Thursday 2 September 2010

Episode 5: Rise of the Nayragar Part 3

Vasray took out his communicator, but Conner hit it out of hit hand in one rapid motion. Conner swiftly picked up a strange metal object lying on Ridgebull’s desk and he swung it at Vasray, who collapsed onto the floor. Georgia’s eyes flitted open and she then sat up, rubbing her eyes.
“Conner, what’s going on?” Georgia said, in Ridgebull’s tone of voice.
“He just turned up,” Conner replied.
“Conner, I need to put Georgia under a sedative, can you hide Vasray somewhere?” Georgia asked.
“Where?” Conner asked.
“Oh, I’ll move him, can you sedate her please,” Georgia replied, “Press that pen to her arm.”
“Alright, Georgia,” Conner replied.
“I’m not Georgia!” Georgia snapped.
“I was talking to the Georgia in your body...” Conner said lamely, as Georgia left the room. Conner picked up the pen and decided not to sedate Ridgebull’s body, which was containing Georgia’s essence. The real Georgia could find out more about the Nayragar when in Ridgebull’s body, so he had scribbled her a note and left it in her pocket, although he had an idea that Georgia would still be agitated when she found herself as an alien.

“Have you done it?” Georgia asked as she entered the room, “I’ve hidden Vasray in a cupboard.”
“Yes, I’ve done it,” Conner lied, “Now let’s get going before she wakes up, I mean he – Vasray.”
“Good idea,” Georgia answered, as she led the way out of the room. Conner took one last look at the body containing Georgia’s essence, before following Ridgebull.

Ezio stared as the Woman heaved at the rock which had sealed the tunnel they were in. The Woman was trying to lift the rock with her strength, which Ezio thought she seemed to lack.

“Help me then,” the Woman whined, “I’m not made of muscle.”
“You won’t be able to lift that,” Ezio replied.
“I can and I will, I just need a bit of help,” the Woman snapped, as she lifted the huge stone slightly higher.
“But...” Ezio began, but suddenly a booming voice echoed down the tunnel from the darkness. The Woman froze.

“That’s Attila!” the Woman hissed at Ezio.
“We need to get out of here!” Ezio whimpered, as he immediately rushed forward to help push the stone up. They heard the echoing footsteps of Attila and his guards coming down the tunnel.
“I think there’s someone down here!” Attila said to his guards, who were charging ahead of him with flaming torches. Suddenly, two figures appeared in the torchlight.
“Go!” the Woman yelled, as she pushed the heavy stone up above her and Ezio rushed underneath.
“Stay where you are! I am the King of the Huns! You will obey me!” Attila roared.
“Bye bye!” the Woman replied, and with one strong push the stone leapt from her grasp and she ran behind it. The stone thudded to the floor, as Attila and his guards rushed forward.

“That was a lucky escape,” the Woman said to Ezio, smiling.
“How can you be smiling? If you can lift that stone then I bet Attila can!” Ezio pointed out.
“Let’s go...” the Woman said quickly. On the other side of the stone door, Attila turned to his guards with such an angry look that they backed away in fear.

“They were part of the rebellion I know it!” Attila roared.
“I don’t think they were sir,” a guard replied.
“Neither do I,” the other guard agreed, “That woman was far too strong to be part of a rebellion, she must have some Hun blood in her.”
“So where do we go from here?” Attila replied, “I think we should follow them and see what they’re up to! After all, I didn’t know any other Huns knew about the tunnels down here!”
“Oh, from what we’ve heard sir, a lot of them do,” one of Attila’s guards responded.
“I think we should go back, there are other tunnels leading off this one, one might lead to the rebels cave,” the other guard said.
“I think we should do that, but of course it is your decision,” the first guard told Attila.
“Maybe you are right, let us go!” Attila ordered. The two guards exchanged looks of triumph before following him up the tunnel.

General Nay looked around with an angry look on his face. Vasray had vanished and Ridgebull was nowhere to be seen either. He was just deciding who he would yell at next when two Nayragar walked nervously up to him.
“Sir, one of the tunnels seals was opened and two Humans got into the closer tunnels,” the first Nayragar, who General Nay identified as Traynar, explained.
“Do you know who they are?” General Nay asked.
“No sir, but it is possible that they are the two people, who the Lions were following earlier,” the second Nayragar, who was called Quetragar, answered.
“Nobody can escape the lions...” General Nay hissed, “Unless they got some kind of help... You two fetch Ridgebull Ragar and find Vasray!”
“Yes sir,” Traynar and Quetragar said together, and they rushed off to find Vasray.
“Guards! Find the Humans!” General Nay yelled at a couple of Nayragar guards who were standing nearby. They nodded and left the room.

