Thursday 17 June 2010

Episode 4: Attila Part 2

“What’s going on here?” a woman’s voice called over the crowd of the advancing Huns, “Out of my way.” The woman shoved the Huns out of her path and some of them fell to the floor. The woman’s face was covered by black cloth and she was wearing brown clothes, which were partly covered by a black cloak.
“Get her!” a Hun holding the Doctor roared, but the woman hit the Hun soldier in the face and he dropped the Doctor, who broke free of the other Huns. The woman grabbed the Doctor and pulled him rapidly away from the Huns, who began to chase them.

“You’re running straight towards a wall!” the Doctor told the woman worriedly, but as they grew close, the woman threw the Doctor onto the flat roof, causing the Doctor to gasp in shock.
“GET THEM YOU FOOLS!” the Doctor heard a Hun shout, as the woman landed on the roof beside him.
“Run then,” the woman said in an exasperated voice, as the Huns reached the side of the building. The Doctor jumped up and the woman led him across the flat roofs.
“How did you get to be so strong?” the Doctor asked as he ran.
“I don’t talk when I run, it wastes energy,” the woman commented, as she leaped across a gap in the roofs. The Doctor followed her, and looked down to see that he was jumping over a street, where several people looked up and saw them.
“Slow down!” the Doctor called after the woman, who was easily outrunning him. She, however, did not stop, but kept running until she reached the edge of the town, where she jumped off the roof and landed in an empty street.

“Hurry up, the Huns will be on their way,” the woman told the Doctor, who jumped down from the roof onto the street.
“Thanks for saving... well... me, I’m never used to saying that, really, um...” the Doctor told the woman, who looked unimpressed.
“You aren’t from round here, are you?” the woman said.
“No, I’m not, I’m the Doctor by the way,” the Doctor replied.
“A Doctor, eh? Good, you can stitch up that cut you have on your hand, I’d watch that if I were you,” the woman said airily.
“So, who are you?” the Doctor questioned.
“That’s for me to know, and you to wonder, good luck with that,” the woman answered, “You’ll be ok from here, right?”
“Yes, but...” the Doctor began.
“Bye,” the woman said, and within seconds she had vanished from site.

Conner stumbled, as he followed Georgia away from the town of Tointraken. Conner quickly looked behind him to see a group of Hun soldiers chasing them, which made Conner run faster.

“Get them!” a Hun soldier, who was obviously in charge roared.
“Georgia, they’re going to catch up with us!” Conner called.
“No, you think?” Georgia said sarcastically, as she ran, “Quick into the long grass!” Georgia changed direction and ran into a field full of very tall grass, that could easily hide a person. Conner followed Georgia into the field, and ducked down beside her.
“This way,” Georgia whispered, and together they crawled silently through the undergrowth.

“They’re around here somewhere, find them!” the Hun commander ordered, as he reached the field, and looked around with a frown on his face.
“Yes Captain Groutroster!” the soldiers replied and they began to make their way through the field, with their swords drawn, and their eyes peeled.
“There are some woods, I saw them as we ran, they’re about fifty metres from this spot,” Georgia told Conner quietly.

“There isn’t anybody here sir,” a Hun soldier told his Captain.
“They are here Shaka! They ran into this field, make sure they don’t escape!” Captain Groutroster said through gritted teeth, his face screwed up in a frown.
“But...” Shaka began.
“Who’s in charge?” Captain Groutroster asked with a nasty smile on his face.
“You sir,” Shaka muttered.
“SO DO AS I SAY!” Captain Groutroster roared, making Shaka flinch.
“He sounds like a very nice person,” Georgia said sarcastically.

“Come on, we need to go,” Conner told Georgia.
“We need to wait for the opportune moment,” Georgia replied.
“What, when they spot us?” Conner replied.
“No, I dunno... shut up,” Georgia snapped.
“Search for tracks, look at the ground!” Captain Groutroster ordered.
“I think I’ve found some,” Shaka replied.
“Now?” Conner asked.
“Now, go!” Georgia hissed back, and she and Conner crept quietly out of the grass and silently, but rapidly towards the woods.

The Doctor peeked around the corner of the street, to see if there were any Hun soldiers down it, but there weren’t. He walked under an arch and into the street beyond, where a few people were walking in tightly-knit groups, as if they were scared of being attacked by the Huns.

“Hello, do you know the way to Attila’s place of residence?” the Doctor asked a man, who was walking quickly up the street.
“He has taken over the palace which used to be owned by the Lord, who was killed disgustingly,” the man replied, “His guts lined Attila’s bedroom, that’s what I heard...”
“Oh, right, thanks,” the Doctor slowly replied, as the man scuttled off down the street, “OW!” The Doctor felt something burn in his pocket, and pulled out a tiny revolving disc, that was burning orange.
“That is not good,” the Doctor commented, “Hang on...” The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, and pointed it in the air, to confirm his assumptions.
“Yeah... that’s definitely bad...”

Humbert stood defiantly outside his door and tried to sell prunes to anyone who walked by, but since the Doctor and his friends had ran off, he had seen few people about, but two Hun soldiers still stood beside the blue box, waiting for instructions. Humbert knew better than to try and sell prunes to them. Another Hun soldier marched down the street, towards Humbert, who gulped, until he realised who the soldier was.

“Ezio!” Humbert exclaimed, “You’re all right, I didn’t know where you went after...”
“Calm down, I’m on duty, I shouldn’t really be speaking to you at all,” Ezio replied.
“How come you’ve, you’ve...” Humbert began.
“The Huns offered me a job as a guard, as I guarded the city before and I thought that I could help look after the people, and do a better job than the Huns,” Ezio explained.
“Well, that is good, I suppose,” Humbert commented.
“The things is, because of this uniform, my old friends scurry away when they see me, they don’t realise who I am,” Ezio said, “But I’m scared that if I ask to leave the guard, I’ll be killed. There are stories about a pit under the town, and apparently Attila throws people down there.”
“A pit, what’s inside it?” Humbert asked.
“I don’t know, all I hear is rumours, some of the Huns are nice, they talk, others are just... nasty,” Ezio muttered, “Now, I’d best be off, where’s Eden, by the way?”
“I don’t know, she’s gone, I think she’s dead,” Humbert said sadly.
“Look, friend, many people did not return here, but they fled to other towns,” Ezio said.

