Sunday 21 December 2008

Episode 13: Betrayal and Death Part 1

Betrayal and Death


“Where’s the Doctor gone?” Harry asked.
“Scandinavia”, the White Supreme Dalek replied, “We couldn’t have him tampering with our plans”.

“It’s time, time for our revenge is now!” the huge spider hissed.

“They are growing the Spiders”, Roger said quietly, “In five minutes all the spiders around the World will grow huge. They will kill the humans”.

“Kill all the humans”, a spider said, “Time for our revenge!” The students scattered as the spiders approached the children. A spider turned on Kaylie, who had frozen still. She was to be the first death.

On board the Commander stared down at the Earth through a blackened window. “We will find the Doctor and his blonde accomplice!” Commander Marr said cackling, “The time has come for my revenge!!!!”


The Spider thought Kaylie would be the first death of millions across the world, but he was wrong. The UNIT soldiers started firing at the spiders. One hit the spider attacking Kaylie and it jumped out the way.
“Everyone out! OUT!” Captain Gifford shouted and all the students began to run out of the room. Kaylie got past the UNIT soldiers, which were firing at the spiders, and turned to see Zac was right behind her. Beth and Catherine were screaming very loudly. A spider jumped up at Amy who kicked it in the head and karate chopped it. Karen grabbed Amy and pulled her out of the room.

“Come on Kaylie we need to get out of here”, Zac said as Cherrie, the women who had been showing the year 11’s round the ship was attacked by a huge tarantula. It was the end for Cherrie. The spiders shook themselves and turned on the UNIT soldiers, who had stopped them from killing all but Cherrie. Three UNIT soldiers fell in seconds. The bullets did not seem to work very well, all it seemed to do was delay them for a while.

“Back-up needed!” Captain Gifford was saying into his communicator, “And get the medical officer here as soon as possible!” A couple more soldiers fell, the students meanwhile were rushing through the ship at a terrific pace.

Meanwhile, down on Earth, a group of African tribesman were hunting. They saw a group of zebra up ahead and their Chief pointed at it. Suddenly, a loud scream filled the air as one of the tribesmen was pulled backwards by a huge spider. The other tribesmen yelled and tried to kill the spider but it snarled and began to chase them. As the chief looked back he saw the herd of zebra being attacked by huge spiders too.

At the same time, Rachel, Jane and Steve, Zac’s family, had stayed in Portsmouth for a while. They were on board one ship when Rachel saw a spider web.
“Daddy I don’t like old ships”, Rachel said.
“They are very interesting”, Steve replied.
“They have spider-webs on them!” Rachel said, “And spider webs mean spiders”. She pointed up at a little spider above them which started to grow, and grow.
“Quick, lets get out of here”, Steve said quickly.
“But how is it growing?” Jane asked amazed but obviously terrified.
“I have no idea, but we need to get out now!” Steve said as the spider, which had now grown huge, dropped to the ground and turned on the group of three.
“RUN!” Rachel screamed and they fled from the ship shouting.

All over the world spiders were growing at terrific speeds. A family in China sat down to watch TV when a huge spider jumped down from the ceiling and killed the father immediately. The family ran from the room and tried to hide in the dining room. The small child in the family was 8 years old and was hiding in the corner when he felt the carpet beneath him rise suddenly. A spider had just grown beneath the carpet, he thought. Sure enough, a spider split the carpet and it emerged from beneath it.

In South London, Georgia’s parents were in the kitchen. Elizabeth had told Colin that she was so worried that she could not eat the night before, but that didn’t stop her eating a whole full English breakfast the next morning. She said that Mrs. White, their next door neighbour, could not see her worrying. After all she wasn’t the nervous one that everyone knew, that was Daisy. She was in the kitchen with Colin making cakes and buns. A spider crawled onto the top of the kitchen table and Colin winced.
“Erm Elizabeth dear”, Colin muttered.
“What is it, dear?” Elizabeth asked.
“It’s a spider”, Colin replied.
“Not again”, Elizabeth sighed, “Can you stop worrying about a small spider?”
“No”, Colin replied.
“Well, it’s time you learnt to face your fears”, Elizabeth said, “Flick the Spider”.
“Do I have to?” Colin asked.
“Yes!” Elizabeth answered, “Flick it”. Colin flicked the spider and it flew through the air, but while it was in mid-air a few changes happened to it. It grew bigger and bigger. Elizabeth shrieked and as she did so shrieks were heard all around. The spider smiled a happy revengeful smile as it began its attack.

On floor 0 the three daleks were watching the machine whir and waited as the terrible events unfolded outside. Roxanne was amazed, scared and sad, wondering where her parents were. Captain Price stood brave and tried not to be scared or frightened.

