“And you,” Sybil said, facing Conner. “You will see Holly Black again. The day you die!”
“Run…” the Doctor said, getting white, growing weaker.

Brilliant red electricity shot through Sybil and the Doctor’s hands, and sparkled around the room. Georgia grabbed Abby, Conner grabbed Christina, and they ran for the entrance to the tent.

“Clowns!” Sybil ordered. “Attack!”

Zac and Kaylie climbed into the front carriage of the rollercoaster, grinning with excitement. Beth pushed Catherine in the seat behind Zac, and Kaylie sat behind Kaylie. Bradley slipped in behind Beth, and Alex quietly sat two seats behind Catherine. The rest of the carriages slowly filled up, and the rollercoaster slowly began to ascend…

Georgia, Conner, Abby and Christina ran from the tent, and away from Sybil’s clowns.

“Spilt up!” Georgia cried. “Conner with me!”

Abby and Christina ran in the direction of the exit, and Conner dragged Georgia off to where he thought the TARDIS had parked. The clowns marched after Georgia and Conner, their faces no longer bearing smiles.

“Let go…” the Doctor said weakly.
“No,” Sybil snarled. “The prophecy is too magnificent!”
“You’re killing us both,” the Doctor said faintly.

Sybil let out a scream as the red energy became too much, and it blasted her off her feet. She vanished in a puff of smoke. The Doctor stood up, shaking, and stumbled out of the tent. Zac and Kaylie gripped the barriers as the rollercoaster sped around a corner. Two rows back, Bradley was feeling sick. He didn’t usually feel sick on rollercoasters. He had felt funny ever since Sybil had tried to steal his prophecy. Bradley closed his eyes for a split second, and then opened them again. Beth was screaming. Something was wrong.

“Quick, get in the TARDIS!” Conner cried, opening the doors to the wooden box.

Georgia piled in, as Conner looked back. They had lost the clowns! Suddenly the Doctor came sprinting around the corner, followed by four clowns.

“Run Doctor!” Conner cried.

The Doctor looked up, and grinned. Conner ducked inside the TARDIS as the Doctor reached it. He leapt in afterwards, shutting the door behind him. The clowns tried to open the door, but when that failed, they circled the TARDIS menacingly.

Something exploded behind Bradley, and the rollercoaster lifted slightly. Catherine and Beth screamed as part of the track broke below them. Alex cried out as the carriage behind him hit the broken track, and was thrown off. Zac yelled as the carriages piled up on each other. Kaylie began to cry as people were thrown out, screaming. Bradley looked around, just as Alex was thrown out. He fell into the inky blackness. The rollercoaster kept on coming. It was going to kill them all.

“Doctor!” Georgia cried. “The clowns are trying to get in!”
“Nah, we’ll be alright,” the Doctor said.

Suddenly the TARDIS shook, as the clowns rocked it from side to side.

“Are you sure?” Conner cried, trying not to fall over.
“I’m sure,” the Doctor replied, looking a bit white.
“Are you alright Doctor?” Georgia asked.
“I’m sure,” the Doctor repeated. “I mean, I’m fine. Argh!”

The Doctor doubled up as pain coursed through him. The TARDIS rocked again, making Conner grab hold of the console.

“The energy from the prophecy transfer was too much,” the Doctor said, scared. “It’s killing me!”
“What do we do?” Georgia screamed.

Suddenly there was a particularly violent shake, and Georgia slipped backwards, off the lifted platform of the console area. She fell back, slowly and gracefully. There was a crack. Georgia was lying on the floor. Blood poured out of her head, flowing into the grates.

“Oh my God,” Conner cried.

There was another shake. Elsewhere, the rollercoaster span out of control, and Beth and Catherine’s carriage was crushed. Beth was thrown sideways out of the carriage, before landing on the tracks. Catherine died instantly as Bradley’s carriage smashed into hers. Beth looked up, her face bloody, as another carriage flew into her. Kaylie screamed as she was splattered with blood.

“Conner, I’m dying,” the Doctor said. “Something happens to me, something that cheats death.”
“What?” Conner asked, terrified.

The rollercoaster flipped, and Zac flew out of his seat. His hands held onto the track, as Kaylie was thrown out too. Bradley was the only person alive as Kaylie flew into Zac, and together they tumbled into the black. This soon changed, as Bradley was thrown off. The ground grew closer and closer, but Bradley was lost for words.

“I’m regenerating!” the Doctor cried.

Conner leapt backwards in shock as the Doctor stuck his arms out, the golden energy erupting from his hands, feet and face, like a volcano. Some of the regeneration energy sparked off, hitting Conner in the stomach. Conner was blasted off his feet. As he began to lose consciousness, Conner saw the Doctor transforming into someone else. Just before everything went black, Conner saw the Doctor’s features blur and change…


Next Time:

"The future of the Human race hangs in the balance. Clowns fill every street, and every home. This could be the end of the Human race."
"The prophecy! It's complete!"
"Clowns! Destroy the Earth!"


Rhi 2 May 2009 at 11:09  

Brilliant cliffhanger! :)

Will 2 May 2009 at 16:35  

Yay thank you! Nobody seems to mind i massacred the whole of the cast ;)


RJ 1 June 2011 at 13:06  

Which doctor is this regenerating?

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