“I left her in our house, as the Huns were approaching, she was killed, I know it,” Humbert replied grimly.
“Look, you did what you had to do, otherwise you would have been killed...”
“Protecting her! That would have been an honour to me, and you’ve joined the people who slaughtered her! I can’t believe you!”
“Be quiet,” Ezio hissed, “Or you’ll get yourself into trouble, and end up in the pit yourself.” With that Ezio walked off, without a backwards glance. Humbert saw the looks the other Hun soldiers were giving him, and he hurried inside himself, scared of what was to come.

General Nay stood up, with a frown on his face, as a blue light flashed on his console. Vasray looked over at him, and stood up too, wondering what General Nay wanted.
“Sir, there is no problem, I hope?” Vasray said, “The spaceship is landing in 25 Nayans.”
“No problem with that, but we have other problems, as you know,” General Nay hissed, and walked out of the room, and swept down several corridors, followed by a disgruntled Vasray. General Nay burst through a pair of double doors and started walking past labs, some full of Nayragar.

“Sir, where are we going?” Vasray asked, but General Nay did not answer. He continued down the corridor and down another dimly lit corridor. He opened a door and stepped onto a stone surface.
“Sir, are we going into the lower basement?” Vasray questioned.
“Yes,” General Nay replied, as he descended the stone steps that led from the door. He reached the bottom, and spun on the spot, indicating that Vasray should follow, and he immediately rushed down the steps after his commander, who smirked.
“The lower basement was carved out of the ground when we arrived,” General Nay said, “I have rarely visited it, except to visit the den.”
“We’re not going to the den, are we?” Vasray asked in a slightly fearful tone.
“They smell fear, they like that stench,” General Nay replied.
“I’m not scared,” Vasray replied.
“Of course you’re not, this way, something is wrong,” General Nay commented.

“YOU LOST HIM?” Attila roared at Captain Groutroster, who tried not to cower in fear. Attila had taken over the large palatial building in the centre of the town, and was sitting in a large hall, on a golden throne.
“I did not sire, I unfortunately lost the other two, but I still have soldiers out looking for them,” Captain Groutroster explained, “Captain Rogslash lost their leader.”
“Very well, Captain Groutroster, fetch the blue box, bring it here, Rogslash, stay,” Attila ordered, and Captain Groutroster returned to his men outside the room.

“Sir, are you in trouble?” Shaka the Hun asked.
“That is not for you to worry about Shaka, be silent,” Captain Groutroster snapped, “Guard here, with you - what’s your name?”
“Ezio, sir,” Ezio replied quietly.
“Speak louder,” Captain Groutroster ordered, “I am not paid to strain my hearing to hear the likes of you, little man. Now wait here, you two, the rest of you, with me, we need to bring something to our King.” Captain Groutroster marched off with the other guards, leaving Ezio and Shaka guarding the doors.

“Let go of me! Tell your men to unhand me at once!” Captain Rogslash told Attila, who smirked in reply.
“You know what’s going to happen to you,” Attila said quietly, “You know what happens to those who fail to fulfil my wishes, and you let that man escape, with that woman, who you still haven’t caught.”
“Please no, I helped you! I believed in you!” Captain Rogslash told Attila, as the guards held him tighter, while Ezio and Shaka began listening at the door.
“Silence minion!” Attila ordered.
“You think you’re a God, but you’re nothing more than a...” Captain Rogslash replied loudly, but a guard had put his hand over Rogslash’s mouth.
“Throw him into the den,” Attila told the guards, who dragged Captain Rogslash off.

“What was that about?” Ezio asked.
“Obey Attila, or you get thrown into the den,” Shaka replied.
“But what’s in the den, what is it?” Ezio questioned worriedly.
“A monster, which will eat you,” Shaka muttered, “That’s what I heard anyway, someone has heard a roar, like some kind of Lion.”
“Aren’t Lions creatures from Africa, with big teeth and claws,” Ezio asked.
“Yes, but this monster is supposed to be far worse,” Shaka replied.
“But, the den wasn’t here before you came, how can this monster have been found?” Ezio asked, “I don’t understand.”
“Attila found it, apparently,” Shaka replied, “Be quiet, there’s someone coming.”

“Hello!” The Doctor exclaimed, as he approached Ezio and Shaka.
“Halt, what is your business here, where are you from?” Shaka said in a demanding voice.
“Quite right, I’m the Doctor, and I’m from a far off land,” the Doctor explained, “And I’m here to see Attila, he knows me, maybe.”
“I will... go... and see... him,” Shaka said, gulping.
“No need,” the Doctor exclaimed, smiling, as he burst through the doors into Attila’s room. Attila stood up with a look of fury on his face.

“WHO ARE YOU?” Attila roared, and the Doctor smiled back.
“I’m the Doctor, nice to meet you, I’m...” the Doctor said, but Attila interrupted him.
“SEIZE HIM!” Attila roared at the guards, who had just returned from disposing of Captain Rogslash. The guards rushed forward and the Doctor backed away, as Ezio and Shaka watched from the doorway.
“No, you don’t want to do that,” the Doctor stammered.
“STAB HIM, SLICE HIM UP, RUN HIS BLOOD ACROSS THE WALLS!” Attila shouted, and the guards drew their swords and surrounded the Doctor.

Georgia ran through the trees and clutched her side in pain. She thought she had been seen by a Hun, who was searching the forest. She looked around and realised Conner was nowhere to be seen.

“Conner!” Georgia hissed, but there was no reply.
“CONNER!” Georgia shouted, and Conner emerged from the trees.
“Calm down, I was just over there,” Conner whined.
“Doing what?” Georgia snapped.
“Going to the toilet,” Conner replied sheepishly, and Georgia burst out laughing, and Conner started laughing at Georgia’s laugh. Suddenly, an ear-splitting noise filled the air, and Georgia and Conner froze.

“What’s that?” Georgia asked quietly.
“It was a roar,” Conner replied.
“You don’t get roars here...” Georgia said.
“You mean you don’t get creatures that roar here,” Conner said.
“You know what I meant, what are we going to do?” Georgia questioned.
“I don’t know, just stay quiet,” Conner replied, but as he said this, a black Lion with a straggly main and green eyes appeared through the trees.

“RUN!” Georgia shrieked, and she turned on her heel and sprinted away, closely followed by Conner and then the Lion. Georgia fled from the woods and ran towards a field with an area covered in branches. Georgia put her foot on one of the branches and vanished from site. Conner ran up to the spot where she had vanished, but the moment he stepped on the branches, he fell into a pit that had been hidden beneath the branches.
“This is a trap,” Georgia told Conner, she was lying on the floor of the pit, pulling twigs out of her hair with a scared expression on her face.
“But who made the trap, and for what reason?” Conner asked. Another roar filled the air, and suddenly the Lion fell crashing through the branches into the pit. The Lion picked itself up and Conner ran over to Georgia, who pressed herself against the wall of the pit, her mouth open.


