Friday 4 June 2010

Episode 4: Attila Part 1

A roar erupted from the west of the Germanic town and Eden Marsh awoke screaming. Humbert calmed her down, then immediately got out of bed and put on a pair of boots.

“What’s going on?” Eden asked, obviously terrified, “What was that sound?”
“It sounded like a roar, but not of an animal,” Humbert replied.
“What else can roar?” Eden replied, in a high-pitched voice.
“An army,” Humbert answered solemnly. Humbert ran out of the room and ran through the next room, where he found the front door in the dark. He opened the front door, and rushed out onto the dirty street, where many people were standing, craning their necks. Everyone was looking in the direction of the west gate.

“What’s going on?” Humbert asked Ezio, a soldier and a friend of Humbert’s.
“It’s an army, a large army, we have no chance,” Ezio replied.
“Then, we’re going to have to surrender?” Humbert questioned.
“Or flee,” Ezio muttered.
“It’s the Huns!” someone screamed, and suddenly there was a large banging noise, and another loud roar from the edge of the city.
“Run!” someone yelled.
“Get out of here!” another shrieked, as the army surged into view, and people began fleeing in all directions.

“We need to go now,” Ezio told Humbert.
“But my wife…” Humbert began, but the Huns were nearly upon them. Ezio grabbed Humbert’s arm and tried to pull him away from the Huns.
“I can’t leave her!” Humbert yelled.
“We have to go, or you’ll both get killed, you’ve heard the stories, the Huns are vicious,” Ezio said, “Come on!” Ezio and Humbert ran as fast as they could, as the Huns grew closer and closer. Several minutes later, Attila the Hun stood in the centre of the town, and gazed over his soldiers.

“This town is claimed by the Huns!” Attila yelled, so all could hear him.
“THE HUNS! THE HUNS! THE HUNS!” Attila’s army chanted.

A thin bluey-grey coloured alien, with a long pointed head was sitting at a desk. His name was General Nay, and he was smiling. He looked up as Vasray marched in, with a smirk on his face. General Nay looked at Vasray with a questioning look.
“He’s here,” Vasray said, smiling.
“At last,” General Nay hissed.


“Here we are, Thailand 675th Century,” the Doctor announced, before adding, “Home to the current King of England, strangely.”
“It’d better be Thailand,” Georgia snapped, as she peered into the TARDIS screen hopefully, but the screen was not showing the TARDIS’s surroundings.
“It will be, I promise,” the Doctor said smiling.

Vasray marched into General Nay’s control room with a serious expression on his face. General Nay had been very happy for the last few days, ever since the Huns had invaded Tointraken, but now Vasray had to spoil his master’s happiness.

“Sir, I have bad news,” Vasray said.
“What is it?” General Nay asked, as a frown drifted across his face.
“Something has arrived,” Vasray replied, “Our scans detected it.”
“Nothing can spoil my plans now, not when we’re so close to what we need,” General Nay hissed, “What is this something?”
“A spaceship, sir, its landed in the town,” Vasray explained.
“Then find it!” General Nay snapped, “Get the guards to do it, Attila can order them to go where this ship has landed.”
“But what if the owner of the ship tries to kill the guards?” Vasray questioned.
“Do a search for weaponry, if they have weapons, give the guards better weapons,” General Nay snapped.
“Wouldn’t it be easier if I get Nayragar soldiers to do it,” Vasray suggested.
“The town is very busy, and your presence would go noticed, and we do not have any brain washing facilities,” General Nay said, “Now get out.”

“Well I don’t want to go out first, I have felt disappointment before now,” Georgia said, crossing her arms.
“Same here,” Conner moaned.
“Well, it’s about time I went out first,” the Doctor said smiling, “You’ve been hogging the get-out-first feeling ever since you joined me.”
“You’ve done it loads before,” Georgia snapped, “Before us.”
“I did have companions before you, who also hogged that feeling...” the Doctor muttered.
“Oh yes, your exes, because I love conversations about them,” Georgia said sarcastically, and Conner grinned. The Doctor ignored them and stepped out of the TARDIS onto a busy street. He ran into the TARDIS smiling widely.

