Monday, 7 September 2009

Bleak House Timewarped Preview

I know we don't usually do previews for timewarped, but here is one for my Bleak House Timewarped Special. I'm going for a different format with this timewarped special. It's going to be split into episodes, which will be split into parts. Here is the main cast list:

Miss Georgia Summerson
John Jarndyce
Conner Bennet
Caddy Jellyby
Ada Clare
Mr. Bayham Badger
Mrs. Bayham Badger
Mr. Krook
Harold Skimpole
Lady Deadlock
Mr. Guppy
Prince Turveydrop
Mr. Turveydrop
George Rouncewell
Mr. Kenge
Allan Woodcourt
Miss Flite

If you have read or watched the BBC dramatisation of Bleak House then you will recognise many of the characters on the list. Here is the synopsis:

When Georgia Bell wakes in the 18th Century to find that her friends, family and even her surname have been chanaged, she has no idea what's going on, everybody else knows her as Miss Summerson. Soon, Georgia realises she has been transported into Charles Dickens' classic book Bleak House. She soon meets Conner Bennet who does not recognise her and is convinced they have never met. Georgia becomes a companion for Miss Ada Clare as they go to stay with a Mr. John Jarndyce of Bleak House. Meanwhile, a vision haunts Georgia's mind, one of her asking a Miss Barbary who her mother was...

Will Georgia keep to the story or will she run away from it, but ones thing for certain, she's not getting any help from the Doctor.


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