The Doctor’s spacecraft was slowly approaching the town of Tointraken. The Doctor still had no idea what was going on, but now he was determined to find out. On General Nay’s control screen a blip appeared on the radar system.

Georgia awoke with a blinding headache. She moaned and rubbed her eyes, with strangely rough skin. She obviously needed to moisturise. She opened her eyes and found herself in some sort of high-tech study with two beds, one of which she was lying on. There was a strange helmet on her head, which Georgia pulled off. She stood up and realised that she was not wearing the same clothes that she had when...

“What happened...?” Georgia muttered. She strained her memory and thought hard. She had been worrying that something was going wrong with her head. She remembered scraps of her latest adventure. They had been running away from lions and then they had fallen and then they ran... somewhere... and they... she had been attacked by a lion.
“I must’ve been knocked out cold,” Georgia told herself, as she looked around. Then suddenly, she saw something that made her scream. Her hands were a weird blue-grey colour.
“My skin is like a toad’s!” Georgia shrieked. There was a knock on the door and two unfamiliar aliens walked in. They were both smiling, but there smiles vanished when they saw Georgia’s face.

“Who are you?” Georgia asked.
“I’m Quetragar, remember? We’ve been friends since we were little girls,” the first alien said.
“Nah ah,” Georgia replied quickly, “And I meant what are you? Where are you from? Where the hell am I?”
“You’re Ridgebull Ragar, heir to the throne of the Nayragar Empire, soon to be wedded to that complete idiot General Nay,” Quetragar continued.
“And we’re Nayragar, if you’ve forgotten that,” the second alien said, “Oh and I’m Traynar, if you’ve forgotten that.”
“Yeah I have actually,” Georgia said, “And I... hang on I’ll get out my phone...” Georgia felt in her pocket and found a piece of paper next to her phone. She pulled out the paper and read it to herself.

“What a bitch,” Georgia stated.
“Excuse me?” Quetragar said confused.
“Sorry, I suffered temporary memory loss, I am fine now, what did you want to see me about?” Georgia asked.
“We’ve been asked to take you to General Nay,” Traynar explained.
“Good, then I can... irritate him,” Georgia muttered.
“Well, that’s what you like to do,” Quetragar said smiling.
“Do I?” Georgia asked.
“Yes,” Quetragar said nodding.

“Have you seen Vasray?” Traynar questioned.
“Um...” Georgia began, but then Vasray appeared at the doorway rubbing his head.
“Ridgebull! There were Humans in here!” Vasray exclaimed, “You were lying on a bed and a Human girl was lying on another, and...”
“Don’t be so silly!” Georgia snapped, realising that Conner and the alien must’ve knocked him out when he discovered them.
“But I saw...” Vasray began.
“I told you, be silent! There were no Humans in here, or I would have informed the guards,” Georgia explained, “If we have guards.”
“She’s suffering a kind of memory loss,” Quetragar explained to Vasray.
“But I have not forgotten Vasray arriving and then falling unconscious,” Georgia said.
“I was knocked out!” Vasray argued.
“Again, stop making up things, you entered and then you fainted, and I moved you...” Georgia continued, but then stopped.

“I woke up in a cupboard,” Vasray said.
“Well I... told some guards to move you,” Georgia explained.
“Some of those guards are very unintelligent,” Quetragar said bemused.
“Too true,” Traynar agreed.
“But I was knocked out by humans, what she is telling is lies!” Vasray snarled.
“I’m sorry, Vasray, but you seem to have had a strange dream,” Georgia said, “I think you should visit the hospital unit. We have one of those, right?”
“Yes,” Quetragar replied.
“She’s the one who’s going mental!” Vasray snapped.

“Vasray, General Nay wishes to see you,” Traynar told Vasray, “Now let’s get going.”
“But...” Vasray began.
“He’s already angry,” Traynar said.
“Oh...” Vasray said, and he sped off towards General Nay’s control room.