Tuesday 15 June 2010

It's That Time Again!

Yes, we're still here. Two years later. This time last year, Beth was still a minor character, Petr was known as The Shadowy Man, and Pippa never existed. Now, we're a third of the way through Series Three, with storylines planned for Series Four and many episodes already complete. All of this wouldn't be possible without you - you've kept us going through technical problems and tough stories, and without you, I'd certainly have given up a long time ago. So, on our second birthday, Will and Seb's Blog want to thank you for your technical knowledge, reading our stories, voting on our polls, commenting on our cbox, and just being really friendly and great people to talk to! Thank youuuu!

Monday 14 June 2010

TTV Series Episode 4: Bait

The TARDIS materialised on the Asteroid Bazaar, and the Doctor slipped casually out. He staggered over to Podmore’s stall, falling into it.

“Oi!” Podmore cried. “Wot’cho think your doing?”
“I’ve had a little bit too much to drink,” the Doctor laughed, rolling over.

Back by the TARDIS, Madame Rene nodded at Amelia, and pushed her through the doors.

“I say, what’s the rumpus ace?” she called.
“What?” Podmore snapped, trying to kick the Doctor. “Wait – you! You’re…!”
“What, skip?” Amelia asked casually.

Podmore raced over to her, and pulled out a teleport. Quick as a flash, the Doctor and Madame Rene had grabbed him, and all four of them had vanished. They hit the floor, and Podmore pushed them away.

“You woz bait, wasn’t you?” he scowled at Amelia.
“A damn fine capture, I might say,” Amelia beamed.
“God, you’re annoying,” the Doctor muttered. “Where are we? This isn’t the Inner Circle.”
“We’re on a Travesty spaceship!” Podmore gasped. “The teleport must have gone wrong. We need to get out of here before he find us!”
“Finds us,” Madame Rene corrected him.
“Ssh!” the Doctor hushed. “Everyone keep quiet, maybe the Travesty is asleep!”
“I’m not,” a voice boomed. “I can hear you.”

There was a flash of light, and a ghost-like figure shot through a near wall. Amelia screamed, and began to run. Madame Rene tore after her, leaving the Doctor and Podmore on the floor.

“I gotta go,” Podmore muttered, vanishing with a flash.
“Doctor, watch out!” Madame Rene cried.

The Doctor dived sideways as the Travesty lunged at him. Its chilled hand touched him, and before he could cry out, the Doctor had sunk through the floor.

“What happened lady?” Amelia asked in amazement.
“The Travesty passes on its traits, such as being able to pass through solid objects via touch,” Madame Rene explained. “We’d better run – it might pass being dead onto us!”

She turned and ran down the corridor, Amelia following. The Doctor opened his eyes, which had been screwed tight shut, and realised he was lying on the floor. He stood up, and reached out to a wall. His fingers were no longer able to pass through it.

“Weird,” he muttered.
“Hello?” a voice called. “Is that someone there? Can you help us?”

The Doctor followed the voice, and found a room, sealed shut. He placed an ear to the door, and heard voices.

“Please, the Travesty has captured us!” one man’s voice cried.

The Doctor looked in through the door, but could see no bodies.

“Who are you?” he frowned.
“We are the souls of the dead,” the man replied. “I once used to be called Lewis Morgan, but now I am an immortal. The Travesty used to live in the Salvation Realm, but it left, capturing us and taking us with him for comfort. He’s had us locked up ever since.”
“When was this?” the Doctor asked.
“Recently,” Lewis said. “Time is hard to count in here. I miss the Salvation Realm.”
“Did you know a Crystal Harris there?” the Doctor asked quickly. “Dyed red hair, pretty…”
“Crystal, yeah, I knew her,” Lewis said. “Friends with Catherine Howard, a right pair they are.”

The Doctor fell silent, and leant against the door. He thought about this for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled.

“Wait!” he cried. “The Travesty was able to leave, right? Can others leave?”
“I don’t know,” Lewis said. “I’ve heard it’s possibly, but I’ve never known anyone – except us here, of course.”
“And is it possible to go to the Salvation Realm without dying?” the Doctor continued.
“Again, I’ve heard of it, but never seen it,” Lewis replied. “I’d like to return myself, but I can’t.”
“We’ll see about that,” the Doctor smiled.

Using the Sonic Screwdriver, he blasted open the doors, freeing the souls. As they flew around the ship, they laughed, and sang, and headed towards the Travesty that had hurt them.

“Come on!” Madame Rene cried. “Climb!”

She urged Amelia, who was a few rungs on the ladder above her, on. The Travesty was slowly drifting up the ladder towards them, and Amelia was scared.

“I can’t do it lady,” she whispered.
“You’ve got to!” Madame Rene cried. “Otherwise we’ll both die!”

She pushed Amelia once more, and, to her relief, the immortal began to climb up the ladder. Within seconds, she was up onto a new level, and Madame Rene was right behind. The Travesty emerged, but quickly recoiled as Lewis and the other immortals appeared, their bodies almost completely reformed.

“Get him!” Lewis cried. “Attack!”

He and the other immortals charged, chasing the Travesty down the ladder. Amelia watched in awe, and a hand clasped on her shoulder.

“Sorry that we didn’t get to the Inner Circle,” the Doctor sighed. “You did really well.”
“Thanks, mister,” Amelia smiled. “But we’ll get there. Just wait five minutes.”

Sure enough, about a minute later, Podmore appeared, out of breath.

“The Inner Circle want to talk to you,” he said, handing over a teleport. “Hadrius told me to bring all of you.”
“We’re almost there, Doctor,” Madame Rene smiled.

With a flash, all four of them disappeared, and appeared at the Inner Circle. Hadrius Andes was seated furthest away, and clasped his hands together.

“Welcome,” he said. “To the new, improved Inner Circle.”
“What’s different?” the Doctor frowned, taking a seat.
“We’re about to get a new member,” Hadrius smiled. “Tina, tell them what we know.”
“Well,” Tina smiled. “You want Crystal back, and we can help, if you give us Amelia Earhart.”
“Do we have a deal?” Vivian asked.
“Let’s talk,” Madame Rene nodded, taking a seat.
“Good,” Dennis smiled.
“Very good,” Selden chuckled.
“Typical,” Mercedes muttered. “Another skinny white girl…”
“So,” Hadrius said, ignoring her. “Let us begin.”