“We’re actually in the right place?” Georgia asked grinning.
“No,” the Doctor exclaimed.
“Oh yay,” Georgia said in a deeply sarcastic voice.
“Hey stop stealing my sarcasm,” Conner replied.
“Shut up Conner,” Georgia snapped, “Go on then Doctor, where are we?”
“We’re in the 5th Century,” the Doctor said, still smiling.
“Isn’t that like, when barbarians ruled the Earth and the Roman Empire failed?” Conner asked.
“No, but what people don’t understand is that they weren’t all barbarian,” the Doctor explained, “Even if places weren’t part of the Roman Empire, there were other clever people, and this town outside is an example, its very-well built, all right they probably don’t have heating in the floors, and they probably don’t have baths as such, but it looks very civilised.” Georgia and Conner followed the Doctor out of the TARDIS, and looked around.
“Ooh,” Georgia muttered. They could see a few people selling things, but there were few other people around. The houses were white and clay-coloured, with shutters over the windows. They were in a small street, with arches and different roads leading off it.

“Prunes, buy some prunes! Please buy some!” a seller called at them.
“No, we aren’t looking for prunes today,” Georgia called in a posh voice.
“Georgia, why are you putting on that voice?” Conner asked.
“Well, these people are like peasants, and I... I don’t know,” Georgia replied.
“I’ll buy some prunes,” the Doctor told the seller, who smiled gratefully at him. The Doctor put his hand in one of his pockets and pulled out some money.
“I’m sorry sir, we aren’t taking that money now, we’ve changed currency,” the seller replied.
“Oh, what currency do you take?” the Doctor asked.
“Hun currency,” the seller answered, bowing his head.
“Huns??” Georgia exclaimed, “But they’re like evil barbarians, aren’t they?”
“Be quiet,” the seller snapped.
“Are they looking at me?” Georgia asked nervously.
“Not right now, but there are a couple of Hun soldiers coming now,” the seller muttered.
“Did they hear me?” Georgia squeaked.
“I don’t think so, but they look angry,” the Doctor said, as five Hun soldiers carrying spears and wearing metal helmets appeared from under an archway.

“Let’s go,” Conner muttered.
“Into my house, come on,” the seller told them, and he showed them inside the house he was standing next to. Once inside, he ran over to the shutters and peeped through. The Doctor ran over to him and peered out too, while Conner shut the door behind Georgia.
“They’re standing around the TARDIS,” the Doctor told Georgia and Conner.
“That blue box?” the seller asked.
“Yes, that blue box, what was your name?” the Doctor asked.
“Humbert,” the seller answered.
“Are the Huns the reason everyone is so scared?” the Doctor questioned.
“Yes, they attacked and everyone fled, I left my wife, now I don’t know where she is,” Humbert explained, “The Huns let us stay, but they’ve taken over the guard and now the town is entirely under Attila’s control.”
“Don’t tell me that Attila the bloody Hun is here?” Georgia hissed.
“Yes, he’s quite infamous I’ve heard,” Humbert replied.
“He is that,” the Doctor replied, “Although, he was alright really, liked pulling people apart, but other than that, he was a nice chap.”
“What do you mean was?” Humbert said confused.
“I mean is,” the Doctor said smiling.

“Doctor, why are they standing around the TARDIS?” Conner asked.
“Because they think it looks nice,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“Georgia, that wasn’t even a good sarcastic quote,” Conner said, “If you’re going to steal my amazing ability then don’t use it for stupid comments.”
“You do it all the time,” Georgia snapped.

“The Huns can’t know that it’s a time machine,” the Doctor muttered.
“What’s a time machine?” Humbert questioned.
“It’s like a... clock,” the Doctor said.
“A what?” Humbert said, raising his eyebrows.
“You know what, don’t worry about it,” the Doctor said.

“The Huns have found the ship,” Vasray announced, marching into General Nay’s control room. General Nay was looking around at different screens and surveying the area through them. He had placed security cameras all around the area, and hoped that no stupid Human would see them, or realise what they were.