“Daleks!” Harry shouted, breaking the near silence, “Am I right in thinking that every spider in the world has just grown huge?”
“No you are not correct”, the blue dalek replied.
“Then where am I wrong”, Harry questioned.
“It is not every spider in the world”, the blue Supreme Dalek answered.
“Then which ones?” Captain Price asked.
“There is an exhibition above”, the White dalek replied.
“What’s in the exhibition?” Captain Price said.
“There are tanks”, Roger said, “And in each tank is a different species of spider”.

“How many species?” Captain Price asked.
“100”, the White dalek replied.
“That’s loads!” Harry exclaimed.
“Not really”, Ronald said, “There are over 37000 species of spiders in the world”.
“No, be quiet”, Roger ordered Ronald quietly. Roger mouthed ‘why?’ at Roger but they were interrupted.
“WHAT!” the Blue Supreme Dalek shouted, “You told us that there were about 1000 species of spider!”

“Errr, I didn’t lie, my nephew he’s lying, it’s not me, honestly, please don’t hurt me”, Roger pleaded.
“You are a traitor”, the White Supreme Dalek said, “I can see inside your mind you lie”.
“He researched the different species of spider”, Dalek Gain added, “I saw him do it. He must’ve lied to us”.
“No I didn’t honestly”, Roger said in a squeaky voice.
“SILENCE!” the Blue Supreme Dalek ordered, “EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS!”

Meanwhile, Georgia and Conner were walking down some steps into a huge dining area. “Are you sure we’re too late for breakfast?” Conner asked.
“Well it is midday”, Georgia said, “I wonder where everyone is”. There were several huge tables in the room, but only a few were taken.
“I wonder what’s going on”, Conner muttered.
“Well lets go and find out”, Georgia said, “Excuse me, waiter”.
“Yes miss”, the waiter replied.
“Do you know where everyone is?” Georgia asked.
“I’m not sure miss”, the waiter replied, “Nobody tells me nothing”.
“That’s not fair, I mean you do work here”, Georgia said.
“I get paid a lot so I don’t mind”, the waiter said. The waiter walked off and served orange juice, to a middle-aged couple wearing orange clothes. Georgia lead Conner through a door and down a long golden corridor, with a purple carpet. At the end of the corridor was a lift.

“What’s the plan?” Conner asked.
“We need to find the Doctor”, Georgia replied.
“I think I heard one of the UNIT Officers saying I’ll meet you on floor 1 or 2 or something”, Conner said.
“Why don’t we go to floor 2 and then go down to floor 1?” Georgia suggested, “Then we’ll be sure not to miss him”.
“Good idea”, Conner said, “Into the lift”. Conner and Georgia stepped into the lift and pressed a button. The lift shot down.

Back in the spider exhibition, there were few UNIT personnel left and the reinforcements hadn’t arrived. Kaylie, Zac, Beth, Mrs Sow and the rest of the year 11’s and their teachers had fled a long way away from the exhibition, but they still had no plan. Captain Gifford had retreated a little way away from his troops so he could make a call without a risk of being attacked. He contacted the Captain.
“Hello, is that the Captain?” Captain Gifford asked over his communicator.
“Yes it is”, the Captain replied from the top floor.

“It’s the spiders they’ve grown and grown and they are attacking everyone”, Captain Gifford said.
“Yes I know”, Captain Reggie said, “I’ve been trying to contact someone for ages. Luckily there were no spiders in the maximum hospitality zones, so the Queen and the President of many countries are fine. We haven’t told anyone about the spiders yet, except most of the main staff”.
“It isn’t just on the ship Sir”, Captain Gifford said, “It’s all over the world according to Colonel Mace”.
“What happened then?” Captain Reggie asked.
“It just happened at exactly the same time all over the world”, Captain Gifford said, “But it was caused by something on the ship”.
“That gold thing”, Captain Reggie muttered to himself.
“What?” Captain Gifford asked.
“There was this gold thing down on floor 1”, Captain Reggie replied.
“So floor 0 is true”, Captain Gifford asked.
“I didn’t say anything about… yes I think it might be true”, Captain Reggie replied.

“Anyway better go”, Captain Gifford said, “I’ve got a fight to finish”.
“Over and out”, Captain Reggie said. Up on the bridge things were not going well at all. This was mostly because there was a spider in one of the cabins and it had already killed one of the crew. Luckily it was trapped in the cabin and the rest of the crew were stopping it from getting out.

Back on floor 0 Roger whimpered. The daleks had pinned him up against a wall. The other four humans were huddled together watching.
“EXPLAIN!” the Blue Dalek ordered.
“Well, if I’m honest”, Roger explained, “I did it because I didn’t want the whole world to die. Yes, I was fed up with it. I felt like the whole world was against me! So I felt it needed punishing”.
“So it wasn’t just the money”, Captain Price asked.
“No it wasn’t”, Roger said, “I felt like the world needed punishing, but I didn’t think everyone needed to die. They needed to have a strong chance of survival”.
“You lied to us”, the Blue Supreme Dalek said.
“And for no proper reason”, the White Supreme Dalek added.
“For being a traitor you will be exterminated!” the Blue Dalek announced.




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