To Be Continued…

Monday 7 June 2010

Episode 5: The Rise of the Nayragar

The Doctor
Attila the Hun
Eden Marsh
Humbert Marsh
General Nay
Vasray Sceance
Captain Groutroster
Ridgebull Ragar
The Caster

With the Doctor, Georgia and Conner in deep trouble they must find their way out of a big problem. Meanwhile, Attila must choose the path of good or evil, as the Nayragar put their plans into action.

Spoilers (two are red herrings):
Eden Marsh is killed.
Ridgebull is a naughty girl.
Captain Groutroster makes a tasty meal for some.
The Caster gives information.
General Nay is Attila's father.
Georgia gets turned into a grapefruit.

Friday 4 June 2010

Episode 4: Attila Part 1

A roar erupted from the west of the Germanic town and Eden Marsh awoke screaming. Humbert calmed her down, then immediately got out of bed and put on a pair of boots.

“What’s going on?” Eden asked, obviously terrified, “What was that sound?”
“It sounded like a roar, but not of an animal,” Humbert replied.
“What else can roar?” Eden replied, in a high-pitched voice.
“An army,” Humbert answered solemnly. Humbert ran out of the room and ran through the next room, where he found the front door in the dark. He opened the front door, and rushed out onto the dirty street, where many people were standing, craning their necks. Everyone was looking in the direction of the west gate.

“What’s going on?” Humbert asked Ezio, a soldier and a friend of Humbert’s.
“It’s an army, a large army, we have no chance,” Ezio replied.
“Then, we’re going to have to surrender?” Humbert questioned.
“Or flee,” Ezio muttered.
“It’s the Huns!” someone screamed, and suddenly there was a large banging noise, and another loud roar from the edge of the city.
“Run!” someone yelled.
“Get out of here!” another shrieked, as the army surged into view, and people began fleeing in all directions.

“We need to go now,” Ezio told Humbert.
“But my wife…” Humbert began, but the Huns were nearly upon them. Ezio grabbed Humbert’s arm and tried to pull him away from the Huns.
“I can’t leave her!” Humbert yelled.
“We have to go, or you’ll both get killed, you’ve heard the stories, the Huns are vicious,” Ezio said, “Come on!” Ezio and Humbert ran as fast as they could, as the Huns grew closer and closer. Several minutes later, Attila the Hun stood in the centre of the town, and gazed over his soldiers.

“This town is claimed by the Huns!” Attila yelled, so all could hear him.
“THE HUNS! THE HUNS! THE HUNS!” Attila’s army chanted.

A thin bluey-grey coloured alien, with a long pointed head was sitting at a desk. His name was General Nay, and he was smiling. He looked up as Vasray marched in, with a smirk on his face. General Nay looked at Vasray with a questioning look.
“He’s here,” Vasray said, smiling.
“At last,” General Nay hissed.


“Here we are, Thailand 675th Century,” the Doctor announced, before adding, “Home to the current King of England, strangely.”
“It’d better be Thailand,” Georgia snapped, as she peered into the TARDIS screen hopefully, but the screen was not showing the TARDIS’s surroundings.
“It will be, I promise,” the Doctor said smiling.

Vasray marched into General Nay’s control room with a serious expression on his face. General Nay had been very happy for the last few days, ever since the Huns had invaded Tointraken, but now Vasray had to spoil his master’s happiness.

“Sir, I have bad news,” Vasray said.
“What is it?” General Nay asked, as a frown drifted across his face.
“Something has arrived,” Vasray replied, “Our scans detected it.”
“Nothing can spoil my plans now, not when we’re so close to what we need,” General Nay hissed, “What is this something?”
“A spaceship, sir, its landed in the town,” Vasray explained.
“Then find it!” General Nay snapped, “Get the guards to do it, Attila can order them to go where this ship has landed.”
“But what if the owner of the ship tries to kill the guards?” Vasray questioned.
“Do a search for weaponry, if they have weapons, give the guards better weapons,” General Nay snapped.
“Wouldn’t it be easier if I get Nayragar soldiers to do it,” Vasray suggested.
“The town is very busy, and your presence would go noticed, and we do not have any brain washing facilities,” General Nay said, “Now get out.”

“Well I don’t want to go out first, I have felt disappointment before now,” Georgia said, crossing her arms.
“Same here,” Conner moaned.
“Well, it’s about time I went out first,” the Doctor said smiling, “You’ve been hogging the get-out-first feeling ever since you joined me.”
“You’ve done it loads before,” Georgia snapped, “Before us.”
“I did have companions before you, who also hogged that feeling...” the Doctor muttered.
“Oh yes, your exes, because I love conversations about them,” Georgia said sarcastically, and Conner grinned. The Doctor ignored them and stepped out of the TARDIS onto a busy street. He ran into the TARDIS smiling widely.

“We’re actually in the right place?” Georgia asked grinning.
“No,” the Doctor exclaimed.
“Oh yay,” Georgia said in a deeply sarcastic voice.
“Hey stop stealing my sarcasm,” Conner replied.
“Shut up Conner,” Georgia snapped, “Go on then Doctor, where are we?”
“We’re in the 5th Century,” the Doctor said, still smiling.
“Isn’t that like, when barbarians ruled the Earth and the Roman Empire failed?” Conner asked.
“No, but what people don’t understand is that they weren’t all barbarian,” the Doctor explained, “Even if places weren’t part of the Roman Empire, there were other clever people, and this town outside is an example, its very-well built, all right they probably don’t have heating in the floors, and they probably don’t have baths as such, but it looks very civilised.” Georgia and Conner followed the Doctor out of the TARDIS, and looked around.
“Ooh,” Georgia muttered. They could see a few people selling things, but there were few other people around. The houses were white and clay-coloured, with shutters over the windows. They were in a small street, with arches and different roads leading off it.

“Prunes, buy some prunes! Please buy some!” a seller called at them.
“No, we aren’t looking for prunes today,” Georgia called in a posh voice.
“Georgia, why are you putting on that voice?” Conner asked.
“Well, these people are like peasants, and I... I don’t know,” Georgia replied.
“I’ll buy some prunes,” the Doctor told the seller, who smiled gratefully at him. The Doctor put his hand in one of his pockets and pulled out some money.
“I’m sorry sir, we aren’t taking that money now, we’ve changed currency,” the seller replied.
“Oh, what currency do you take?” the Doctor asked.
“Hun currency,” the seller answered, bowing his head.
“Huns??” Georgia exclaimed, “But they’re like evil barbarians, aren’t they?”
“Be quiet,” the seller snapped.
“Are they looking at me?” Georgia asked nervously.
“Not right now, but there are a couple of Hun soldiers coming now,” the seller muttered.
“Did they hear me?” Georgia squeaked.
“I don’t think so, but they look angry,” the Doctor said, as five Hun soldiers carrying spears and wearing metal helmets appeared from under an archway.