“Excellent, what about the passengers?” General Nay replied.
“They can’t find them sir, but they did notice a few people acting suspicious earlier,” Vasray answered, “I don’t understand sir, why do they need to be taken care of?”
“Because if they interfere with our plans, then this planet will never be ours,” General Nay snarled, “And we need this planet, we can’t return home without taking over this planet.”
“But surely, as it is so primitive, we can just...” Vasray began.
“We will die, long before every Human on this Earth is killed, we need the weapon and the wielder,” General Nay explained, “I need to check something.” General Nay stood up and left the room, followed closely by Vasray. They walked along a corridor and through a room full of guns and gas masks. General Nay then walked up to another door.

“Sir, you need a mask to go onto the planets surface,” Vasray said.
“I can stay out there for a couple of minutes without dying I assure you, I need to contact the spaceship,” General Nay snapped.
“You can do that from inside,” Vasray whined.
“Silence!” General Nay hissed, “I want to go on the planet’s surface, just because it’s nice to feel my new home’s ground beneath my feet.”
“Sorry,” Vasray muttered, as General Nay opened the door, and walked up the stone steps leading from it, until he reached ground level.

“NAY12, this is General Nay, operation ATSWOR is commencing, please land in the marked area,” General Nay said into his communicator.

The Hun soldiers were still stood stationary outside the TARDIS with their spears out and their swords drawn. Georgia and Conner exchanged glances whenever the Doctor wondered aloud when they should leave.

“Not that I’m complaining, Humbert, you have a lovely house here,” the Doctor commented, “But I really think we should go.”
“But Doctor, how are we supposed to get them away from the TARDIS, so we can get inside?” Georgia asked.
“I’ll talk to them,” the Doctor replied.
“The obvious approach,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“That was quite good,” Conner commented.
“Are you sure you want to go out there?” Humbert asked, “I don’t think those Huns look safe.”
“I’m sure they’re very nice, under their nasty guard duties look... thing,” the Doctor finished lamely, and Georgia rolled her eyes, while Conner sighed.
“All right,” Humbert muttered, “Don’t involve me in anything, please.”
“I won’t and I’ll try to find your wife, don’t think I‘ve forgotten,” the Doctor told Humbert.
“I think she’s dead,” Humbert muttered.
“Maybe she’s just been made a slave or something to Attila,” Georgia said.
“Georgia, I am not letting you near Attila the Hun, you’ll spoil history and end up killing him,” the Doctor told Georgia, “Anyway, nice to meet you.” The Doctor left the house, followed closely by Georgia and Conner, who closed the door behind them.

“Hello, nice to meet you,” the Doctor told the Huns, as he walked up to them smiling, with his hands in his pockets.
“Who are you?” a Hun soldier said slowly.
“I’m the Doctor, do you like shaking hands, you’ll have to put your sword away first though, unless your right handed in which case, goodbye spear,” the Doctor said happily, as a Hun lunged forward and attempted to grab the Doctor.
“Many things about this are not good,” the Doctor told Georgia and Conner, as he backed away from the Huns, whose swords and spears were pointing directly at them.

“RUN!” Conner exclaimed, as more Huns appeared.
“You don’t say,” Georgia said sarcastically.
“Shut up!” Conner growled, before he, Georgia and the Doctor sprinted away from the Huns, who were soon hot on their heels. They ran under an arch then down a busier street, where Conner collided with a chicken seller, and Georgia was attacked by a runaway chicken. The people fled when they saw the Huns coming.
“DOCTOR!” Georgia shrieked, when she realised the Doctor had taken a different turning.
“Split up! Meet by the TARDIS... later!” the Doctor called after them, as Conner and Georgia headed for the west gate of the town. They ran under an arch and then down another street, but the Huns were right behind them.

The Doctor, meanwhile, ran down an alley between houses and he ended up in the town centre, where the Hun soldiers surrounded him. One of the soldiers grabbed the Doctor’s arm and pulled him into the crowd of soldiers, who hoisted them above their heads.
“We are going to pull you apart!” a Hun soldier said nastily.



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