Humbert stared as the monster leapt from the ceiling and landed safely on the floor. He was looking at Humbert with narrowed eyes.
“Where is the sword?” the monster asked again, slowly.
“You mean this sword?” Humbert asked nervously, holding out the sword that the Woman had given him. The monster reached out and took it, but then he frowned and handed it back.
“This isn’t the sword!” the monster hissed, “Where’s the special sword? You took it from the farmer’s house!”
“I’ve never stolen anything in my life,” Humbert whined.
“What about that blue box eh?” the monster snapped, “Buy it on ebay?”
“What’s ebay? And what blue box?” Humbert asked.
“Don’t lie; I’m on your side! Now help me!” the monster snarled.
“If you’re on my side, which is the rebels I’m guessing? Then what is your name? And what... are you?” Humbert asked.
“No I don’t mean the rebels, are you telling me that you aren’t a time traveller?” the monster hissed.

“I’m Humbert Marsh, if that’s any help, I come from Tointraken,” Humbert answered.
“What are you doing in the tunnels then? I wasn’t aware anyone knew about them except Attila and the Nayragar,” the monster questioned.
“I don’t want to tell you anything, I can’t,” Humbert retorted.
“I’m Encwar, I am a Nayragar, also known as the Caller, I have to obey the Nayragar, but I do not obey with General Nays plans,” Encwar explained, “But if I don’t do, they kill. Now, do you trust me?”
“Alright, I’ve recently, very recently in fact, joined a rebellion against the Huns who attacked Tointraken,” Humbert explained, “I was with my friend Ezio, and this Woman, who was in charge of the rebellion. We found our ways into the tunnels by closing our eyes and just walking forward.”

“I’m sorry, but the only way into the tunnels, is if you fell from the ceiling or if you were let in,” Encwar replied.
“We came from the secret cave, it’s huge, it’s where the rebels are gathering,” Humbert answered.
“Oh, yes well that’s one of the three entrances to the Nayragar centre, all three have different protections around them,” Encwar explained, “That one you have to have your eyes closed to enter, but that still doesn’t lead you into the tunnels, when they’re usually blocked off.”
“But that means someone did let us in,” Humbert muttered.
“Yes, but who?” Encwar said mysteriously, “Now then if alot of people know about this secret cave, then I wish to address the rebels.”
“But I can’t get back, I’ve tried closing my eyes but...” Humbert said. Encwar took out a silvery object and zapped the wall where the entrance to the cave was. Suddenly, a doorway appeared in the wall and the wall began to fall away into dust. The fires and tents of the rebels’ tent could be seen through the hole. Humbert gaped, but Encwar strode forward into the cave.

General Nay stared at the blip on his screen, and his face lit up. The Doctor was on his way back. He pushed two buttons and the missile system popped up on screen. General Nay gazed around the room, and he found that his advisors and assistants weren’t around, but he didn’t need them any more, because he had this one chance to stop the Doctor from ruining his plans.
“And lock-on target,” General Nay said with a cackle, as Vasray burst through the doors, followed closely by Ridgebull, Traynar and Quetragar.

“You wanted to see me?” Vasray asked.
“Oh, yes, Vasray, you’re fired,” General Nay said, before turning to Quetragar and Traynar, “Now which one of you is the least irritating.”
“Him,” Quetragar said indicating Traynar.
“No, it’s her!” Traynar replied indicating Quetragar.
“Fine, you’re both hired as my new assistants, don’t fail me or I’ll fire you and send you back to our home planet,” General Nay snapped.
“Yes sir!” Quetragar and Traynar said together.

“Now then, idiot scientist...” General Nay said turning to Ridgebull.
“You what?” Georgia snapped, “I’m some nerdy scientist?”
“Of course, and you spend half your nerdy life arguing with me,” General Nay snapped, “Now then, I need to talk to you about essences.”
“What?” Georgia asked.
“Can the sword be wielded by Attila with her edited essence?” General Nay asked.
“What are essences?” Georgia asked in a confused voice.
“She seems to be suffering some kind of memory loss,” Quetragar explained.
“Fantastic,” General Nay said sarcastically.

The red light started flashing and an alarm began going off in the Nayragar spacecraft the Doctor was flying. The Doctor turned his head and stared at the radar screen.
“Oh not missiles,” the Doctor sighed, and he immediately pressed the auto-pilot button, before rushing into the centre of the craft and opening one of the cupboard doors. He pulled out a parachute and looked sadly around the craft.
“Goodbye,” the Doctor sighed, before opening the side-door and jumping off the craft, seconds before one of the missiles destroyed the craft.

The Doctor glided down from the high altitude with the parachute. He was smiling as he flew closer and closer to the ground, as he took in the scenery, but then he spotted a Lion and the Lion spotted him. The Doctor touched down in a field of long grass, as he heard a loud echoing roar. The Doctor froze, then tore off the parachute.
“Oh no...” the Doctor breathed, as he saw several Lions running through the long grass towards him.



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