“Let’s go,” Conner muttered.
“Into my house, come on,” the seller told them, and he showed them inside the house he was standing next to. Once inside, he ran over to the shutters and peeped through. The Doctor ran over to him and peered out too, while Conner shut the door behind Georgia.
“They’re standing around the TARDIS,” the Doctor told Georgia and Conner.
“That blue box?” the seller asked.
“Yes, that blue box, what was your name?” the Doctor asked.
“Humbert,” the seller answered.
“Are the Huns the reason everyone is so scared?” the Doctor questioned.
“Yes, they attacked and everyone fled, I left my wife, now I don’t know where she is,” Humbert explained, “The Huns let us stay, but they’ve taken over the guard and now the town is entirely under Attila’s control.”
“Don’t tell me that Attila the bloody Hun is here?” Georgia hissed.
“Yes, he’s quite infamous I’ve heard,” Humbert replied.
“He is that,” the Doctor replied, “Although, he was alright really, liked pulling people apart, but other than that, he was a nice chap.”
“What do you mean was?” Humbert said confused.
“I mean is,” the Doctor said smiling.

“Doctor, why are they standing around the TARDIS?” Conner asked.
“Because they think it looks nice,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“Georgia, that wasn’t even a good sarcastic quote,” Conner said, “If you’re going to steal my amazing ability then don’t use it for stupid comments.”
“You do it all the time,” Georgia snapped.

“The Huns can’t know that it’s a time machine,” the Doctor muttered.
“What’s a time machine?” Humbert questioned.
“It’s like a... clock,” the Doctor said.
“A what?” Humbert said, raising his eyebrows.
“You know what, don’t worry about it,” the Doctor said.

“The Huns have found the ship,” Vasray announced, marching into General Nay’s control room. General Nay was looking around at different screens and surveying the area through them. He had placed security cameras all around the area, and hoped that no stupid Human would see them, or realise what they were.

“Excellent, what about the passengers?” General Nay replied.
“They can’t find them sir, but they did notice a few people acting suspicious earlier,” Vasray answered, “I don’t understand sir, why do they need to be taken care of?”
“Because if they interfere with our plans, then this planet will never be ours,” General Nay snarled, “And we need this planet, we can’t return home without taking over this planet.”
“But surely, as it is so primitive, we can just...” Vasray began.
“We will die, long before every Human on this Earth is killed, we need the weapon and the wielder,” General Nay explained, “I need to check something.” General Nay stood up and left the room, followed closely by Vasray. They walked along a corridor and through a room full of guns and gas masks. General Nay then walked up to another door.

“Sir, you need a mask to go onto the planets surface,” Vasray said.
“I can stay out there for a couple of minutes without dying I assure you, I need to contact the spaceship,” General Nay snapped.
“You can do that from inside,” Vasray whined.
“Silence!” General Nay hissed, “I want to go on the planet’s surface, just because it’s nice to feel my new home’s ground beneath my feet.”
“Sorry,” Vasray muttered, as General Nay opened the door, and walked up the stone steps leading from it, until he reached ground level.

“NAY12, this is General Nay, operation ATSWOR is commencing, please land in the marked area,” General Nay said into his communicator.

The Hun soldiers were still stood stationary outside the TARDIS with their spears out and their swords drawn. Georgia and Conner exchanged glances whenever the Doctor wondered aloud when they should leave.

“Not that I’m complaining, Humbert, you have a lovely house here,” the Doctor commented, “But I really think we should go.”
“But Doctor, how are we supposed to get them away from the TARDIS, so we can get inside?” Georgia asked.
“I’ll talk to them,” the Doctor replied.
“The obvious approach,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“That was quite good,” Conner commented.
“Are you sure you want to go out there?” Humbert asked, “I don’t think those Huns look safe.”
“I’m sure they’re very nice, under their nasty guard duties look... thing,” the Doctor finished lamely, and Georgia rolled her eyes, while Conner sighed.
“All right,” Humbert muttered, “Don’t involve me in anything, please.”
“I won’t and I’ll try to find your wife, don’t think I‘ve forgotten,” the Doctor told Humbert.
“I think she’s dead,” Humbert muttered.
“Maybe she’s just been made a slave or something to Attila,” Georgia said.
“Georgia, I am not letting you near Attila the Hun, you’ll spoil history and end up killing him,” the Doctor told Georgia, “Anyway, nice to meet you.” The Doctor left the house, followed closely by Georgia and Conner, who closed the door behind them.

“Hello, nice to meet you,” the Doctor told the Huns, as he walked up to them smiling, with his hands in his pockets.
“Who are you?” a Hun soldier said slowly.
“I’m the Doctor, do you like shaking hands, you’ll have to put your sword away first though, unless your right handed in which case, goodbye spear,” the Doctor said happily, as a Hun lunged forward and attempted to grab the Doctor.
“Many things about this are not good,” the Doctor told Georgia and Conner, as he backed away from the Huns, whose swords and spears were pointing directly at them.

“RUN!” Conner exclaimed, as more Huns appeared.
“You don’t say,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“Shut up!” Conner growled, before he, Georgia and the Doctor sprinted away from the Huns, who were soon hot on their heels. They ran under an arch then down a busier street, where Conner collided with a chicken seller, and Georgia was attacked by a runaway chicken. The people fled when they saw the Huns coming.
“DOCTOR!” Georgia shrieked, when she realised the Doctor had taken a different turning.
“Split up! Meet by the TARDIS... later!” the Doctor called after them, as Conner and Georgia headed for the west gate of the town. They ran under an arch and then down another street, but the Huns were right behind them.

The Doctor, meanwhile, ran down an alley between houses and he ended up in the town centre, where the Hun soldiers surrounded him. One of the soldiers grabbed the Doctor’s arm and pulled him into the crowd of soldiers, who hoisted them above their heads.
“We are going to pull you apart!” a Hun soldier said nastily.


Mini Ep. 5: Dorris' Day

“I’ll miss you, you know,” Jeremy Hutchinson said.
“I know,” Dorris replied quietly.

