Saturday 15 November 2008

Figure review NO.10 Natural Ood (requested by Blogger Woman)

Figure: Natural Ood

Detail: 9/10

Points of articulation: 12

Sitting: 5/10

Standing: 9/10

Extras: Brain

Special features: The Ood can hold the brain in its hand and it is attached to the tentacles as well.

Comments: Since there are figure with 17 points of articulation out in the same wave as this Ood, I feel that its articulation could have been better at least 14. It isn't a really hard figure to articulate like the pyrovile priestess, soit could have been better.

Total: 8.5/10

The good detail makes up for the OK articulation. I couldn't give it a 9 though...

Sets: The Natural Ood is only available single carded at the moment.

Comparing the figure and the character:


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