It was 1947, and Dorris Goldberg was about to return to London. World War Two had ended a few years ago, and, after the death of her father, William Goldberg, her mother finally felt that her daughter could return home.

“So what’s your mother like?” Jeremy asked.
“She’s strict, but she cares about me,” Dorris shrugged. “I’m nervous, to tell you the truth. After everything that happened with Conner a few years back, I’m a different person. I’m worried that she won’t like me.”
“She’s your mother,” Jeremy said. “She’ll love you for whoever you are.”

Dorris smiled, and dragged her battered brown suitcase down the stairs, and out of the house. She remembered, just two years ago, running down these steps with Conner Bennet, in an attempt to escape from Mrs Macready, the housekeeper.

“Can we walk to the station?” Dorris asked, turning back to Jeremy.
“Sure,” Jeremy smiled. “Any particular reason?”
“It’s the way Conner and I went when Susan and the others…” Dorris trailed off.
“Don’t you think it’d be better if you let go?” Jeremy asked. “You’ve never been quite the same since he left. Maybe it’s time that you move on.”
“I don’t want to move on,” Dorris said simply. “Without Conner, my life will never be exciting ever again.”

She sighed, as they began their walk. Sometime later, they had reached the train, and were waiting at the platform along with several others.

“That young man’s looking at you,” Jeremy muttered.
“His name’s Justin Crackler,” Dorris sighed, following Jeremy’s gaze.

As she looked, he waved at her. He’d lived a few miles away from Jeremy’s house, and was very irritating. Dorris once went out with Susan Collins, before she was perfected, and they met Justin in a field:

“Come on Dorris,” Susan laughed. “Justin’s waiting for us.”
“You know I can’t stand him,” Dorris sighed, following Susan along the grassy field.
“He’s sweet on you,” Susan grinned.

Dorris squinted in the darkness, as Susan momentarily disappeared from her view. Suddenly, a great light shot from the sky, and lit up the sky a few fields across. Susan screamed, and stumbled, grabbing Dorris. The pair ran back the way they came, trying to forget the lights that filled the sky. Meanwhile, Justin Crackler waited impatiently for Dorris. The light flew from the sky, and smashed into him. With a cry, he hit the floor, and knew no more.


“He wasn’t the same after that,” Dorris muttered. “I wonder if he saw anything that night, at the field.”
“What field?” Jeremy asked.
“Nothing,” Dorris replied quickly, remembering that she hadn’t mentioned their last encounter.

Justin began to make his way over to her, but thankfully, the train pulled into the station. Grabbing her suitcase, Dorris hurried into a carriage, closing the door behind Jeremy as he shimmied in and took a seat. Justin passed by the carriage, stopping to smile at her as he went.

“He seems very nice,” Jeremy continued. “Perhaps a little old for you, though.”
“Not old enough,” Dorris grumbled. “If he was just a little bit older, he’d have fought in the war, and then maybe I’d be rid of him.”
“That’s a horrible thing to say!” Jeremy gasped. “Here he comes, please be nice.”
“Only if I have to,” Dorris shot back in reply.

Justin appeared at the carriage door, and opened it. As he went to sit next to Dorris, Jeremy stood up, and excused himself, pretending to need the toilet. As Justin sat next to Dorris, she moved and sat in Jeremy’s vacated seat.

“Hello Goldberg,” he smiled. “I haven’t seen you for such a long time.”
“I’ve been busy,” Dorris replied.
“Yes, I heard about the deaths of Susan Collins and her brother. And two others, wasn’t it?” Justin frowned.
“Lucy Walters and Peter Jones,” Dorris said, proud to remember them the way they’d been before they were perfected.
“Killed in a train accident, weren’t they?” Justin asked. “Shame, shame… You’re lucky you survived.”
“I wasn’t there,” Dorris said. “What do you want? I expect Jeremy will be back soon.”

Justin’s eyes flickered to the door, and as Jeremy wasn’t approaching, he leaned forwards to kiss Dorris. With a startled gasp, she swung her hand around and slapped him across the face. As her hand struck his cheek, a bright light emanated from his flesh, in a similar way to the light in the field that night. Justin’s eyes altered, becoming darker, and he grabbed her wrist.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” he snarled. “You woke ME up.”
“Wh– Who?” Dorris stammered.
“The light you remember,” Justin replied. “The chanteur of the stars, the creature that sits in the young male’s flesh.”

Dorris pulled her hand away, as Jeremy opened the carriage door.

“Run!” she screamed.

She leapt up, and pushed him from the doorway. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him along the carriage, much to his confusion. Back in the carriage, Justin stood up, and began to sing.

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas!”

As he did so, the train ground to a halt, the windows smashed, and the passengers became to scream in pain.

“Just like the ones we used to know,” Justin continued. “Where the treetops glisten, and Dorris Goldberg listens, to hear my love in the snow.”

Dorris clutched her ears, forcing Jeremy to do the same thing. She realised that Justin’s voice had a power. He said he was an alien – and she remembered the word chanteur meant something like ‘singer’ in French. With a cry, she kicked open a door of the train. Justin left his carriage, and began to walk towards the pair. Dorris threw Jeremy out of the train, and he hit the grass and rolled down the hill. As she prepared to jump, she hesitated. The train wasn’t moving – but it was still fairly high. Just as she was about to do it, she stopped altogether, frozen to the spot.

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write,” Justin sang. “May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be whiteeee.”

He slowly became higher in pitch, and Dorris felt almost faint as she clutched her ears. As everything began to go black, she saw Jeremy climbing back into the train, a look of determination in his eyes. Finally she passed out, and knew no more.

“Wake up, Dorris, wake up!”

Dorris groaned, and opened her eyes. Looking around, she saw she was in her house in London, and began to cry. Her mother, Carol Goldberg, ran forwards and held her. Jeremy watched from afar, a cup of tea in his hand.

“I’m so glad you’re back, darling,” Carol said. “Hush, hush, it’s all right now. Jeremy told me about the train crash. You fell asleep in the car driving back here.”
“I don’t remember,” Dorris frowned, rubbing her eyes. “What train crash?”

From across the room, Jeremy winked at her. Dorris realised – Jeremy had faked the crash, to cover up Justin Crackler and his powers. Maybe he was dead, maybe he wasn’t – Dorris didn’t like to ask Jeremy, but she expected he knew the answer all too well.

“I’ve been talking to Jeremy a lot actually,” Carol continued. “He’s a doctor, and he’s very clever. And handsome too. He’ll be staying for a few weeks, is that all right?”
“Sure mum,” Dorris grinned. “He’s been like my dad for the past couple of years, I’m used to it.”
“Good,” Carol smiled. “I think he’ll be staying for a long time actually.”

Dorris sat up, and Carol brought her a cup of tea. The three began to laugh, as Jeremy told a story about one of his patients, and to an outsider, peering through the window, like Conner Bennet was that night, it appeared they were one happy family.

“He’ll always be there for her, won’t he?” he asked, turning to the Doctor, who was leaning against the TARDIS. “Jeremy will always be there, won’t he?”
“Always,” the Doctor smiled. “But if you’d like to see…?”

Conner shook his head, and returned to the TARDIS, still smiling.


Carol Goldberg returned from the hospital with her husband, William Goldberg, clutching their baby daughter against her chest. William leaned over, smiling, caring.

“What shall we call her?” he asked.

Three people stopped beside their house gate, one man in a brown suit, a younger man, and a pretty girl.

“What about Dorris?” the younger man asked, smiling at the baby. “D-O-R-R-I-S.”
“Dorris,” Carol repeated the phrase. “Dorris… I like it. Look at little Dorris; she’s reaching out for you!”

Carol stepped forwards, and baby Dorris held out a hand, wrapping it around Conner Bennet’s little finger.

“Let’s go,” Georgia said quietly.

She took the Doctor’s hand, and led him along the road. They had all of 1930 to explore, and a few more seconds before Conner caught up with them. First, he had to say one last thing:

“I think she’ll grow up to be very special indeed.”

The End

Mini Ep. 4: Screaming Seals

The Doctor
And: The Seals

The Doctor pulled a lever and the TARDIS jolted, sending Conner and Georgia to the floor, and Georgia immediately began to complain about her discomfort.

“He should not have got us that time, seriously, usually we are pretty good at holding on,” Georgia was ranting to Conner, “I think he does it for fun, see how many times he can send us to the floor in a day or something.”
“So, I have planned a little visit to my fat friends on the planet Satratiqua,” the Doctor announced, “Where we can attend a fish supper.”
“Doctor, this isn’t like the time you promised us Chinese and we ended up getting chased along the Great Wall of China, is it?” Georgia asked, crossing her arms.
“No, I know the people making us the fish supper, and catching it too,” the Doctor replied.
“You said you knew the old woman making the Chinese, and then she set those vicious dogs on us,” Georgia snapped.
“That was fun, can we do that again? Can we get Indian this time?” Conner asked, laughing.
“I really know these Seals,” the Doctor said, nodding.
“Seals, ooh, I love Seals! They’re so fat and cute, especially the babies,” Georgia said excitedly.
“I thought you were more of penguin person myself,” the Doctor replied, pulling another lever that shook the TARDIS violently sending Georgia to the floor again.

The TARDIS materialised on a grey beach on the coast of the planet Satratiqua. The Doctor stepped out smiling; he was followed by Conner and Georgia.
“It’s freezing!” Georgia shrieked.
“Stop moaning,” Conner moaned, and Georgia glared at him.
“Sooo, where’s the fish?” Georgia asked.
“Helloo?” the Doctor called, as the wind blew and Georgia shivered. Conner looked out at the sea and saw that there were ripples appearing in the water. The ripples seemed to be moving towards the beach.

“This place reminds me of Woman Wept,” Georgia was saying, “You weren’t there Conner.”
“Eh, what?” Conner said, looking round.
“Pay attention,” Georgia snapped.
“Look in the water,” Conner said pointing.
“Oh good, our fish catchers are arriving,” the Doctor said.

“Doctor, when you say seals, do you mean real seals, or alien seals?” Georgia asked.
“Well they’re not going to be speaking seals from Earth are they?” the Doctor replied.
“Can you talk to animals?” Georgia questioned, “Can you hear whales and dolphins?”
“Well…” the Doctor began, but he was interrupted by the noises of seals, who were appearing out of the water. They were all sliding on their fat bellies, and Georgia was disappointed to find they weren’t carrying fish.

“All right mate?” a seal said in an Irish accent.
“Patrick, good to see you!” the Doctor told the Irish seal, “How is that sailor who taught you Irish, still in hiding?”
“No, he’s in jail now, apparently it’s against the law to build a secret sea base for Giant Squid to hang out and plan which ship they want to attack next,” Patrick replied.

“Doctor, where’s the fish?” Georgia butted in.
“Oh yes, right, we’re a bit hungry, mind if we join you for lunch?” the Doctor asked.
“Not at all,” Patrick replied, “Right buddies?” The seals all nodded in agreement, and Patrick slid back into the water. The Doctor made to follow them but Georgia grabbed his arm.
“Where’re you going?” Georgia asked.
“Yeah, we’re not going in the sea are we?” Conner asked.
“Yeah, but it’ll be fine,” the Doctor replied.
“You are joking,” Georgia snapped.
“Look you’ll see why it’s fine in a bit, now into the water,” the Doctor said, gesturing.
“No way, it’ll be freezing,” Georgia moaned.
“I’ll go in, I’m interested to see how we’re supposed to keep our breath under water,” Conner commented sarcastically.
“Trust me,” the Doctor told them, and Georgia and Conner reluctantly followed him into the freezing water. Conner and Georgia were both surprised to find it wasn’t freezing at all, and as they got in further it got quite warm.

“Wow, this is coo-arghhooo,” Georgia said, as she walked in front, before suddenly falling under the surface with a plopping sound.
“Doctor!” Conner said frantically to find that no bubbles were coming from where Georgia had fallen. Conner looked around to see the Doctor had gone too. Conner rushed forward to where Georgia had been. As he reached the spot he suddenly felt himself slip and fall under the surface, but he felt like he was falling for ever.

“Conner, finally you arrive!” Conner heard Georgia say as he opened his eyes, to find himself in a large dining room with a glass roof. Through the glass Conner could see the ocean above it, with fish swimming around.
“This is so cool!” Georgia exclaimed.
“Where are the seals?” Conner asked, as he realised the Seals were nowhere to be seen.
“There’ll be along in a second,” the Doctor answered.

“How did I get here?” Conner questioned.
“Yeah, how did we get here?” Georgia asked.
“Well, you know that roof,” the Doctor said, looking up, “It’s not glass.”
“Then what is it?” Georgia replied.
“Seal craftsmanship,” the Doctor answered admiringly.
“That’s just weird, they don’t even have hands,” Georgia commented.
“So they created that bubble,” the Doctor said, “They have such great technology, amazing minds, brilliant cooking skills.”
“I’ve never heard you speak so admiringly of a race before, except Humans of course,” Conner said smiling slightly.

“Hang on, you just said bubble, what if it pops, we’ll die!” Georgia shrieked, “I’m too young to die, seriously killed by Daleks, or some creepy spaceship which has guns and dead people walking around, I expect that from travelling with you, but a bubble roof thing popping and drowning me, I don’t think so.”
“The bubble can’t be popped,” the Doctor replied.
“Oh,” Georgia said quietly.
“We fell and sort of slipped through the bubble, and landed safely on the ground,” the Doctor explained, “The Seals have great technologies.”

“So, what planet are we on?” Georgia asked.
“The planet Satratiqua. Look there’s Patrick!” the Doctor said, pointing at the ceiling, “And his friends, it looks like they’ve got loads of fish!”
“Doctor, have they cooked the fish, ‘cause I don’t want to eat any raw fish,” Georgia explained, “Brian tried some once and he was in hospital the next day.”
“Doctor, they do cook the fish, right?” Conner asked.
“Now I come to think of it Brian was attacked by a cat who wanted the fish, but still, raw fish caused the problem,” Georgia said. Patrick and the other Seals were swarming above the bubble. Suddenly, Patrick seemed to slip through the bubble and into the room. He floated down slowly and landed safely on the floor. He was carrying four large fish in his flippers.

“Top o’ the mornin’ to you,” the Doctor said to Patrick.
“I hope you all got here safely,” Patrick said.
“Yes thank you,” Georgia replied.
“Please choose your fish and we will batter them,” Patrick told Georgia and Conner.
“Oh yay, I love batter, that one,” Conner said, pointing at the longest fish.
“As I am healthy I’ll go with the biggest fish, because fish are healthy,” Georgia said and Conner rolled his eyes.
“I’ll have that one,” the Doctor said, pointing at the 3rd fish.
“I’ll be back in a min,” Patrick said, sliding across the room, towards a white door in the wall.
“Do we get chips?” Georgia asked.
“Possibly, depends whether their head chef is in a good mood,” the Doctor answered.
“I used to cook things in the bakery, I remember when I burnt all the sausage roles, but it was because Mrs Parsons was taking ages to choose which doughnut she wanted,” Georgia commented. Suddenly, a Pelican waddled into the room. It had a huge deep yellow beak and small yellow beady eyes.

“Hello,” the Doctor said to the Pelican.
“Oh my God, it’s like a barrel-beaked-thing on legs,” Georgia commented.
“Georgia,” the Doctor hissed.
“Have you seen Patrick, or any other of the main Seals?” the Pelican asked.
“No, I haven’t, why?” the Doctor asked.
“There’s a tsunami heading this way, a 100 metre high one,” the Pelican replied.
“WHAT?” Georgia exclaimed, “Now I’m gonna get killed by a tsunami.”
“Let’s get the fish and run for it,” Conner suggested, as Patrick walked back into the room carrying three battered fish on plates.

“Oh yay, no wait I just remembered about the tsunami,” Georgia said.
“Pelly, what’s goin’ on?” Patrick asked the Pelican.
“There’s a tsunami,” Pelly explained, “Second biggest recorded this year.”
“Oh no, you three had better get out of here,” Patrick told the Doctor, Georgia and Conner.
“But we haven’t had our chat about old times,” the Doctor told Patrick.
“And more importantly we haven’t had our fish,” Georgia said.
“Do you want to die?” Conner asked.
“But the Doctor said that the bubble can never pop,” Georgia replied.
“In tsunamis enough pressure builds up so it does pop,” Patrick explained, “Sit tight you two, I’ll send you up to the beach.”

“The TARDIS will be safe, you’ve got your keys, right?” the Doctor said.
“Yeah,” Georgia replied, and Patrick slid over to the wall, where there was a keypad, and he typed something into the keypad. In a second Georgia and Conner shot out of their seats and through the bubble. They appeared on the beach, now soaking wet.
“And we never got out fish,” Georgia moaned.
“Oh my God!” Conner uttered, staring with a shocked expression at the gargantuan wave in the distance, “The Seals will all die, their homes and everything...”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine, remember, they have these several times a year, Pelly said this was only the second biggest this year,” Georgia replied.
“Then what was the biggest?” Conner asked.
“Into the TARDIS, come on,” Georgia told Conner and they both rushed inside, after Georgia unlocked the door with her key.

In the Seal dining room below, the Doctor was frantically typing something into the keypad, while Patrick and Pelly dragged furniture out of the bubble-roofed room.
“Doctor, you need to get up there now, this whole place fills with water in the event of a tsunami,” Patrick explained, “Pelly, you’d best be going too.”
“But I have to protect you,” the Doctor told Patrick.
“We’ll be fine Doctor, we’re used to this happening; the tsunami is about to drain this place, now go!” Patrick snapped. The Doctor looked up and sure enough the water above the bubble was vanishing, to join the tsunami wave now getting close to the beach.
“The wave will destroy this place,” the Doctor said.
“You speak highly of our technologies, but you have no faith in them, we’ll be fine,” Patrick told the Doctor, “The bubble will pop and this room may be damaged, but most of our city will be fine.”
“Hurry up, Doctor!” Pelly called as he slipped out of the bubble and flew high into the sky. The Doctor sat down and Patrick typed on the keypad, so the doctor was sent up to the beach.

“OH MY GOD!” Conner said, staring out of the TARDIS door.
“Conner, close the door!” Georgia snapped.
“The sea’s being drained,” Conner said in a shocked voice.
“Tsunamis do that, you twit. I know that and I failed Geography!” Georgia whined.

“But where’s the Doctor?” Conner moaned, “The waves nearly here!”
“There!” Georgia yelled, as she saw the Doctor appear on the beach suddenly.
“Come on Doctor!” Conner shouted, as the area became covered in shadow of the giant wave.
“DOCTOR MOVE YOUR ARSE!” Georgia shrieked, as the Doctor ran towards the TARDIS and Conner pulled him inside, as Georgia closed the door, as the tsunami hit the beach, causing the TARDIS to shake incredibly. The TARDIS seemed to turn on its side and the Doctor made his way to the console as Georgia screamed.

“What’s going on?” Conner asked the Doctor, over the roar of the wave, which could be heard rom outside.
“Well... surf’s up!” the Doctor said, grinning, as he clutched the console.


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